Keto restart Day 11

Emmie112 Posts: 121 Member
I'm a week and a half in! I haven't made it to this many days in a while...

I think much of it has to do with transitioning into the diet at my maintenance calories. My maintenance calories are low, about 1300, so it was nice to have extra room for nuts and cheese. I didn't miss the carbs as much.

I'm finding it easier to stick to a calorie deficit this week. I'm not hungry after meals but I want to snack on nuts all day. They are so addictive. I can't have any on deficit days because I easily over eat them.

I'm trying to keep a deficit for the rest of the week. I hope to see inches lost soon.


  • Chiketo
    Chiketo Posts: 18 Member
    Hows it going so far with the deficit? Starting back in at maintenance was smart- makes the transition much easier. I'm a habitual snacker as well! Nuts are a challenge for sure. I can only have them pre-portioned or all bets are off. Lately I've been having a cup of tea when I want a snack. Or something else salty like pickles or black olives.