Today, I...



  • StrawberryDisco
    StrawberryDisco Posts: 27 Member
    Another today (yesterday) I decided to save my bus money and walked to the store to run some errands and walk back. It was about a 4 mile total trip and I burned quite a few calories. I also got some important things done and had a productive day.
  • Gigagnat
    Gigagnat Posts: 22 Member
    Today I joined this challenge. Hello friends.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited September 2015
    Today I am off to a doctors appointment in the city. So will park at the far end of the parking lots when I stop to shop.... until my 88 year old mother in law gives me heck for parking so far
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 398 Member
    Today I woke up at 5 am to do my workout before work! Insanity day 2 complete!
  • Nance_61
    Nance_61 Posts: 24 Member
    Today (and yesterday) have been extremely stressful at work and at home. I'm running on fumes from a poor night's sleep, however still went to the gym and am holding the line with my food. The "old me" might have bent under the pressure and gone straight for a poor food choice ... but I'm going to do my darndest not to let that happen. Articulating that I've chosen to make a "better" choice and reading your posts, definitely helps! Onward and upward!
  • kathrynlethig
    kathrynlethig Posts: 13 Member
    Today I saw a loss on the scale, have for the most part stuck to my diet- though I did have an oatmeal cookie I need to log, did kids yoga with my daughters, and did 30 minutes of zumba. Feeling good!
  • mary6468
    mary6468 Posts: 44 Member
    Today marked one week of faithfully logging my food. And only two days of being over but just by a few calories.
  • shylady76
    shylady76 Posts: 134 Member
    I did some much needed housework tonight after having no energy last night to do anything.
  • EandA85
    EandA85 Posts: 63 Member
    Today I started out my day without planning my meals and got waaaay offtrack by lunch. But I logged everything, madr adjustments at dinner and then added an extra walk with my workout and ended up under for the day!
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Today I did body pump at the gym and laughed at my push up attempts:) can't wait to be strong enough to do them! Going to keep at it:)
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    As a means of measuring my progress (other than strictly by the scale) and providing inspiration, I buy a pair of pants 1 size smaller than I currently wear. I try them on every Monday. This is really helpful when the scale won't move - you can see the progress even though the numbers aren't there. This past weekend, I was able to wear my Size 12 jeans - for the first time in maybe 20 years. I felt like a super-model!! Woot! Woot! Now, I'm off to buy Size 10s.

    That's a really good idea!

    I like that idea too!

  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    Today I felt frustrated that I haven't seen the scale move in over a week although I have been under calories everyday and in the gym for an 1.5 hours at 6 am 6 out of the last 7 days. So I took my frustration out on the elliptical and got 3 miles done in under 40 minutes. Better then seeking solace in the fridge
  • unigirl143
    unigirl143 Posts: 126 Member
    Today I walked at our community center with a friend (Angel2161) we walked our normal 3 miles and threw in a jogging lap every 1/2 mile or so :D.
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    As a means of measuring my progress (other than strictly by the scale) and providing inspiration, I buy a pair of pants 1 size smaller than I currently wear. I try them on every Monday. This is really helpful when the scale won't move - you can see the progress even though the numbers aren't there. This past weekend, I was able to wear my Size 12 jeans - for the first time in maybe 20 years. I felt like a super-model!! Woot! Woot! Now, I'm off to buy Size 10s.

    Great going, well done x :)
  • Nance_61
    Nance_61 Posts: 24 Member
    ... weighed myself and am only down by .5 a pound. The old me would have figured that was permission to binge out and feel sorry for myself. Not now ... down, and not up, is always a good thing! Happy Hump Day all!
  • Gigagnat
    Gigagnat Posts: 22 Member
    Today I'm staying motivated by reading about all of YOUR victories. Thank you to the group. I really need this.
  • sarahrosebinder
    sarahrosebinder Posts: 35 Member
    Today I worked out before going to work rather then waiting til after dinner and possibly being to tired. I was very proud of myself!
  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    Today I decided that while eating better and working out are great, quitting smoking would help my cause. I truly don't know why I continue to smoke, I don't enjoy it anymore, I think it's more for the social aspect (talk with co-workers and friends). I have less than half a pack to go and I'm done. Here's to staying on track and not stuffing my face with my newly found tastebuds!!
  • Smallerjojo2015
    Smallerjojo2015 Posts: 97 Member
    Today I have been looking into maybe joining a gym
    It's a big thing to think about
    I am hoping the gym will let me join as I have asthma, high blood pressure and type two diabetes
    I have lost a lot of weight 89lbs but still have a lot more to lose
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 398 Member
    Today I decided that while eating better and working out are great, quitting smoking would help my cause. I truly don't know why I continue to smoke, I don't enjoy it anymore, I think it's more for the social aspect (talk with co-workers and friends). I have less than half a pack to go and I'm done. Here's to staying on track and not stuffing my face with my newly found tastebuds!!

    Best of luck! Quitting smoking is probably the best thing you can do for your health, so its awesome that you are taking that power back!