Beccy Leighs Low carbing thread of wonder

beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
or something like that..

Been head in the sanding for several months now. Just stagnating & being pathetic. I have lost & gained the same 10lbs for months & I have finally decided to pull my big girl knickers up, accept that I am the only thing stopping me & get the flub on with it.

So here we go.

First goal is to lose half a stone (7lbs to the non brits) by 30th October.

A nice, low, doable number. I figure if I work on the small goals eventually the big one will happen.

I need to lose at least 73lbs. And I would like it to happen by next July. So... thar she blows!!!


  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    Good for you! Sounds like you've created some very achievable goals, too.

    I've been the same way for months and months. Just refusing to accept that anything besides low carb is not sustainable.

    We shouldn't be too upset, though, most of the world, including many in the so-called rich countries, are scraping up pocket change for ramen noodles. Those still wedded to the low fat way of life are nibbling lettuce. We get to eat steak! Or at least ground beef.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    So happy you have been able to get your head out of the sandbag! We all go through periods of not having our head in the game 100%. I can appreciate the smaller goals. They can be easier to achieve since a large number can be challenging at first! Then, once you see it decreasing it becomes a motivator.
    And, welcome to the group! :smiley:
  • DissLocated
    DissLocated Posts: 43 Member
    Yup - big girl pants and getting on with it. Nothing else for it :smile:
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I think short term goals are a great idea. Focusing on the long term can seem very daunting. Achieving short term goals gives us nice boosts of motivation. Even simple daily goals beyond the typical macro or exercise goals we might have can be a good source of pride for us. I think feeling proud of ourselves has a huge impact on our behaviors. I look at each tiny moment that I'm happy with a decision I made or something I did as making a deposit into my personal bank of self worth. I don't know if self worth is the right way to say it, but basically making good choices consistently makes me feel good. Not that I totally hate on myself otherwise, but you know what I mean. If I make a poor choice, it's a withdrawal... I did it and I move on. I want to bank a lot of good choices and having a padded account feels great!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,073 Member
    Welcome ! Just stay with us, and you will do fine ! There is a lot of knowledge and support here !

    You've already made the decision, and I found that was the hardest part for me. Once I knew I wanted to just get on with it and lose the weight once and for all, after an initial period of wondering what keto was all about, everything just fell into place and this is the easiest way of eating ever, and it works. Good luck to you !
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    Thank you all, I have actually been on this group for a long time just not posting or doing very well low carbing :(

    My main issue is the weekends, I tend to be on the move a lot & lose focus as I find it hard to know what to eat on the run that isn't wrapped in bread. SO my aim for this week is to think up foods I can carry with me for lunch on the go that are low or cab free.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Lunch on the go ideas:

    Often helps to keep it really, really simple: bag of macadamia nuts (or other nuts - can be a bit carb-y so watch amounts); hard boiled eggs - 3 of those and you feel as if you'll never be hungry again, especially if you dip in mayo; fry up some streaky bacon in the morning and put in a box - it's great cold. It may not be exciting, but you will stay on track.

    Often you can have sandwich fillings in a lettuce leaf instead.

    For work, I often take a salad e.g. 50g lettuce/rocket; olives; feta cheese and tinned mackerel in olive oil (I thought I would hate tinned mackerel, but it is quite a mild flavour and full of health); or you could make a tuna and egg mayonnaise and just eat with a spoon.

    I'm sure others will also have great tips.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    edited September 2015
    Thanks for the suggestions. I have mackerel fillets in oil today actually for lunch today :) I love them & have been eating them for years, I actually worked out that a lot of my diet is low carb but then I ruin it with bread rolls, crisps & what not so have been slowly adapting them out but weekends just seem to do me in.

    I think I just need to get organized better, I quite often buy the packs of ready cooked chicken breast chunks from Tesco, I should just put them in a tuppaware with some cheese & olives but somehow always forget.!!

    Sandwich filling in lettuce is actually a really good suggestion for me, I do use lettuce leaves for burgers but not in this way.

    I'll get there eventually.
  • knackeredat34
    knackeredat34 Posts: 66 Member
    I did a whole 30 last year and the thinking behind that has really stuck with me, you can do anything for 30 days, so thats what i do, just aim for 30 days, but that could just be 7 days. If its the weekends that are breaking you, just aim to get through that one weekend without wheat/grains and the rest will follow.
    I found that if i am going out i just make myself a large breakfast and then just take some nuts for a snack if i am hungry at lunch time but normally i am fine until dinner. I do think this is the easiest WOE for eating out/packed lunches though, bag of salad, whole pre cooked chicken lol
  • DissLocated
    DissLocated Posts: 43 Member
    If you're caught on the hop when you're out and about Morrison's is fantastic. They have plain boiled eggs and satay chicken skewers in their sandwich range plus there's the salad bar and the hot take away thing where you can get hot chicken and pork crackling. Also, a lot of sandwich bars (the kind where you order what you want to be made in front of you) will do sandwich fillings in a salad bowl. I think even Subway do that don't they?

