Mental problem

lokihen Posts: 382 Member
I've lost 20 lbs. I should be happy and celebrating, but I feel bigger than ever and it's dragging me down.

Other than my current solution of just pushing through this, any suggestions?


  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    Sorry this is somewhat disjointed, but I wanted to offer a few insights from my experiences this year.

    I find it very hard to see or feel the results of my efforts; unfortunately, I had to push through until I could start to see changes in photos to start to feel smaller... Those photos also had to be candid photos of myself that others took; I couldn't see the loss in my posed selfies (taken as weight loss progress photos) despite others saying they could tell a difference.

    Do you perform exercise that you can encourage yourself with? When I started I could only ride my bike, mounted on a stationary, and only for 5 minutes. That progressed quickly to 10, then 20, etc. The progression in my riding duration helped keep me active, and I associated eating healthy with that progression. If cycling isn't your thing, maybe walking then a C25K or swimming program?

    With ~20 lbs. lost, I started to see looseness in my clothes and had lost ~1 inch on some taped measurements (chest, thighs, waist) and had lost 2" on my hips. So it can be difficult to look at the mirror and see the difference, but taped measurements may help.

    I tend to look only at the areas that I think need help (my stomach, and thighs). All I see when I look at those areas is loose flabby skin/fat combo that is ugly and nasty. If I look at other areas that I had less fat to begin with (shoulders, chest) then I feel better because those areas look more fit; unfortunately it's easy to focus on your areas that need improvement, despite the fact you're the only one obsessing over them...

    One last word of caution; if your excess fat was tighter with tight skin over it when you started, it will probably look worse before it looks better. And it might make you think that maybe you looked better heavier; mine kind of did, but it helped having exercise goals to fall back on.

    Let me know if you have any questions, or would like more info.
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    Sometimes you have to force the "Happy celebration." Talk to yourself, tell yourself that you are doing great, that you've worked hard and that it's only going to get better from here. (Your health, your mental attitude, your body image) I know it seems cruel that we have to put in all the work that goes with losing weight just to have the added work of having to pep ourselves up to congratulate ourselves. It's all part of a self-defeating mindset. Humans are basically on the lazy side and your mind is processing all the work you're doing as an attack on the comfortable (yet unhealthy) lifestyle you are trying to change. So put in just a little extra work psyching yourself up for the congratulations you deserve. I think you're doing awesome and I am very proud of you!
  • lokihen
    lokihen Posts: 382 Member
    This is why I love this group. You guys understand and can help.

    Thanks for the suggestion on looking back at exercise. I began at 20 minutes on the bike and now am averaging 45 and I've started pushing the speed a bit.

    My son says I'm being impatient. I should put away the 3X tops until I've lost another 10 and try them again then.
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    I also try on clothes that are too small, but I have to keep in mind that they won't fit right while I'm doing so. Don't do it if it demotivates you, or anything that horribly demotivates you. If it's helping, why not hang one of those tops in the bathroom so it's the first thing you see; to remind you that you want to be able to fit in it, and provide a visual goal?

    I think it's easier to see progress in clothes that don't fit ("instead of 4 inches from being able top button this I'm 2 inches away," or "hey this is almost wearable in public now").
  • AH_rhymes_with_FLY
    AH_rhymes_with_FLY Posts: 93 Member
    I have done this before and gained all my weight back and am starting over. Something that helped me in the past was having a pair of goal pants. Not "ultimate" goal pants but a pair that is two sizes smaller. I would try them on every couple weeks then when they fit, I would buy another pair two sizes smaller and looking at them hanging on my bedroom door until they fit. I'm about to do that now. I'm barely a size 24. When I say barely I am squeezed into it. So my first goal pants will probably be a 20.

    Also take measurements! When the scale doesn't move you can see it there.

    I started something new this time around that is going to force me to see my progress. I bought a planner and I'm writing my weight in everyday so i can see my bodies weight patterns. I also wrote my measurements in and will take them monthly and on the daily notes section I'm writing what I have eaten and how I feel. Granted I just started 1/1 so I don't have much to go by yet but I will be able to flip through any time I feel discouraged and see day by day what I have done!
  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 265 Member
    I like the planner idea. I am doing something similar. I have a notepad app on my phone that I use to keep my thoughts straight and the way I feel after eating. I need to figure out the foods that do or dont hurt me when I eat.

    I go to my dr monday and then my nutritionist tuesday. I hope we have a plan of action after mondays visit.