Candy Season Log-In Challenge 2015-2016!!

Summer is ending, and I can no longer ignore the Halloween displays. They've been up for weeks already. This means one thing:

Candy season is nearly upon us.

A former co-worker pointed this out to me--You have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Valentines Day, and Easter...nearly SEVEN MONTHS of excuses for candy to be on display, on sale, and then on clearance...SEVEN MONTHS of baked goods and extra junk in our break rooms and in our childrens' backpacks...SEVEN MONTHS of temptation.


I'm not asking us to completely avoid it. That's good for some folks, and it may even be what I end up doing (sweets make me crave more sweets!). That's not what this group is for. THIS group is for two things:

1) To brag (or vent!!) about the ridiculous amount of sweets that come across your path and how you deal with them. Share tactics, strategies, success stories, and cheat days. We want it all!

2) To encourage one another log in EVERY DAY from October 1, 2015 through April 3, 2016. That date is one week after Easter 2016, which gives us time to get though all the last bits of candy and baked goods that fly around following that holiday (and to recoop from giving up anything for Lent, if that's something you do).

At the end of this count, we should all have 185 consecutive days logged.

I'll be honest: I'm a spotty logger...but I'm not even asking for food journaling every day. I'm just asking for us to keep in touch with MFP. Even if you log in at 11:59pm to keep the count going, it counts! I know this will keep me from giving up and not logging for 6 days while I gradually polish off an entire bag of Reese's Pumpkins...Christmas Trees...Eggs...

Let's keep it reasonable this Candy Season.

Who's with me??!!
Owner: SenditToSarahLeaders: SenditToSarahCreated on September 9, 201512 membersPrivacy: Public



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