What's Your Plan?

BuffyBourbon Posts: 126 Member
edited October 2015 in Social Groups
As of now, i'm officially 1/3 of the way to my goal. I'm eating Nutrisystem, being very strict with it, and riding 5x a week, but the riding will slow down now that winter has come. I can't ride when it's too cold out because of an allergy to cold. SO I expect the loss to slow some over the winter, but to continue on. I normally log all of my food daily, and try to get my exercise logged too but i'm not as good at that. I eat whatever I want when i'm at a show, and don't normally log that because show food is so hard to find the right categories for. I'm also about to go on a 10 day vacation during which I won't be dieting. But other than that i'm being good. Really hoping I can hit my goal weight by mid-April.

I've found this calculator by the way, which is what i'm using to determine my goal weight - The old style insurance table height/weight charts would put me at a weight that would make me look emaciated, i'm a large framed girl and am always going to be, I just want to not be a Large & Fat girl anymore!!


Glad to be in a group of other riders, tell me about yourselves and your plans!!


  • spoonyspork
    spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
    I am at goal (been maintaining a couple months now - lost close to 100lbs), but my plan now is the same as it's been the whole journey here: enjoy eating what I want, in sane amounts. I still eat potato chips, but 1-2 servings a day instead of a whole bag. One donut instead of a half-dozen, etc. No food is evil, and all can be used to meet goals. I do make sure to get lots of nutrient-rich foods as well.

    I try to go to the barn several times a week, and always walk/bike there so long as the weather permits. Any place within a mile I also walk/bike to.

    I didn't really eat back my exercise calories and lost pretty quickly as a result, and I'm still a bit afraid to eat them back (exercise days get extra fats, carbs, and proteins added in however). I only eat back 50%, and then only if I burn a LOT of calories (less than mile walks and an hour of riding really don't burn that much, especially at my current weight) unless I'm super hungry. Seems to be working so far -- I gained this week, but only because I was at a 4 day festival full of Texas BBQ, tacos, and piles of bacon XD

    I don't worry about eating too much on vacations, though I do still try to log.

    Your link says I'm underweight. LOL, no (though I am thin now and would look gaunt any thinner). The weight range is otherwise reasonable though!

    Good luck and congrats on the current loss! You will be *amazed* at how much riding improves as weight drops. Currently owned saddles will get annoying though!
  • danishknab
    danishknab Posts: 2 Member
    My goal is losing 80lbs. I am on Omnitrition and have lost 8.6 lbs already. Not easy but the results are worth it! I am enjoying the natural less processed food and I feel GREAT!

    I did nutisystem about 7yrs ago and lost 80lbs before I had my 2 kids. It works too!
  • onawho
    onawho Posts: 196 Member
    Hey guys! I am your *kitten* admin that did not let you in because I had no idea there was a group at the door. LOL

    I need to lose about 40 more pounds, I am down 50.

    3x a week husband and I CrossFit, I ride my bike to work when the weather is nice its 2.5 miles one way (I try to do that once a week) and we walk for about 5-6 miles on Sundays.

    We do not eat things that come out of a box, passed thru a window, just add.... or what ever. We maintain a fairly low carb, high protein, decent amount of good fat diet. I am getting ready to start my organic vegetable garden again this winter (we live in FL).

    I have also been seeing my doctor regularly to keep me on track and for general encouragement.
  • BuffyBourbon
    BuffyBourbon Posts: 126 Member
    OOH, another who gardens and does horses! I'm doing well on Nutrisystem still, and grow a decent sized organic heirloom garden as well! The diet lets me have unlimited non-starchy vegetables, which is nice, but i've also modified it to "anything that comes out of my own garden is also unlimited". I just can't imagine that having an extra cup of watermelon is going to push me over the weight limits!

    I'm still hovering right above 40, but on my 10 day snorkeling vacation where we ate out constantly and had a great time with desserts and all, I gained only 1 pound, so not too shabby, and I really did have a LOT to eat during the vacation!

    I'm back at it now and hoping to 40 next week and maybe 50 before my next food shipment. I don't really like how processed all of the nutrisystem food is, but the portions are good and i'm never hungry on it, so i'm making do for now. About 10 years ago I lost 80# on Jenny Craig, and kept it off until an asthma attack had me hospitalized for awhile, and after being sick for a long time, and lots of steroids i wanted ALL OF THE FOOD. Then add the wrist surgeries... and yeah it's all back. SO i'm hoping i'll be able to lose the weight with nutrisystem, and then keep the smaller portion sizes that i'm getting used to and just move back to normal food once i'm at my goal weight.

    Right now at least half of the time I get to 9:00 and realize i have to eat more food. The goal is 1200-1500 calories per day, and i'm frequently getting to 9pm and satisfied and not hitting 1000 calories yet and having to have another protein snack before bed.
  • onawho
    onawho Posts: 196 Member
    Buffy, Can you sneak in some more calories somewhere? into a smoothie, or perhaps a handful of nuts or something mid-day?
  • Here4Ponies
    Here4Ponies Posts: 116 Member
    I've got at least 32lbs to lose. I'm strength training 3x week (Rider's Fitness) and cardio 2x week. I also ride 1-2 horses 5-6x week. My calories are set for 1600. I've just started tracking my exercise calories and sometimes I eat them back, sometimes I don't. Depends on my energy levels, hunger, and TBH whether or not I simply want something (ice cream, for example).
  • MandyLou517
    MandyLou517 Posts: 22 Member
    I've got about 30-40lbs to lose. Haven't picked a number yet, waiting to see how my body looks first. I have a fairly large frame and tend to be on the bulkier side when properly muscled. If I was a horse, I would definitely be a Quarter Horse!

    At the moment my plan is simply logging calories, and trying to add a little more activity to my day. I have burned myself out before by being too enthusiastic and making too many changes at once. This time I am being a bit more cautious and making changes slowly. I currently ride about 4-6x a week, generally one horse, but occasionally up to three or four. At the moment I am doing a push up/plank/wall sit challenge for a bit of structured exercise. Once I am finished with that I'd like to add in some yoga, then start C25K.
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 219 Member
    The link from the first post says I'm 13.6 lb overweight, I was planning to lose another 24lb so that should get me right in the middle of the healthy range
  • Snowdenfarm
    Snowdenfarm Posts: 84 Member
    I had not noticed that link before. Great calculator and easy to use.
  • BuffyBourbon
    BuffyBourbon Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks, it seems to be fairly accurate for me, and based on more recent science! Btw, when I made this post I was 1/3 of the way, as of today I'm 1/2 way!!!
  • Snowdenfarm
    Snowdenfarm Posts: 84 Member
    Oh my gosh, @BuffyBourbon that is wonderful. Congratulations!
  • BuffyBourbon
    BuffyBourbon Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks! I'm so excited! Of course, NONE of my show clothes are going to fit this year... getting new sparkley western shirts makes me so sad... B)
  • d2jump
    d2jump Posts: 39 Member
    ^^Buffy, you're doing awesome. And heck, new show clothes are fun. Costly, but fun! You go!
  • onawho
    onawho Posts: 196 Member
    Buffy is getting BUFFY!
  • onawho
    onawho Posts: 196 Member
    Buffy is getting BUFFY!
  • BuffyBourbon
    BuffyBourbon Posts: 126 Member