Things I learned this past weekend....

So I went to Universal Studios in Orlando on Friday (Halloween Horror Nights is fantastic!). I wasn't planning to cheat, but I had decided I was just going to enjoy myself and not really worry about food all that much. I came back with some new perspectives.

1. I cave into peer pressure easier than I thought. "Oh come on, you're on vacation, eat what you want." So I did.....
2. Cinnabon and cheesecake, while delicious, are completely and totally not worth the gastric upset they later cause, and having gastric upset in the middle of a theme park while you are the bag lady (I don't ride coasters LOL) is NOT A GOOD THING!! 4 months of minimal sugar really does change things.
3. A cinnabon pecanbon has 1080 calories. 1080 delicious calories and despite point #2, I regret nothing.
4. Walking 30k steps isn't really all that hard to do in a theme park. My feet didn't even start hating me until I hit 25k, which compared to this time last year is a HUGE accomplishment for me.
5. Walking 30k steps earns me back about 2000 calories..... So to put that in perspective, I normally eat 1200. On Saturday, I ate around 3100. I burned 2000 just walking, and walking, and walking, and walking.... I still stayed in a deficit. I found that absolutely hilarious.
6. Homemade full fat full sugar ice cream is still the most delicious substance on Earth and will probably from now on be the ONLY thing I ever go off low carb for LOL.
7. I can climb back on the wagon with minimal fuss. Now, granted, yesterday I stared at said wagon and growled for a good long minute, but nevertheless, climbed on up, took the reigns back, and remembered how comfy and nice the seat is. This makes me stare down Thanksgiving this year with a great Clint Eastwood glare. Come on bro, bring it!
8. Potatoes are overrated. So is bread.
9. Butterbeer, for the Harry Potter fans, is nasty and so sweet I about yak'd it all back up.
10. 4 lbs of water weight doesn't come off magically over night as soon as you get back to low carb. In fact, I'm not sure if it's the carbs or the hormones at this point considering TOM is any day now. Surprisingly, I'm not that worried about it. Getting back into ketosis however took 12 hours which was extremely eye opening. :) It's nice to be back. I have NO craving whatsoever at this point.

And to add..... I can actually wear t-shirts cut for women now. Normally, they are super small, even in the larger sizes, but now, I can actually wear shirts made for girls. :) I fit on all the rides, many with room to spare, and I no longer got that look from other people, the "OMG, I don't want to sit by the fat chick" look.

I had a great time, learned my lesson on carbs for sure, and found out I don't miss them as much as I thought I did. I also learned I think I can occasionally, as in every few months if the opportunity arises, eat something like cinnabon, and not spiral into a binge like I used to do. I'd been thinking about maintenance, even though it's a good 60 lbs away, and this experiment helped to put it into perspective. For once in my life, I think I finally will make it to goal and stay there.


  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    That's so awesome! :) It sounds like you had a really great weekend!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Boy did I love reading this post ! Way to go !!!!!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    What a great experience, despite the GI distress! Having this control over food is awesome! So glad you had a good time! Thanks for the tip on the butterbeer too!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    That is a whole lot of NSV right there!!! Make sure you print this out to keep it in your progress notebook to look back upon!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Love it!
  • dtobio
    dtobio Posts: 55 Member
    I'm headed to Disney World in 29 days and I am tempted to print this out and let it be my mantra. DH and I have made dining reservations based on places where it's easy to stay out of trouble. As much fun as it is to be on vacation, it's one week and I just can't afford the setback.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Love this post.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @dtobio, it's great that you are planning ahead for your vacation! You will be a success for sure. I believe lchf/keto is completely doable while traveling. I wouldn't ever judge anyone for choosing to eat off plan either. It's always the choices that we make right now that count the most!