9/14 Day 200 Monday

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
Morning everyone! As of today I have posted 200 challenges! (I never included the days I couldn't) So we are going to do something we used to do in elementary school on 100's day!

Today's Challenge: Do 15 Jumping jacks, Do stretches for 30 seconds, Wall sit for 40 seconds, Go for a 10 minute walk, Meditate for 15 minutes, Say thank you to 5 people at work, Say I love you to 5 people you care about, Spend 20 minutes picking up the house, Spend at least 30 minutes with friends, Take a 30 minute shower/bath and relax!

I designed it to be a bunch of small activities that all add up to 200 by the time we are done! I think this one will be alot of fun but a lot of work!


  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    I hope you had a good morning also.I Helped at a school fair today for 3 hours does that count lol.I have a cake to bake for my bd tomorrow does that count if so I think I have exceeded 200.Then I have other thing I will do also before the end of the day.
  • Ulrike958
    Ulrike958 Posts: 40 Member
    Well that is a challenge...I can't do the jumping Jack's or wall sits but I have walked so far 20 minutes...I spent a couple of hours in meditation/study...have told 4 people I love them...hmmmm work at home so....oh! Going to bible study tonight! Yes! And will soak/shower before I go...I love it! Thanks Auna37!
  • Auna37
    Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
    I had a wonderful Morning, cherrie! I would say that you easily attained that 200! Was the school fair fun?

    Ulrike it was a challenge to come up with! I want to be able to do a bunch of little things that built up to the 200 and I was thinking in circles for a bit. But I'm glad you enjoyed it so much and took to it in your own way!