Weekly Weigh-In September 20-26

SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
Keep at it everyone!!!!!! A little at a time. That's all we can hope for.....


  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    SW: 280
    GSW: 218.4
    CW: 200.2

    ALMOST THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4.4 lbs down from last week!! IT'S SO CLOSE I CAN TASTE IT!!!
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    SW: 280
    GSW: 218.4
    CW: 200.2

    ALMOST THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4.4 lbs down from last week!! IT'S SO CLOSE I CAN TASTE IT!!!

    Awesome!!! Go Angelfire!! .2 !!! You are going to get it!!!
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Awesome angelfire!!!!!!!
  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    Oh...it's happening, you are stepping through that looking glass.... I am SO excited for you!!
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    edited September 2015
    Angelfire-Congratulations you are going to be there soon, way to keep at it. Wow you have lost 80 pounds, thats fabulous. When did you start losing? Janice
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    Today's weight - 122.4

    I am on maintenance. Reached my goal of 129 on May 31.

    Have lost an additional 6.6 lbs since then.

    I was 126.4 on July 7. So far have lost 4 lbs on this challenge.

    I am happy where I am now. Will just try to stay here through some vacations and the upcoming holidays and lots of fall festivals.

    Wishing everyone good luck.
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    way to go angelfire!! that is awesome!!

    Vicky, great job!! how many calories are you eating daily and still losing on maintenance? maybe you need to up calories?

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    down .6 from last Tuesday. will wait till tomorrow to record. guess it is good for birthday week and holidays. I will take it!! another holiday tonight and tomorrow and weekend in nyc.

  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    Thanks guys, I'm super excited!!

    Janice- I've been trying on and off for about three or four years now? Really got into gear about a year ago.
  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    edited September 2015
    Starting weight 250
    Challenge starting weight 201.8
    Goal for challenge 180
    7/7/15 weight 201.8
    7/14/15 weight 201.6
    7/21/15 weight 200.4
    7/27/15 weight 201.6
    8/4/15 weight 198.8
    8/11/15 weight 196.6
    8/18/15 weight 196
    8/25/15 weight 195.6
    9/1/15 weight 195.8
    9/8/15 weight 196.6
    9/15/15 weight 195.8
    9/22/15 weight 193.6

    Now it's working again! Physical set points and Mind set points are sticky wickets for sure, but it looks like the scale it ticking off properly again. 8.2 pounds so far this challenge. That's an average of 1.46 per week. yea!
    Could it be faster?
    Could it be more?
    (should I be doing my strength training? --cough cough)

    Sure, but all of this is way better than sitting at 250 pounds on the couch and saying there just isn't anything I can do about it, right? I remember being SO SORE all over my body and joints, SO TIRED I couldn't get through a full day without a nap, and SO FED UP with efforts that always hit a wall. 25 years of off and on and quit and fail where I really thought I was committed and trying hard. While I am still sore and my joints have days where I still dream of being reassembled and re-oiled like a doll, I am not in pain as often. While I still have tired days, I don't need a nap anymore. While I still get occasionally fed up, it is not my primary feeling now and when I get stuck it's only temporary. This is a lifestyle change.

    Once it really clicks, it's SO DIFFERENT. Don't give up.
  • shilpa0310
    shilpa0310 Posts: 11 Member
    Just back from a 3 week long vacation! This is the motivation I need to lose all the vacation weight and get back on track.
    Starting Weight: 132 lbs
    Current Weight: 128 lbs
    Goal Weight: 110 lbs
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Vicki-That is amazing you have lost almost 7 more pounds, since reaching your goal in May. Its great that you have a cushion for all your events coming up. Do you feel like this lower weight is more the size you'd like to stay at, as a new goal? Sometimes people pick a goal, but when they get there they want to lose more. I have seen that on here. You have done great. Janice
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I weighed in today and my numbers were down, maybe its the more exercising, I am doing. I am 176.6 pounds, and moving alittle further towards the 160's. For this challenge 3.6 lost. Janice
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    slw19 wrote: »
    way to go angelfire!! that is awesome!!

    Vicky, great job!! how many calories are you eating daily and still losing on maintenance? maybe you need to up calories?


    I am averaging about 1350/day. But I purposely lost the additional lbs because I am trying to get rid of some more fat around my middle. But I think I am done losing so will be upping my calories now.

    I now just need to do more exercises for my core area.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    slw19 wrote: »
    down .6 from last Tuesday. will wait till tomorrow to record. guess it is good for birthday week and holidays. I will take it!! another holiday tonight and tomorrow and weekend in nyc.


