Trollductions. Troll Intros. Everyone feel free to say hey. lets do this.

Thank you U/squeaksthepunkmouse for suggesting this. (I face palmed for forgetting this)

Put whatever about yourself here you feel comfortable with. Fav reddit subs besides trollxchromosomes, inspiration for fitness,moments you want to have, where you're from, maybe why you've realized doing this is now so important to you. Whatever comes to mind.


  • LindyP2
    LindyP2 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! This was a great idea, thanks for doing it.

    The easy about me- 29/F living in PDX. Recently joined a gym and got a trainer. They've got me doing clean eating- think vegan with meat and eggs mixed with low carb. I'm trying to get healthy, tone up, and lose fat before my aunt's wedding in April.

    Why is it important to me? Because I love my mother, but I don't want to be her. Why join the TrollX group? Because TrollX is one of my favorite places on reddit and it'd be nice to talk with similar minded ladies!

    If you want to friend me on here, feel free. My diary is open to friends.
  • mayaness565
    mayaness565 Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 2015
    Great idea for a group! I'm Maya, the lady with the pizza dreams.

    34/f, living in Copenhagen, Denmark. I am trying to lose weight both due to some recurring back problems, that are making my life quite difficult, and also due to the weight I gained over the past 1,5 year due to cheese, sadness and birth control.

    I want to lose about 12 kilos, but since I am also putting on muscle weight, I am trying not to fret my weight too much, but mostly watch what I'm eating.

    TrollX is the best place on the entire internet and I'm so happy to be friends with so many of you on here. I'd love to help you and myself get motivated and not eat SO much cheese. My diary is open to scrutiny :wink:
  • mayaness565
    mayaness565 Posts: 4 Member
    I just realized, that most of my diary is in Danish. Also, I just ate a danish.
  • LindyP2
    LindyP2 Posts: 7 Member
    Great idea for a group! I'm Maya, the lady with the pizza dreams.

    I saw your photo on TrollX yesterday and thought that would be me in a few weeks! It's so great!

  • FatandSadPanda
    FatandSadPanda Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 2015
    It's so great to have a group for all us Trolls working off all those late night bad decisions lol.

    24/F, just moved to Orlando, FL. Due to birth control and reaching the "fat and happy" portion of my relationship, I've ballooned out :'( I've never been "skinny", but after seeing pictures of myself at my best friend's wedding, I cried. I really dressed up and thought I looked pretty, but that's not what I saw in those pictures. The mister and I have talked about getting married soon and I absolutely do not want to go dress shopping as a "plus sized bride."

    My current diet is 1200 daily calories and to lower my carbs. I'm not full keto, but I'm the kind of person who could eat cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and pasta for dinner which is way too many carbs lol. So I'm focusing on reaching my daily protein goals and keeping away from most carbs, although I'm not militant and sometimes enjoy a taco or sandwich :smile:

    My fave sub besides TrollX is /r/relationships. That place is a total trainwreck and I love it. I don't even care if some of the stories are made up, I get so much enjoyment out of it. It's the trashy entertainment of Jerry Springer, complete with me gasping and going "Oh no she dinnit!"

    Edit: Apparently you can't cuss on here? Board changed my F Bomb to stars, sad.
  • Hey everyone! My name is Tegan and I live in Atlanta, GA. I recently took the plunge to go back to school at the age of 29 to finally get my undergrad degree in Public Health after working in early childhood education (infants and toddlers) for a little over 10 years and then realizing that I don't really like kids or even want any of my own... whoops! So now I am juggling driving 2-3 hours a day to and from school while also going to school full time, working part time and maintaining a household with my wonderful boyfriend of 3 years and our elderly chihuahua, 2 gerbils and gaggle of hermit crabs!

    I lost roughly 18 pounds earlier this year and got to my goal body size and have been maintaining my weight and body size for a few months now. So now my goals are to continue to maintain my body size while increasing my fitness through indoor cycling and weight lifting. I have a slight love obsession with the barbell and long distance indoor cycling. I also have a knee issue that I am in physical therapy for so my weight lifting routine is a little modified for the moment while I work on correcting my imbalances in my legs.

