Fist Day!!

kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
edited September 2015 in Social Groups
So how did your first day go? Did you notice we started this on a Saturday, not the normal start a diet on Monday? Because this is not a diet, this is your new way of life, this is a lifestyle change. What did you do today that was different from yesterday? Did you log more, walk more, think more about what you ate? Did you celebrate you? Tonight when you brush your teeth, look in that mirror and congratulate yourself for a job well done, for finally doing something for you and make a promise to yourself to see this through to the end. You can do this, I am so happy for each and everyone one of you!!!


  • JLH024
    JLH024 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm super glad that I joined this group! I started my healthy challenge about 2 weeks ago but need this to keep my on track! Today I felt great about my eating and even though I didn't get a workout in, I stayed under my cals and wasn't hungry! Stay positive and strong my friends! We're all in this journey together!
    Well done!
  • emmoen
    emmoen Posts: 218 Member
    I planned next weeks meal plan and exercise program
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    My 'Fist' day (lol) went well! Just ending the second day and that is going well too!
  • sarahrosebinder
    sarahrosebinder Posts: 35 Member
    I checked out the menu of the restaurant we were going to online and picked out what I could eat before we got there so I wasnt tempted to make a bad decision in the moment. I enjoyed a night out and still stayed under goal!
  • shylady76
    shylady76 Posts: 134 Member
    I went for a walk this morning. I stayed under my calories for yesterday. Doing some home improvement projects today to keep me busy and away from food. If I don't watch it I graze all day long.
  • goodaznew
    goodaznew Posts: 12 Member
    My first day went well. I stayed under the calorie goal and completed my work out.
  • mary6468
    mary6468 Posts: 44 Member
    For my first day I dug my rebounder out of the corner and remembered how much I enjoy bouncing to get a little extra "burn" at the end of my workout. I hope to make a habit of it...again. :)

    And I was also under my calorie goal and more importantly I logged everything I ate. I know if I log my food I can succeed.
  • Jimena135
    Jimena135 Posts: 5 Member
    First day went well! Managed treadmill plus a long walk. Now doing food prep for the week and feeling positive. I hope everybody has a good week! :)
  • Nance_61
    Nance_61 Posts: 24 Member
    I really like the supportive atmosphere on here.. my first challenge and I'm up for it ! Thanks!
  • Gigagnat
    Gigagnat Posts: 22 Member
    My first day was good, thanks to all of you. The welcoming feeling is awesome. I was a hair under for my daily calories, but my ratios were all out of whack. I guess it'll take some effort to get that part back. Starting day two off, hopefully, better.