INtroduce yourself



  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi I'm Lillian. I have been on MFP for a couple of years now. Maintaining - but not at the weight I want to be. I sit at a desk for 10 hours a day, drive 2 hours a day to get to work and back home.

    Reallly really try to walk 120 miles a month, walking at lunch time and when I get home at night.

    The last 10 pounds are stubborn and I think they are in love with me and don't want to go!!
  • memere101
    memere101 Posts: 461 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »

    The last 10 pounds are stubborn and I think they are in love with me and don't want to go!!

    Oh how I know your pain :wink:
  • sooz1962
    sooz1962 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my name is Susie. Today was my 365th log in day to MFP
  • myburgeoning
    myburgeoning Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm returning to MP after deleting my last account- which worked and I lost about 25 lbs off and on over time. I deleted it because I eat so differently now and it was frustrating to see the junk in my food log... anyway, 20 solid pounds would put me at my normal weight, which I haven't been at post baby (baby is now almost 4!) Would love to see this gone by Christmas and my birthday that falls after!
  • mary6468
    mary6468 Posts: 44 Member
    Greetings! I'm Mary and I've been on MFP for over a year. I was faithfully logging until February of this year and I quit logging my food. I'm not even sure why I quit. I gained about 15 lbs or so back from my previous loss. I started tracking my food again this week and so far so good. My goal is to be under 200lbs by Christmas or at least closer than I am now. I'm glad I found this group to help me stay accountable and on track.

    I'm 47 yrs old, married with 2 teenage sons. I try to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise a day whether it be cardio or strength. My goal is to eventually work up to 45 minutes or longer. I should mention that I exercise at home either with my favorite DVDs or on a bike ride outside (weather permitting).
  • sfinsc
    sfinsc Posts: 169 Member
    Hi everyone! Very excited to find this group. I've got 7.5 lbs to lose to my ultimate goal weight, and those 7.5 seem to be stubborn little buggers. I have 2.5 to go to my interim goal weight. This is going to be a great group! Feel free to friend me. :)
  • sfinsc
    sfinsc Posts: 169 Member
    Hi, I'm Emily. I have three boys under 8, our family just moved to another state, and I work full-time (and graduate school part-time). The stress and lack of sleep stirred my inner eater; for 4-5 months I gained almost twenty pounds. I was 130 and grew to 150. My doc said I better do something fast. I started using MFP; food journaling is the only thing that keep me honest and mindful. I need a community of people to keep me on track, though. To help, I just joined a gym as weather in New England will turn soon. My goal is to get back to my 130 by December.

    You and I have a lot in common! I have two kids under 8, am a full-time graduate student, and was also up at 155 when I joined MFP. My goal weight by XMas is also 130! I sent you a friend request. :) We can do this!
  • kathrynlethig
    kathrynlethig Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I'm Kathy. I'm 26 years old and a mother of 2. I'm hoping to lose about 90 pounds overall, and 40 by Christmas. I'm excited for this group to help keep me motivated!
  • imworthit
    imworthit Posts: 165 Member
    I'm a 41 year old mother of 4 who struggles with binge eating, consistency my food plan and the " All or Nothing " thinking when I mess up. Evenings when my family is home and weekends are hard for me to eat well. I wanted to have some accountability here as well as learn from others. I have 12 pounds I'd like to lose by Christmas. I think it is doable if I can just be consistent with my food plan and exercise! I like knowing we are all in this together!
  • sarahrosebinder
    sarahrosebinder Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I'm Sarah. I am 36 years old and have a hard time finding support at home. My husband was gone to Afghanistan for a year and I did Les Mills Pump and mfp to get down to a size 4! But after he came home it all went downhill with eating out and spending time with him on the couch rather then exercising. I'm hoping this group will be just what I need to help me get back on track and lose the 25 pounds I gained. I miss my healthy self!
  • Quinn_Baker
    Quinn_Baker Posts: 292 Member
    Hi! My name is Quinn and my ultimate weight loss goal is about 70 lbs away for a total loss of 100. I was 52 lbs down at one point last year, but the holidays derailed me and I never seriously got back on... until now! :)
    I would like to lose a little more than 20 by Christmas, but this group will help either way. Good luck and feel free to add me!
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi, Im Carol , Im 56 next month, Im married with 3 grown up kids ages 23,20 & 18. Ive been a member of this website on and off for several years and have been a yoyo dieter. I have 100 pounds to lose and am 15 pounds in so far. I need to stay with my fitness pal daily to keep on track and it would be a fantastic start to the New Year to be a further 20 pounds down, It would be beyond my wildest dreams and hopes. One day I would love to post a picture of my whole self and not just cropped to show my head, im a human paperweight in every single photo for the last 20 years and ive had enough of it. ETA Im under Doctors care atm for anaemia & underactive thyroid gland. Ive had 2 abnormal blood tests and if my third one this month comes back the same Im to be put on thyroxin. Got a feeling this condition affects weight loss, but I wont let it hold me back, I am losing, so its just a question of keeping on,with a positive attitude and determination. Feel free to add me as a friend, Im very shy and find small talk difficult, but my hearts in the right place and I try and support people
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    @sooz1962 - congrats! Awesome achievement! :smiley:
  • Smallerjojo2015
    Smallerjojo2015 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi I am jo I started myfittnesspal in January
    I have high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and ashtma
    I have lost 88 lbs in 250 days on myfittnesspal
    I am finding it harder now
    I still have a lot to lose
    Think this group will be good for me
  • gettinskinny8503
    gettinskinny8503 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! Just turned 30 over the summer and I'm hoping to lose between 20-30 lbs and could really use the support. I have a goal to lose between 15-20 lbs by Halloween, but would really be happy with any weight loss. I initially gained a great deal of weight during college and peeked at 275 lbs. After college I took control of my health, and started eating and cooking healthy and tracked my daily 1200 calorie allotment using mfp to eventually lose 145 lbs by 2012, putting my 5'2" frame at 130 lbs (my current goal weight). I have never fully regained all my weight, however my weight has gone up and down over the years and I have found that I often struggle to eat healthy with my crazy work hours and often succumb to emotional eating due to job stress and other emotional triggers. Over the course of last year, I had gained over 40 lbs, and was at my top weight of 177 lbs. After my initial weight loss I was down to a size 6/8 but last September, I cried in the dressing room when I couldn't find any dress to fit me in which I needed to attend a friend's wedding and I had to resort in buying a 14/16 at Lane Bryant :(. I decided to buckle down and I got a Nutribullet for Christmas and had followed its diet plan with smoothies and a healthy lunch and dinner to lose 30 lbs from January to March. Losing the weight felt amazing...everyone said how great I looked, I bought a whole new wardrobe, and people were treating me differently. However after job stress and emotional triggers, I started eating again and gained 30 lbs in just 3 months. Now I'm up to 157 lbs and not one article of my clothing fits me and people are treating me differently. It's really frustrating. Every morning I wake up and I have nothing to wear to work. I work in retail and see new cute clothes every day that I would die to wear but can't. There was a good sale and I recently bought $200 worth of clothes in my old size as inspiration to lose weight. But everyday I wake up with the intention to eat healthy. I'll eat a healthy breakfast but by lunchtime something stressful at work will have occurred and I'll end up eating, or I'll do good all day and after work I'll feel sad or bored and I'll go to Meijer and buy beer and chips or candy and sabotage my efforts. I'm also pretty busy and it's hard to cook all the time so fast food is just easier. So I'm feeling pretty defeated...I'll eat healthy a couple of days only to binge on junk food a couple of days later and gain the weight back. I've been trying all summer to lose the weight but to no avail. I know that I can lose the weight because I've done it before but really could use the support and accountability to stay on track this time.
  • kimikats
    kimikats Posts: 529 Member
    Hi there! My name is Kimi and I'm a game developer (pc games) and I just love the industry - it's super fun! After working in retail and doing random things, I finally found my dream job and it's been a blast working from home!

