Water Fasting and Keto Recipe



  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    HHmmm....I delayed my response to your invitation since I'm not sure I can fast without coffee due to the caffeine withdrawal and resulting headaches. But if I could still have black coffee, I could probably do this. I meet all the requirements already, but tend to spread out my exercise throughout the week with longer periods on the weekends. I am wanting to get back into surge training though, that's higher intensity than I usually do. I could do that on Saturdays.

    I also joined the September challenge on the LCD group and will get back to ZC, but Dan's plan should be doable while ZC.
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
    We can be the coffee drinking guinea pigs!
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    I like the way we are building up to this...makes it seem more exciting with the big reveal!
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Plus Dan if you are worried I am going to blame you if I don't lose weight or fail in some way, don't be. I'm responsible for deciding to take your advice and for everything else. So it's all on me. I think Tuesday will be my fasting day and Thursday my exercise day so I still get to do my zumba.

  • Astharteea
    Astharteea Posts: 105 Member
    All sounds perfect. Should we start?!

    Oh, btw...I keep getting this error
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I'd like to try this but I am a bit nervous because I've never fasted successfully before beyond about 20 hours. I'm curious though so I may go for it.

    My concern is the exercise thing. I don't exercise much now, beyond an occasional walk, but in the next few weeks, my kids sports seasons start up and I am coaching 3 sports on 4 days a week. It's for young kids so I get pretty active with them, and pretty sweaty with the older kid's basketball team. How will that throw things off for me if I try your fasting plan, if I set it up so my most active day is your 6?

    Or maybe I should just try it right away before the sports start up.... but that will affect my procrastination (she whined). ;)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Plus Dan if you are worried I am going to blame you if I don't lose weight or fail in some way, don't be. I'm responsible for deciding to take your advice and for everything else. So it's all on me. I think Tuesday will be my fasting day and Thursday my exercise day so I still get to do my zumba.

    I'll blame you, Dan. LOL ;)
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    nicintime wrote: »
    We can be the coffee drinking guinea pigs!

    Ok, you're on !
  • Everlost_
    Everlost_ Posts: 12 Member
    I'm not your ideal guinea pig as I am not stalling or near my goal weight but every Thursday, you peak my interest with your fasting day. Sounds like fun. Not a problem if you don't want to include my numbers in your findings for this test.

    1) Keto adapted - yes, hunger and carb cravings are long gone.
    2) Exercise - I'll try, breathing issues.
    3) Weigh daily - I do this already.
    4) Log daily - I do this as well.
    5) Water fast - I do 16/8 everyday now, why not 36
    6) Feedback - sure, sure
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I never did answer your questions. Oops.

    1) Keto adapted - I should be. I'm about 10 weeks in.
    2) Exercise - Can do.
    3) Weigh yourself daily - I too do this already.
    4) Log your food - No problem.
    5)Water fast for a min 30 hrs - I "think" I can do. LOL
    6) Feedback - You bet.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    As I said before, I would think coffee can be ok on the Fast day. I think its a diuretic. If you don't add butter, or coconut oil, its only a couple calories, so it qualifies as being ok on this regimen.

    And YOU DON'T HAVE to exercise! I didn't start exercising AT ALL until a couple months ago. I have lost a lot of weight without exercise.

    Oh, I added the recipe, its started on another discussion.... start asking your questions after you read all 7 days.

  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Plus Dan if you are worried I am going to blame you if I don't lose weight or fail in some way, don't be. I'm responsible for deciding to take your advice and for everything else. So it's all on me. I think Tuesday will be my fasting day and Thursday my exercise day so I still get to do my zumba.

    I'll blame you, Dan. LOL ;)

    LOL! :)

    Go to read my disclaimer on the "recipe".
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Plus Dan if you are worried I am going to blame you if I don't lose weight or fail in some way, don't be. I'm responsible for deciding to take your advice and for everything else. So it's all on me. I think Tuesday will be my fasting day and Thursday my exercise day so I still get to do my zumba.

    I'll blame you, Dan. LOL ;)

    LOL! :)

    Go to read my disclaimer on the "recipe".

    Ah darn. He's got his bases covered. ;)
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    I am interested, but not low enough keto right now so will just follow along to see how it works for everyone! I do want to try but will delay till after my vacation in Australia -- going to Perth, wine country south of there, and will likely not be low carb during that. This will be a great way to recover after I get back, I think. best of luck to everyone. Thanks Dan!
  • keelybird57
    keelybird57 Posts: 63 Member
    I've been low-ish carb for a few weeks(>100). Spent the holiday weekend adjusting to >25 carbs. Feeling OK. So to answer questions:
    1) Keto adapted - yes, I believe so.
    2) Exercise - intense 1 day a week. Yes.
    3) Weigh daily - I'll comply
    4) Log food - doing this
    5) Water fast for min. 30 hours - I think I can do this. I'm here to find out!
    6) Feedback - sure!
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    edited September 2015
    camtosh wrote: »
    I am interested, but not low enough keto right now so will just follow along to see how it works for everyone! I do want to try but will delay till after my vacation in Australia -- going to Perth, wine country south of there, and will likely not be low carb during that. This will be a great way to recover after I get back, I think. best of luck to everyone. Thanks Dan!

    I encourage you to do that very thing... Use it as a "recovery tool".

    When I went to China, I tried foods that weren't keto. You won't see them in my diary, well because, I didn't log them and half the time, I didn't know what the heck they were. Yes, I did know they were starchy BAD carbs. But I was in China, and was going to "take it all in" the good with the bad, I wanted to taste different foods, it was a "chance of a lifetime" moment. I probably fell out of ketosis, for all I know. Fortunately, I was walking a lot and maybe that saved me.