    I practice IIFYM but also make sure to get my fiber and micronutrients, so my diary is often a mix of healthy and unhealthy things. The balance really helps me maintain my sanity. But due to the long distance cycling, I often have a lot of calories to make up for by the time Sunday rolls around, so don't be too shocked if you take a peek on that day and see something like 200 grams of carbs being consumed in the form of an entire box of Eggo waffles... Sometimes I just have to eat whatever gets me the calories I need to stay in maintenance. I also weigh my food with a food scale.

    I also have autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's) and am a mod on /r/Hypothyroidism.
  • solidusflux
    solidusflux Posts: 7 Member
    What's up y'all! I'm Chris. I'm 39 and I live in the Dallas / Fort Worth area of Texas. Several years ago, after I got married, I got fat. I lost 70+ lbs and these days I am just trying to keep it off. I'm a big fan of barbell lifting and intermittent fasting. I work from home and hardly ever leave the house, but I have a squat rack in the next room and try to get in there a few times a week! Feel free to add me on here and ask me to bug you or motivate you! Or you could bust my chops and ask me when the last time I binged was. =)
  • ethoreso
    ethoreso Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Trolls!
    I've been 10-15 lbs overweight since high school, I hate that I've been at this weight for so long when I know it'd only take ~4 months to lose it! Just moved to Portland, OR. Never tracked my eating habits before, the last 45 days have been eye opening...
    I love exercising, but I also love pasta at 1am and all the local microbrews.
    I love reading all your stories, what you guys have accomplished already is amazing!
  • ethoreso
    ethoreso Posts: 2 Member
    LindyP2 wrote: »

    F living in PDX
    Recently joined a gym and got a trainer
    Why is it important to me? Because I love my mother, but I don't want to be her. Why join the TrollX group? Because TrollX is one of my favorite places on reddit and it'd be nice to talk with similar minded ladies!

    Are we the same person?!

  • LindyP2
    LindyP2 Posts: 7 Member
    ethoreso wrote: »
    LindyP2 wrote: »

    F living in PDX
    Recently joined a gym and got a trainer
    Why is it important to me? Because I love my mother, but I don't want to be her. Why join the TrollX group? Because TrollX is one of my favorite places on reddit and it'd be nice to talk with similar minded ladies!

    Are we the same person?!

    I...maybe? Oh, I just read your post. Definitely not...after high school I was closer to 40-50 lbs overweight. But otherwise, it's possible! And always nice to see another PDX-er.
  • Hi!

    I'm Dani ~ 30/F in Santa Cruz, CA. Big lurker and occasional poster on TrollX and TrollY. Finishing my last semester at University right now; I'll be an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer by the end of November, and I'll have my Kinesiology B.S. in December. Really looking for more social accountability with my diet, so I love that this group exists! Ideally, I'd love to lose 10lbs, but it's the same 10lbs that have been fighting me for the past two years...they're kinda killing me. I've recently been gifted a treadmill, and I'm using that about 5x/week. Love to lift, but a little far from my gym right now; I plan to return to that after this last semester is over.

    I'm also on FitBit, if anyone wants to add ~ let me know!
  • MBGraham90
    MBGraham90 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, all! I'm a little late to the party, but I'm Miranda. I'm 25 and recently married. I have lived in Orlando, FL for that last 11 years, prior to which I lived in the D/FW area of Texas. :) I have always, all my life, been overweight. I lost about 50 pounds a few years ago while working as a janitor, then got an office job and gained it all (and then some) back. Trying to drop approximately 90 pounds now - wish me luck!
  • Ysenia_OG
    Ysenia_OG Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Marissa, I'm 25, and i live in a wee little farm town in Montana. I've been overweight since I was a little kid. I got an office job right out of high school and it just got worse, so now I'm hoping to lose at least 50 pounds. I've made it my goal to be down to a proper weight by my next birthday in August :D