    I grew up active and always fit - then adulthood came and moved in with my ex boyfriend and things just blew up and I gained a bunch of weight (booo). Since I turned 30, I said enough was enough and I want to look good for both me and my boyfriend (who is tall and a skinny). I'm only 5ft, so I want to get back down to about 120 - currently at 173.4. I got down to about 145 before and for some reason just gave up. So I know I can do it, I just have to push and motivate myself.

    My boyfriend is extremely supportive and is pushing and rooting for me, but sometimes I just want him to step back a bit haha. It even got to the point where I didn't want to see him because I was ashamed (we're long distance), and I think I hurt his feelings because I never said anything about visiting him for his birthday :/, so I cried, told him what was going on and he helped get me back on my feet. It's only been about a week now, but I've been walking or zumba-ing every day (except Sundays - that's my off/lazy day!), keeping track of everything I eat and feeling much better about myself. I'm super excited to see him for his birthday at the end of this month and even though I won't be where I want to be, I know he loves me no matter what, but I still want to do good for both him and myself.

    I recently bought myself a Nutri ninja (the auto IQ thing) and it's so awesome - way better than my old magic bullet that I got rid of! I make myself a green tea smoothie every day and it's only 105 calories including whipped cream!

    That's it for now. I haven't been involved at all on MyFitnessPal, so I'd love to connect with like minded people and get some extra support for one another, so feel free to add me!

  • kariweighsin
    kariweighsin Posts: 61 Member
    Hi, I'm Kari. This is my third time using MFP and I have been logging steadily for 147 days. I seem to have hit a standstill in my weight loss journey (currently -12.8 pounds) and finding this group will hopefully bring my motivation back because I would love to be 20 pounds lighter by Christmas! I work in a bank and staffing has been crazy (i.e., losing four employees in a two month period); which has resulted in more fast food, longer hours, less meal prep and no exercise. Looking forward to completing this challenge and seeing progress that is made. Good luck everyone!
  • tinaharrisphotoart
    tinaharrisphotoart Posts: 6 Member
    edited September 2015
    This is just my second day using MFP. but I love this tracker! I had lost over 80 pounds several years ago, mainly as a result of writing everything down and tracking my calories, and also wearing a tracker for my activity. Unfortunately, I let a couple of moves and a job change -- as well as some other personal difficulties -- get in the way, and I have ended up gaining back a lot of weight. A health scare a couple weeks ago snapped my out of my "pity party" mentality and I am focused on losing this weight and getting healthy again. My hope is that we can all be here to support one another in our quests to get better!
  • tinaharrisphotoart
    judyt5000 wrote: »
    Hi I am Judy, and I was at my goal with WW about 6 years ago. Since then I have gained about 40 lbs and hate every day that I don't lose. I tend to be a closet eater, so I struggle with food a lot. I also have difficult times logging my food everyday. I usually do fine for breakfast snacks and lunch. Its when I get home I tend to graze and then throw in the towel. I need motivation and support to get back to a healthy start.

    I have been in the same boat, Judy. It is hard for me to get past my "all or nothing" mentality (that whole "well, I have already blown it by eating this ___________ [fill in the blank], so my day is shot. I might as well eat 5 more while I am at it.") We can do this!! We just have to remember what motivated us in the first place, and stay focused on that. Hang in there!!

  • robeylori
    robeylori Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! I am Lori, a day late but I am ready to jump in! Gained a bit of weight after stopping a bad 30 year habit of smoking. I have been on MFP for a while, but have never been here as a participant, only as a lurker. I have a masters in the Yo Yo department as well. Hope to do it right this time.