    Eninad wrote: »
    Starting weight 250
    Challenge starting weight 201.8
    Goal for challenge 180
    7/7/15 weight 201.8
    7/14/15 weight 201.6
    7/21/15 weight 200.4
    7/27/15 weight 201.6
    8/4/15 weight 198.8
    8/11/15 weight 196.6
    8/18/15 weight 196
    8/25/15 weight 195.6
    9/1/15 weight 195.8
    9/8/15 weight 196.6
    9/15/15 weight 195.8
    9/22/15 weight 193.6

    Now it's working again! Physical set points and Mind set points are sticky wickets for sure, but it looks like the scale it ticking off properly again. 8.2 pounds so far this challenge. That's an average of 1.46 per week. yea!
    Could it be faster?
    Could it be more?
    (should I be doing my strength training? --cough cough)

    Sure, but all of this is way better than sitting at 250 pounds on the couch and saying there just isn't anything I can do about it, right? I remember being SO SORE all over my body and joints, SO TIRED I couldn't get through a full day without a nap, and SO FED UP with efforts that always hit a wall. 25 years of off and on and quit and fail where I really thought I was committed and trying hard. While I am still sore and my joints have days where I still dream of being reassembled and re-oiled like a doll, I am not in pain as often. While I still have tired days, I don't need a nap anymore. While I still get occasionally fed up, it is not my primary feeling now and when I get stuck it's only temporary. This is a lifestyle change.

    Once it really clicks, it's SO DIFFERENT. Don't give up.

    Great post. So glad for your success. You deserve it for working so hard. Love seeing your decinding weight numbers.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    Vicki-That is amazing you have lost almost 7 more pounds, since reaching your goal in May. Its great that you have a cushion for all your events coming up. Do you feel like this lower weight is more the size you'd like to stay at, as a new goal? Sometimes people pick a goal, but when they get there they want to lose more. I have seen that on here. You have done great. Janice

    Exactly Janice. I found MFP so easy to do that I decided I wanted to get some more fat off my middle area. I have to stop losing now because I like my size now and just need to do more exercises for my core and firm up.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    I weighed in today and my numbers were down, maybe its the more exercising, I am doing. I am 176.6 pounds, and moving alittle further towards the 160's. For this challenge 3.6 lost. Janice

    Great work Janice. You are doing amazing.
  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    Eninad wrote: »
    Starting weight 250
    Challenge starting weight 201.8
    Goal for challenge 180
    7/7/15 weight 201.8
    7/14/15 weight 201.6
    7/21/15 weight 200.4
    7/27/15 weight 201.6
    8/4/15 weight 198.8
    8/11/15 weight 196.6
    8/18/15 weight 196
    8/25/15 weight 195.6
    9/1/15 weight 195.8
    9/8/15 weight 196.6
    9/15/15 weight 195.8
    9/22/15 weight 193.6

    Now it's working again! Physical set points and Mind set points are sticky wickets for sure, but it looks like the scale it ticking off properly again. 8.2 pounds so far this challenge. That's an average of 1.46 per week. yea!
    Could it be faster?
    Could it be more?
    (should I be doing my strength training? --cough cough)

    Sure, but all of this is way better than sitting at 250 pounds on the couch and saying there just isn't anything I can do about it, right? I remember being SO SORE all over my body and joints, SO TIRED I couldn't get through a full day without a nap, and SO FED UP with efforts that always hit a wall. 25 years of off and on and quit and fail where I really thought I was committed and trying hard. While I am still sore and my joints have days where I still dream of being reassembled and re-oiled like a doll, I am not in pain as often. While I still have tired days, I don't need a nap anymore. While I still get occasionally fed up, it is not my primary feeling now and when I get stuck it's only temporary. This is a lifestyle change.

    Once it really clicks, it's SO DIFFERENT. Don't give up.

    :) go you!!
  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    Eninad wrote: »
    Starting weight 250
    Challenge starting weight 201.8
    Goal for challenge 180
    7/7/15 weight 201.8
    7/14/15 weight 201.6
    7/21/15 weight 200.4
    7/27/15 weight 201.6
    8/4/15 weight 198.8
    8/11/15 weight 196.6
    8/18/15 weight 196
    8/25/15 weight 195.6
    9/1/15 weight 195.8
    9/8/15 weight 196.6
    9/15/15 weight 195.8
    9/22/15 weight 193.6

    Now it's working again! Physical set points and Mind set points are sticky wickets for sure, but it looks like the scale it ticking off properly again. 8.2 pounds so far this challenge. That's an average of 1.46 per week. yea!
    Could it be faster?
    Could it be more?
    (should I be doing my strength training? --cough cough)

    Sure, but all of this is way better than sitting at 250 pounds on the couch and saying there just isn't anything I can do about it, right? I remember being SO SORE all over my body and joints, SO TIRED I couldn't get through a full day without a nap, and SO FED UP with efforts that always hit a wall. 25 years of off and on and quit and fail where I really thought I was committed and trying hard. While I am still sore and my joints have days where I still dream of being reassembled and re-oiled like a doll, I am not in pain as often. While I still have tired days, I don't need a nap anymore. While I still get occasionally fed up, it is not my primary feeling now and when I get stuck it's only temporary. This is a lifestyle change.

    Once it really clicks, it's SO DIFFERENT. Don't give up.

    So well said!! Go you!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I am weighing in early this week. I am leaving for two days of sailing. I have been on South Beach going on my second week.
    I did lose 1.1 pounds the first week but then we had comapny for the weekend. I am up 2 pounds this week. I will stay the
    course until I get back. Great work everyone !