    So consequently I gained about 6ish lbs. I was so worried. But the first week back, I did my normal fasting and WHOOSH, about 6 1/2 pounds went flushed off of me after the very first fast! I was one happy camper. :smile:


  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    edited September 2015
    DittoDan wrote: »
    nannersp61 wrote: »
    there is no way I can do this. I have to eat, fasting on only water would totally screw with my ability to function. Thanks for the information, though.

    Hi Nanner,

    I looked at your diary. You had 393 grams of carbs the other day, and 200+ the day before. I am not sure how you found me and made me your friend, because I am a Keto (Low carb) guy. If you adapted a low carb lifestyle, you wouldn't have the hunger pains. It would be like you say, "totally screw with your ability to function". But as most ketoers know, going many hours without eating is VERY routine. Why? because the heavy carb eating is what's making your hunger so intense.

    I would invite you NOT to try my Fasting "recipe", but try being Keto/low carb. Start out by eating less than 100 grams per day carbs, then work downwards.


    Update. Nanner left this group after she posted this. She probably became my friend because she saw my 100 lbs lost discussion on the "My Successful Weight Loss Story" in the main forums.

    I did copy what I wrote above and sent it to her personally.

    I SO understand her statement! That was me a year ago. The thought of not eating more than a FEW hours terrified me. When I was a carb eater, I couldn't figure how other people could go 6 hours without eating...at my office, I had snacks in my desk, food in the fridge, I was never more than a few feet away from food. Almost 99% of it was carbage. I thought I was genetically screwed up, and damaged BEYOND recovery. All my family is fat. Mom, dad, my two brothers and sister.

    I thank God for Him helping me find the Ketogenic diet. It's surreal, God has known all along how I have I wanted to be like a normal person. Do you remember the story where Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac? Abraham was going to stab his son with a knife. Then at the very last second, God spoke and told him not to do it... I had signed up for Bariatric Surgery, ready to "offer up" my stomach, but on the day I met with the Bariatric Program Manager, she re-introduced me to MFP and said I had to lose weight as a prerequisite to get the surgery. I had the Phinney & Volek" book and started Keto that day, August 29th, 2014.

    I then went to the Keto Discussion group and many many fine people helped me (and later LCD). Since then I have dedicated many hours to helping people with Keto. The "water fasting" aspect came from a book that was given to me on fasting in 1978ish. All the wonderful health benefits you derive from water fasting. I put the two together early on in my journey. Now, I have done it so many times and honed it and have been able to "reproduce the same results" over and over, that I felt it's time to share this also.

    I started this group more than a month ago, but was only recently able to post this stuff now (China got in the way). But now looking back, China was just one more stepping stone that God put in my path on my recovery of my fitness. I walked and walked and stair climbed (real stairs) ~ so much so that as I have said before: if you had told me a year ago that I would be 103 lbs down and walking 5-6 miles, I WOULD OF HAD YOU COMMITTED! Heck, I had trouble tying my shoes I was so fat and out of shape! One time at "hay ride" I rolled off the back of the hay trailer, I couldn't get up off the ground, I didn't have enough strength! My daughter had to help me up. I hate even saying this, all you skinny people that never were morbidly obese, may disbelieve me, but I'll bet you that there are people on LCD and Keto that can say amen to me!

    It was never fun being that fat and I always hated it. It robbed me of YEARS of my life. Being a slave to food was a horrible way of eating.

    Ok, gotta go to work now, sorry for such a long post.

    Thank you for being My Fitness Pals. :)

    Dan the Man from Michigan

  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    edited September 2015
    DittoDan wrote: »
    So consequently I gained about 6ish lbs. I was so worried. But the first week back, I did my normal fasting and WHOOSH, about 6 1/2 pounds went flushed off of me after the very first fast! I was one happy camper. :smile:


    That is wonderful to hear! Yes, I intend to enjoy my travels -- stopping in Singapore on the way for 2 days, and the main thing to do there apparently is EAT! but will mostly choose lower carb stuff if I can. I just feel better on low carb eating. No point in eating things that will leave me feeling worse... :)
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    I'm gonna try the fasting tomorrow. How do I log the "I lost xxx lbs using the Poseidon water diet" (assuming I do lose!) . I'm not clever at personalizing mfp.

    PS can I have a marmite (weird British yeast extract) drink when fasting do you think to keep the sodium up? I think it would help me feel like I was getting a proper break at lunch at work.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm gonna try the fasting tomorrow. How do I log the "I lost xxx lbs using the Poseidon water diet" (assuming I do lose!) . I'm not clever at personalizing mfp.

    PS can I have a marmite (weird British yeast extract) drink when fasting do you think to keep the sodium up? I think it would help me feel like I was getting a proper break at lunch at work.
    burned XXXX calories doing the Poseidon 100 Fat Burning Water Fast, XX hours

    For the XXXX calories, multiply the amount of pounds you lost by 3,500 (one pound of fat = 3,500 calories burned).

    For XX hours, put the amount of hours your fast lasted.

    Lets say you lose 3 lbs. on a 36 hr. fast:

    3 x 3500 = 10,500

    So you will write in your status report:

    burned 10,500 calories doing the Poseidon 100 Fat Burning Water Fast, 36 hours

    You don't "pick" an exercise or nothing like that. You still log your weight like you normally do on MFP.

    That should do it.