


  • misznikk
    misznikk Posts: 10 Member
    Hello ! I'm Nicole and I'm a college student and working mom to an energetic 3 year old boy. I initially worked my butt off to lose 20 pounds right after I had my son, but now I'm ready to get back at it and lose that last 10-15 to get to my goal weight of about 120.
  • alixzina
    alixzina Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone im a mom of 3 kiddos my oldest is 3 middle is 1 1/2 and youngest is 4months. i gained like 45-50lbs everytime i start losing weight i end up pregnant
  • Eles697
    Eles697 Posts: 113 Member
    alixzina wrote: »
    Hi everyone im a mom of 3 kiddos my oldest is 3 middle is 1 1/2 and youngest is 4months. i gained like 45-50lbs everytime i start losing weight i end up pregnant

    That was my problem between my first and second! I got pregnant when number 1 was 6 months old so I still had some extra weight (and still have now after #3). At least I lost everything with #2, or I'd be a lot worse off...
  • adawn1981
    adawn1981 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! I have a 21 month old and a 3 month old. I'm blaming the toddler. I've lost what I gained with my baby but still need to lose the rest of what I gained with my oldest. Plus the toddler drives me crazy all day so it's her fault for sure!

    I'm a 34 year old stay at home mom in Phoenix.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Hello everyone! I just turned 30 and am a first time mom to a 9 week old little girl. I only gained about 30-35 pounds during my pregnancy and I only have about 5 more to lose to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. However, I was wanting to lose about 25 or 30 before I got pregnant! I'm 5'7" at around 189. I'm breastfeeding and pumping while at work (just returned two weeks ago).

    We started going on nightly walks about a week after our LO arrived. Didn't walk very far at first - thats for sure! But I feel like these walks have definitely helped me lose the weight. However, now that I'm back to work, I'm just so tired that walking doesn't sound appealing at all! I know that I just need to suck it up and work out but I'd much rather spend time snuggling with my daughter.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hello everyone! I just turned 30 and am a first time mom to a 9 week old little girl. I only gained about 30-35 pounds during my pregnancy and I only have about 5 more to lose to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. However, I was wanting to lose about 25 or 30 before I got pregnant! I'm 5'7" at around 189. I'm breastfeeding and pumping while at work (just returned two weeks ago).

    We started going on nightly walks about a week after our LO arrived. Didn't walk very far at first - thats for sure! But I feel like these walks have definitely helped me lose the weight. However, now that I'm back to work, I'm just so tired that walking doesn't sound appealing at all! I know that I just need to suck it up and work out but I'd much rather spend time snuggling with my daughter.

    Good luck to everyone!

    Congrats :)

    I feel so bad that you're back at work already, that really sucks. We get a year for maternity leave in England, so I really can't imagine being back at work so soon. No wonder you're exhausted.

    I do find that being active gives me more energy though, so it might be worth trying to get on those walks. Helps clear any work stress too!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Congrats :)

    I feel so bad that you're back at work already, that really sucks. We get a year for maternity leave in England, so I really can't imagine being back at work so soon. No wonder you're exhausted.

    I do find that being active gives me more energy though, so it might be worth trying to get on those walks. Helps clear any work stress too!

    Thanks :) Yeah, I'm not really ready to be back at work, but have found a good baby sitter for the days my husband has to work. I wish we had a year, that would be amazing! We get up to 12 weeks, but have to use sick/vacation time otherwise its not paid.
    She's doing pretty well at night, once I (finally) get her to sleep she'll sleep for 5-6 hours before she wakes to nurse and then typically goes back to sleep for another hour or two before I have to wake her to get her ready to leave. So I'm at least able to get a solid 4-5 hours of sleep.
    I took a little walk with her yesterday after work, but my feet were killing me (and it was hot) after work and then stopping by the store.

    There just aren't enough hours in the day!!
  • Watch_Me_Shine416
    Watch_Me_Shine416 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi moms! I'm a first time SAHM to my beautiful 5 month old daughter. I'm 26 years old and I've always been overweight, but I'd love to lose the baby weight and more! I'd love to find mommy friends looking to lose the baby weight as well. Feel free to add me :)
  • beckyfescina
    beckyfescina Posts: 1 Member
    I am a mom to two girls (8/17/13 and 2/15/15). After the second child, I decided to SAH. This has been quite an adjustment. I am attempting to lose 20+ pounds and finding it extremely difficult to get moving and motivated. I recently linked my fitbit to MFP and hope to boost my activity level. I'd love to hear from moms in similar situations...
  • getrealmommy30
    getrealmommy30 Posts: 28 Member
    hello everyone! I am a mom of two girls - a almost four year old and a one year old. I recently went from being the primary bread winner in my family to having a very part time job and being home with my girls the majority of the time. I'm feeling better about it recently, but I still struggle with being at home almost all the time. I try to remember that I'm glad to be my girls' primary care giver.

    I did successfully lose 25lbs after my first using MFP (about half of what I wanted to lose), but of course, gained it back during my second pregnancy.

    After I had my last baby I weighed 217lbs (52 lbs more than I'd like). It's taken me almost a full year to get a grip and realize that the weight wasn't going anywhere unless I decided to do something different, so here I am!

    beckyfescina - I also have a fitbit and am linking it to mfp. I LOVE IT! It gives me credit for all the running around I do all day at home! lol. I normally hit 10,000 without having to do any kind of workout! I wonder about the calorie burns, though. I feel like they are too generous?? What do you think.
  • nnylacire13
    nnylacire13 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm the mom of six; my youngest is about to turn five months old and the oldest is 25 years old. I'm currently wrapping up grad school (I graduate in June...woohoo!) and I also work part time. I gained about 40 lbs with my recent pregnancy, on top of the roughly 50 lbs I'd put on while we were trying to conceive her. Over a span of about 18 months I ended up having six consecutive miscarriages, which is how I ended up gaining those 50 lbs. Before that I was trail running and active with crossfit. After the first miscarriage my doctor put me on heparin injections, however, so I had to put the weights down for a year. The combo of that, plus going for no longer than 3 months between pregnancies for 18 months, put me in an unhealthy cycle of alternating between being afraid to exercise while pregnant and being depressed after each loss then eating poorly.

    So far I'm down 13 lbs since 3 days postpartum and am just under 8 lbs away from my starting weight with my pregnancy. A lot of weight came off at first, and then I stalled out. Since coming back to MFP (only logging calories...not "dieting") I've lost a very modest amount of weight. Historically, I seem to hold onto the pounds with a death grip while breast feeding, but I'm hoping to figure out how to change that this time.