Motivation, Support and Accountability October 5 - 11

violet456 Posts: 674 Member
This is the start of the weekly thread. Lets all make some small goals to keep ourselves going. Small steps lead to big progress and starting today will stop you from saying "if only" next month.


  • missymelmel2002
    missymelmel2002 Posts: 17 Member
    I promise to walk up 3 flights of stairs twice a day every day this week while at work. Today is complete :)
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    I promise to work out three times in the morning this week before work.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    This makes me.happy
    Today my goal is to not loose my *kitten* with my kids doctor, he is the best doctor but he is rude

    Overall my goals are to go back to the basics with drinking water and to just keep pushing through because i know things will get better
  • lokihen
    lokihen Posts: 382 Member
    You have House for a doctor?! How cool. :)
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    So far I haven't gotten up early to work out, but still might make it two days. I did finally go out for my lunchtime walk today though.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Lol. Oh i have not watched that show house in a long time!
    The appointment wasnt so bad. This was the first time we got a morning appointment and it was great he was on time and happy
    Water not so good lol! Sticking it out cause things will get better, im still here :)
  • missymelmel2002
    missymelmel2002 Posts: 17 Member
    Well yesterday I really didn't want to walk up those stairs but did it anyway.. I have today and tomorrow and my goal will be complete for the week. I'm actually proud of myself.
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    My morning goals went out the window this week. I'm not sleeping well, my babies aren't sleeping well so getting up at the crack of dawn isn't a top priority, even though it should be. Today I got up early, but had just enough time to catch up on dishes and tidying the kitchen. Our house is going under clutter for Christmas Shoeboxes. Arg. My mid week weigh in wasn't good either, I thought I wasn't doing bad this week but apparently I am.

    This weekend we need to find our house.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I hear you violet!!! Hang in there and dont let those things bring you down!

    For the first time in weeks i opened a second bottle of water at work in a day, i have only been having 1!! yay
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    Ok looks like you're all having pretty good weeks. I've been so bogged down at work I missed posting this week. I won't let that happen next week.
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Me too has been consuming all of my energy. But I have been working out more and eating has been okay. I have my goals for the next week planned so hope someone starts the next thread!