Today, I...



  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    tiaj013 wrote: »
    Today has been tough for me

    Sorry to hear that and I hope tomorrow is better. Today I went to the pond and fed the ducks, we gave our big pup a bath, hubby grilled steaks and I made a peach crisp to go along with our Blue Bell Ice cream. Wednesday is my birthday and I plan on celebrating all week, just have to watch the calories and make sure I exercise.

    Today I also made blueberry peach crisp at work. :D
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    tiaj013 wrote: »
    Today has been tough for me
    I hope your day is better☺ my dad always used to say if you look hard enough you can find good in everything.
  • akumal987
    akumal987 Posts: 9 Member
    Today I am committing to actually doing what I need to do to lose weight!
  • kaysday
    kaysday Posts: 256 Member
    Today was a good day for me diet and exercise wise. I didn't lose focus. I feel great about that! More days like this to come. Wish me luck
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    tiaj013 wrote: »
    Today has been tough for me

    Sorry to hear that and I hope tomorrow is better. Today I went to the pond and fed the ducks, we gave our big pup a bath, hubby grilled steaks and I made a peach crisp to go along with our Blue Bell Ice cream. Wednesday is my birthday and I plan on celebrating all week, just have to watch the calories and make sure I exercise.

    Living in Japan means it's Wednesday for me, so Happy Birthday! :) Now you definitely have an excuse for having at least 2 birthday days ;)
  • bloomelle
    bloomelle Posts: 9 Member
    Today I started c25k to get back into my routine of running. I have made my lunch for tomorrow and hit my steps goal! Good day for me!
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    bloomelle wrote: »
    Today I started c25k to get back into my routine of running. I have made my lunch for tomorrow and hit my steps goal! Good day for me!

    That's awesome, great job!

    I started strength training again today; i have been extremely lazy for the past week and a half, after only a week of doing it religiously again. But this morning i got up, and as i am on a late shift, fit some in. Just got to stay motivated to make this part of my daily weekday routine again!
  • sealightdolphin
    sealightdolphin Posts: 43 Member
    Today I am going to get up and go to the store and go pay bills. Yesterday spent the morning in ER with my daughter, and caught the virus she has.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    edited September 2015
    Today going shopping for shoes for my nephews wedding this weekend. As of today i am Going to save calories so i don't feel bad for eating exta calories at the wedding. Also going to lunch with friends and i will pick out a low calorie low fat entree.
  • unigirl143
    unigirl143 Posts: 126 Member
    Today I purged my dresser of my baggy clothes. I've bought a few things recently that were 3 sizes smaller than I was thinking I was fitting because all of my stuff is so big. My goal is to buy something super nice/sexy for my birthday date with my husband in January.
  • golgoroo
    golgoroo Posts: 69 Member
    Today I got up early to get in 10,000 steps on the elliptical before leaving for work!
  • viciouslitany
    viciouslitany Posts: 187 Member
    so happy everyone is trying their best to make it through! and getting rid of BIG clothes is a BIG deal! (yeah, I'm proud of myself for that.)

    today, I dyed my hair and got my eyebrows done and saw a loss on the scale. so today, I felt really good about myself and I can't wait for the first official weigh in next week.
  • akumal987
    akumal987 Posts: 9 Member
    Today I am going to get up and go to the store and go pay bills. Yesterday spent the morning in ER with my daughter, and caught the virus she has.

    So sorry your daughter was sick in the ER! And bummer you are now sick too :( But good job getting up and being productive!!
  • akumal987
    akumal987 Posts: 9 Member
    unigirl143 wrote: »
    Today I purged my dresser of my baggy clothes. I've bought a few things recently that were 3 sizes smaller than I was thinking I was fitting because all of my stuff is so big. My goal is to buy something super nice/sexy for my birthday date with my husband in January.

    Fun/sexy/nice clothes are always a good treat!!!!
  • ellejay29
    ellejay29 Posts: 11 Member
    Today I joined this group. Already feeling better for taking a step in the right direction. Going to gym later to see if they can help me with an exercise programme...even if it's just core.
  • unigirl143
    unigirl143 Posts: 126 Member
    ellejay29 wrote: »
    Today I joined this group. Already feeling better for taking a step in the right direction. Going to gym later to see if they can help me with an exercise programme...even if it's just core.

    I've learned any step is a good step. I started walking on the track that surrounds the gym at my local community center, and dancing to Zumba Wii at home. Now I'm feeling good enough to actually take the Zumba class that I pass on my walk in the mornings. I'm amazed at the boost to my self esteem; I would never have considered joining a class last year.
  • nancypnurse
    nancypnurse Posts: 123 Member
    Today I started going through my transition of summer to winter clothes. Filled a garbage bag full that are now to big and gave to the church. Felt good to give and gave me motivation to keep up on my journey. I used to hold on to clothes "in case" I gained back. Broke the habit today because I have no intentions of "in case".

    Oh, this is wonderful! I am thinking of doing the same thing this month. I need to go through not only my "fat clothes", but all the "skinny clothes" that I thought would still be in style when I reached a smaller size again-- haha....
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    I LOVE reading all the positive really is motivational to stick to my caloric plan and try to get my exercising in....even with a bum foot! Great job to all!!! And a big CONGRATS to those who are losing the weight now!!
  • I_can_do_this2
    I_can_do_this2 Posts: 294 Member
    Yesterday I reminded myself that one mistake doesn't ruin the entire day. I ate more than I planned at breakfast and was feeling upset with myself. I then went to the gym, went for a long walk and prepared a nice healthy dinner with grapes for a bedtime snack. I completely salvaged the day - after a rocky start, it ended as a successful day. I need to remind myself that it's never too late to do the right thing!
  • Nance_61
    Nance_61 Posts: 24 Member
    Today I joined this group ... added 5 minutes on the treadmill this morning ... and found 0% yogurt on sale for $1.99 ... and this group is going to help me a lot!!! Thank you!