Introduce Yourself!



  • ChandalNicole
    ChandalNicole Posts: 166 Member
    I'd love to respond to each of you individually but I'm afraid I've gotten a little behind!

    First of all, WELCOME! I'm glad to see everyone here with a great, positive attitude! I will be here throughout this whole challenge, keeping everything active and moving forward! I've been in a few where they just fizzled out but it never stopped me. I kept on trucking. Please feel free to post any recipes you come across or use in the recipe discussions! I'll post a new one each week just so they don't get overloaded. Dinners, snacks, breakfasts.. Anything! These will be a useful tool for everyone involved! You don't have to starve yourself! I had a fish dinner, with a potato and a huge, loaded salad (no dressing) dinner the other night for under 500 calories. I couldn't even finish it all. You can still eat, it just takes a little extra attention and preparation. I recommend learning a little more about nutrition facts and labels; what everything is, what's good, what's "bad" and what they all mean. This is crucial! Some of the "low fat", "fat free", "sugar free" options are NOT your friend! They may be "fat free" but they're loaded with extra sugars! This is not just a diet, this is a whole change. You really have to look at it like that and make the small changes if you want to see lasting results. It truly is 80% diet and 20% exercise. I'll touch base on that a little more in another post!

    Don't be too concerned about the number on the scale! If you have a bad week, do not let it drag you down! Feed your body good foods and workout and you'll see results. You have to make changes if you want to see changes! You'll get there, just do the best you can and the rest will fall into place!
  • ladyrhodes2
    ladyrhodes2 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Olga, 47, mom of 3 adult children and grandma of 1. When I first started using MFP I weight in at 230 lbs. I lost about 20 pounds and then gained some back back. This is my second time using MFP. My mini goal is to get to 200. I have 13 pounds to go. After that I will set 10 pound mini goals until I reach 165-170. I log my food and use a fitbit to track my steps. I try my very best to get to 10,000 steps per day. Some days are better than others. I drink 2 tablespoons of chia in my water everyday and it helps me stay full between meals. I eat 3 meals and 2 snacks and try to stay within a 1200 calories. I am here with you hoping to find motivation and inspiration to stay on the right track to a healthier lifestyle. :)
  • DeeDiddyGee
    DeeDiddyGee Posts: 601 Member
    deety3 wrote: »
    Back at it, and this time, no "relaxing" when I hit my goal. I can't view this as short-term. It's life-term.

    You can say that again...and again..and again..that's the TRUTH!
  • aracox
    aracox Posts: 9 Member
    HI! I'm Ashley. I am nearly 40 pounds overweight and really trying MFP for the first time. I had a baby in early 2014, and just never really got my fitness back on track. My weight has yo-yo'd for about 15 years now, and i'm only 33! I lots 25 pounds in 2010 and weighed 161--my best weight of my adult life. Now i'm sitting around 191 from an all-time high of 205 (not counting pregnancy). I'm on day 3 of JM Body Revolution and enjoying it so far. I'm also trying to eat clean at home with my husband. Looking forward to this group!
  • curves2j
    curves2j Posts: 144 Member
    Hello Everyone! I'm Beth, 35 years old, 2 kids, 2 dogs and married. I have been on yo yo scale up and down on weight since my teens. I started MFP back in late 2014 and was doing great. And then came the holidays....and out went my hard work. I just could not get myself back on track mentally. :'( And while struggling- my grandmother passed away. Forget about it and that point many excuses to indulge myself into gaining it all back and then some. :D I started back in July 2015 again at 245.5. CW 203.6- counting down to ONEderland :) I am now 9 lbs away from where I was back in January 2015. Looking forward to minus an additional 20 lbs while surrounded by friends!
  • jm70614
    jm70614 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 26 and have never been overweight by more than a few pounds until this year when grad school, a wedding, and a new job with wonderful food all around (Minneapolis skyway is my wonderland) I added on about 10 extra pounds. I've since lost that but have picked up running. While I'm now either at a healthy BMI or just a couple pounds away, I'd like to lose at least 15-20 pounds to put me closer to the middle of my healthy weight so that I can run faster (2016 marathon hopefully!). I'm also hoping to have kids in the next five years and don't want to get pregnant at the upper limit of a healthy weight as I anticipate that I, like most, will keep a few baby pounds around long after pregnancy.

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'5''
    SW: 160
    CW: 150
    GW: 130
  • hjohnso5
    hjohnso5 Posts: 8 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi Everyone! Wow, what motivational stories in here! I topped out at 237 pounds, and it was a definite emotional low for me. I started making small changes back in July by walking farther to get to work, and trying to cut back on the binging of snacks and sweets. So far I have lost 13 pounds, and I am looking to get more regimented with my weight loss and lose at least 15 pounds by December 19th - I am leaving the 19th for a trip of a lifetime and I don't want to look back at the pictures hating the way I look.

