How's everyone doing?

SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
Ok I'm still logging every day so I'm doing good there. I actually went a whole day without candy and was very proud of myself. But within the the next 48 hours I have to make a major decision about a position at work if I want to take it or not and I'm a wee bit stressed. Thus my husband came home with a huge bag of candy. My goal is to make the decision by noon today and not touch the candy. ;)


  • FatSwatter
    FatSwatter Posts: 175 Member
    @2020pinktogo Oh my, it sounds like we both have a position at work on our plate! My boss just got interviewed for a position in another department and if she takes it, I have to decide whether or not I want her job. Don't get me wrong, I want more money (who doesn't?) but like you said, is it worth the stress? I see how her boss emails/texts/calls her all the time even after hours and being a full-time employee and full-time grad student working towards a doctorate degree, I like to have a clear time for what work is done and my personal life begins. I used to have a job where the boss would expect me to answer any text or email regardless of the time and that job burnt me out so fast. I feel for you and hope the decision comes easy! Good for you for having the willpower to make the decision today without touching the candy! Keep us posted on how that goes. :smile:

    In terms of candy, I haven't had any for a week however, I do eat dark chocolate almost every day for health reasons. It's 85% dark chocolate and most people hate it because it isn't sweet at all, but to me it's sweet enough and helps me not dig my hand in a bag of skittles, M&Ms or whatever other candy is out there. So if you don't count that as candy, I've been doing good although it is my birthday this weekend and I can't say I won't be indulging on a New York Cheesecake. Yummy!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    edited October 2015
    Well I declined the position and then I had candy. But at least I measured everything and tomorrow is a new day. By the way Happy early Birthday! :)
  • FatSwatter
    FatSwatter Posts: 175 Member
    edited October 2015
    Great job on making the decision and logging everything accurately! It sounds like the position would have been way more stress so good for you for making that hard choice to say no! :smile:

    Oh and thank you for the birthday wishes. My brain still thinks I'm in my 20s but my body says no way! Haha. It's hard to believe I'll be pushing 40 soon - where does all the time go?
  • SenditToSarah
    SenditToSarah Posts: 49 Member
    FatSwatter wrote: »
    @2020pinktogo Oh my, it sounds like we both have a position at work on our plate! My boss just got interviewed for a position in another department and if she takes it, I have to decide whether or not I want her job. Don't get me wrong, I want more money (who doesn't?) but like you said, is it worth the stress? I see how her boss emails/texts/calls her all the time even after hours and being a full-time employee and full-time grad student working towards a doctorate degree, I like to have a clear time for what work is done and my personal life begins.

    You've got to do what's best for you, but it seems like you're leaning in the direction of staying where you are. If you're happy with what you're doing and it's paying the bills, trust those instincts! You're working on your master's. More money will come with that. response to the subject of the post, I'm actually surprised I've kept the streak going. I figured I would have forgotten by now, especially with switching back and forth between night and day shifts. Proud of myself!
  • FatSwatter
    FatSwatter Posts: 175 Member
    I finally got to ONEderland! I wanted to be in ONEderland by my birthday which is tomorrow and I finally did it! I thought this would be an appropriate thread to add this too. My starting weight was 240 lbs and I started my lifestyle change at the beginning of April. Now I'm going to set my MFP goals in 10 pound increments until I get to my ideal weight. What about you all?

  • SenditToSarah
    SenditToSarah Posts: 49 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Your hard work is paying off!!!!!
  • FatSwatter
    FatSwatter Posts: 175 Member
    Thank you so much! It's still hard to believe I started around 54% body fat (now 44.6%) and 240 pounds. It just goes to show you that hard work, perseverance, and dedication are the key ingredients of success. :smile:
  • vsoffen
    vsoffen Posts: 190 Member
    FatSwatter wrote: »
    I finally got to ONEderland! I wanted to be in ONEderland by my birthday which is tomorrow and I finally did it! I thought this would be an appropriate thread to add this too. My starting weight was 240 lbs and I started my lifestyle change at the beginning of April. Now I'm going to set my MFP goals in 10 pound increments until I get to my ideal weight. What about you all?


    Congratulations & happy birthday