    I also do what Knackered does, have a big breakfast and just stick a bag of pork scratchings or an Atkins bar in my handbag to tide me over til dinner.

  • knackeredat34
    knackeredat34 Posts: 66 Member
    mmmm pork crackling, off to Morrisons
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    Pork scratching. yumm. we have a Saturday market & a local butcher sells a huge bag of the real stuff for £2. Think I need to pick one up every week & portion it out. You are also right DissLocated about Morrisons, they do have a great hot meat counter. I have one about 5 mins away from me so maybe a stop in first on a Saturday morning to stock up on meaty stuff for the day ahead.

    Thanks all for the suggestions. They are going in my notebook, otherwise I mind blank when I come to the moment.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    Can I ask you all, do you calorie count when doing low carb or not? I find I should cc but without the carbs find it is not really needed.

    I do but purely to keep track of my veggie carbs and sugar but in terms of calories in, as long as I am under carbs & sugar the calories don't seem to matter.
  • rushmore194
    rushmore194 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I have been wondering this question too as have been on my low carb diet for the last 3 months but I worry I should check calories as haven't been losing as fast as I thought I would even with going to the gym 3-4 times a week.
  • DissLocated
    DissLocated Posts: 43 Member
    I calorie count. When I first started (Jan this year) I was strict about it but I needed it to re-educate myself about portion sizes etc. I gave myself the summer off from cc, still ate low carb, drank a lot of wine (!) and still exercised a fair bit. It was a nice break from feeling like I was dieting and I managed to maintain my weight which I was thrilled to bits about, first time I've NOT gained weight over the summer.

    Now I'm back on it, cc again as I find I don't really lose weight if I don't, especially as I get closer to goal and the loss is slowing down.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I don't calorie count. I find that I don't need to restrict calories when I have carbs under control. My body knows how much food it needs.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    I do calorie count, but I think like @disslocated said, it is to manage how much I am eating. I didn't worry about it so much at the beginning, but now I need to as I can eat a LOT. My limit is 1800 kcal which is quite high, so it's not like I'm restricting a huge amount. As long as I am under 2000 cals per day I seem to lose OK with my one day water fast in the mix. Logging also helps me count my carbs as I would have little clue even after all this time - yesterday had some lovely dwarf beans which I would have thought were too carb-y to have usually, but actually quite low in carbs - made me realise how much I love veg and have been missing the fresh tastes.

    Anyway - short version - yes I count, but not super strict.
  • knackeredat34
    knackeredat34 Posts: 66 Member
    I calorie count, i TDEE minus 20% ish, mainly because i could easily eat a block of cheese and a bag of nuts without thinking. But i do concentrate on getting my correct macro's more importantly than the calories, if i am hungry i don't worry about going over.
  • DissLocated
    DissLocated Posts: 43 Member
    I calorie count, i TDEE minus 20% ish, mainly because i could easily eat a block of cheese and a bag of nuts without thinking. But i do concentrate on getting my correct macro's more importantly than the calories, if i am hungry i don't worry about going over.
    Yup -me too! :smiley:

    Glad you've discovered the green beans TotalOblivia - I love them roasted in olive oil and salt.
  • Typically, I calorie count, but I need a break. So, I am going to focus on protein, fat, and a few servings of LC veggies a day. I might throw in berries or an apple once or twice a week too.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    edited October 2015
    quick update. I'm doing well, had a few carb blow outs but for the past few days have been feeling my mind changing. I've lost 5 of the 7lbs I challenged myself to lose by end Oct so that's good. If I get the other 2 gone by deadline I'll be happy.

    Realistic goals.

    I'm laying off fruit too which seems to help. Am still having chocolate a few times a week but focusing mostly on meat, fish, eggs, salad and cheese.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    Oh and only eating when I am hungry, which is a lot less often than when I ate to schedule. So if I don't feel it, I don't eat lunch but might have a couple of cheese strings or some egg mid afternoon. I've missed a proper dinner 3 times this week as I am not hungry either till quite late but would always eat at around 6 as it was routine. Now around 9 when I do get a couple of hunger pang I just have some ham or other snack. I feel so much better for it too
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Isn't it wonderful!! Being able to choose when you want to eat, and using food for fuel, is what keto is all about! People will just be dumbfounded when I tell them I don't eat fruit! The general public is so nutritionally lost (I was one of them)!
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    I was def programmed... must eat fruit, must eat enough vegetables, must eat some carbs but you know what, my body doesn't support that.

    Fruit spikes my sugars, the odd berry in some yogurt for a sweet treat is enough but not every day & vegetables are fine but I prefer salad type things.

    I ate roast chicken for lunch yesterday at 2pm. On it's own, out of a food bag. I then had a whole beef tomato with some salt on it & ate it like an apple at around 4.30. I got home, made a drink & then had a couple bits of bacon at 9. No faffing with big meals. The other thing I have noticed is that by having a decent sized breakfast, 2 poached eggs & sauteed mushrooms for example means I'm not eating a lot during the day. If I don't get the protein in the morning then I struggle all day.

    No fuss, no muss. Perfect
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    The simplicity of it is astounding! :smiley: