Looking for sleeve friends!

Hi there! I'm Laura and I had my surgery on 8/24/15. I'm 20 years old, 5'7", and my starting weight was 324.8 lbs. I'm 4 days out and 8 lbs down, which I have to say is already worth the recovery process. I'm just getting back onto MFP and looking for some friends to journal with and motivate. Thanks! :smile:


  • heathergshea
    heathergshea Posts: 38 Member
    Feel free to friend me. I was sleeved on 4/27 and down almost 75 pounds! Loving my decision :)
  • gardendoc
    gardendoc Posts: 64 Member
    Sent you a request. I received my sleeve 3/9/15 and I'm down 94 lbs
  • nilklynn
    nilklynn Posts: 61 Member
    Hi there. I was sleeved 7/13/15. I'm down 32 since surgery. 85 total. Always looking for friends. Glad to hear you are recovering well.

  • LauraAshley95
    LauraAshley95 Posts: 70 Member
    Thank you all!
  • lenac87
    lenac87 Posts: 383 Member
    I sent you a request :) I was sleeved 12/16/14
  • pennysteed
    pennysteed Posts: 80 Member
    HI, I was sleeved on 7/15/15, and am down a total of 34 pds. Feel free to add me.
  • duffslove
    duffslove Posts: 125 Member
    Add me if you'd like..6 months post op in a couple of days (3/4/15) ..sw 272 cw 183. My journals are open so friends can view them anytime! Congratulations on your new life journey..wish you well
  • BitterGrace
    BitterGrace Posts: 19 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm about 11 weeks post-op :)
  • kimberleei1
    kimberleei1 Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me, as well! SW May 18 334; CW 268! It was a HARD SUMMER with kidney stones and gallbladder removal and I am so glad I did this and can hardly wait to see what my 6 month check up brings!
  • badhair56
    badhair56 Posts: 239 Member
    I was sleeved on 04/01/15 and live in San Antonio. I've sent you a request
  • AlexisUPenn
    AlexisUPenn Posts: 76 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me as well. VSG 6/23/15
  • rscpjim
    rscpjim Posts: 72 Member
    Sleeved on Jan 13, 2015 Sent you an invite!
  • paul87920
    paul87920 Posts: 165 Member
    We can cheer each other on!
  • AceOfSpada
    AceOfSpada Posts: 47 Member
    Hi there! I'm Laura and I had my surgery on 8/24/15. I'm 20 years old, 5'7", and my starting weight was 324.8 lbs. I'm 4 days out and 8 lbs down, which I have to say is already worth the recovery process. I'm just getting back onto MFP and looking for some friends to journal with and motivate. Thanks! :smile:

    Add me! I'm having mine Oct 7th