    Thanks for creating this group! I am looking forward to having a support system.

    Age: 26
    SW: 237
    CW: 224
    December 19 GW: 209
    GW: 175
  • JodehFoster
    JodehFoster Posts: 419 Member
    I'm gonna hang out here for some extra motivation. Aiming for 20#, but will be satisfied for half that, as I'm only 25# from goal. I'll be in Reno for New Years & that's my current motivational focus. My start weight and my goal weight are for this challenge purpose. I'd like to check in w/ weight updates once a week here.

    I don't keep a diary on here, or have a need to accept friend requests. No offense, but I find the forums to be plenty for me. :smile:

    A little background, I was never overweight until my late 20s, graduating HS @ 104. In my late 20s/early 30s I managed to gain over 100#, my highest that I documented was 230. I was up & down during that time. In 2009 I decided to go low carb & haven't looked back. I got back down to 124 a couple years ago & took a new job at work, ended up stress eating my way back up to 176 due to the job. Over the past year, I've managed to drop 30 of that & need to get the rest off. I'm comfortable w/ the rate it's coming off these days & I'm not suffering. While I remain low carb for the most part, I do indulge in pizza if I want a damn slice. It's all in portion control as well. I've learned a lot about myself & what I can & can't do over all these years. I know what works for me.

    Good luck to all!

    Age: 45
    Height: 5'
    SW/CW: 145
    GW: 125
  • gmmoor1
    gmmoor1 Posts: 14 Member
    I'll go first! As I previously said, I started this journey back in January. At that point, I was at my heaviest of 265 (that was recorded anyway). Long story short, a person very close to me was brutally honest but not in the sense that they were being mean, making me think less of myself. They had just simply said that I was losing myself and my weight was the cause. I wasn't the person that I used to be. I was always complaining about myself and my wardrobe, which had dwindled to one pair of jeans, a few shirts and a few maxi dresses that fit. I was consistently negative about myself and I had zero energy to want to do things. Their words hurt to hear but they were right. However, I only agreed once I tried complaining to my mother and she sided with them. It sat me back and made me think. They were absolutely right. I was only hurt because everybody else in my life sugar coated it all. Trying to "make me feel better" about my size. That's not a solution! If you don't like your size and it's taking away your confidence and your well being, YOU are the only person that can change that. People can tell you you're beautiful all day long but if you feel down about yourself, their words mean nothing. It has to come from within. So I made that change.

    I started "jogging", and I use that term lightly, a few times a week. Slowly but surely, my jog has improved. I started out only jogging about 1.5 miles in 35-40 minutes, hating it the whole way. My knees would hurt, my hips, my feet.. I wasn't sure I was going to be cut out for this but I kept pushing. I can now jog 3 miles in the same amount of time, pain free. I also started logging everything I ate. I never did "diet" because I know it doesn't work. I simply stopped purchasing prepackaged foods, sweet drinks were cut drastically (coffees are my weakness), and I tried to use simple, clean ingredients. We try to cook at home 98% of the time but we're a normal family and we go out from time to time as well. In those scenarios, I found myself doing research prior to. I look up menu's and nutrition facts online. But if I feel like I want to have a black and blue bacon burger with sweet potato fries then by gosh I will! Don't restrict yourself to the point where you feel like you're being punished! You'll never stick to it. Find an exercise that you love! Change things up! I now do all sorts of things from Zumba to HIIT workouts, Yoga and jogging. Sometimes I take things outside! You have to do what makes you feel confident and comfortable. And you have to make time! I made excuses for a short while when I started my schooling and reverted back to some of my old ways and I felt terrible. Not only mentally but physically I was just so tired and dragged down for a couple of weeks. But I didn't let it stop me. I picked myself back up and got right back on the wagon and lost 5 pounds that week! It's incredible what you can do when you set your mind to it.

    A few helpful YouTube resources if you're an at home workout person like myself:
    BeFit Channel has loads of workouts! Everything from beginner to advanced. They've even got some Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred videos.
    If you're a Zumba junkie like myself, Live Love Party channel has great, modern Zumba dances with up to date songs.

    This story brought tears to my eyes because it is very similar to mine except I woke up at 249 and then climbed to 259 where I am now but I trust I can do like you and make an amazing turnaround. I am not discouraged, but encouraged. This is beautiful.
  • ChandalNicole
    ChandalNicole Posts: 166 Member
    gmmoor1 wrote: »
    This story brought tears to my eyes because it is very similar to mine except I woke up at 249 and then climbed to 259 where I am now but I trust I can do like you and make an amazing turnaround. I am not discouraged, but encouraged. This is beautiful.

    It's very attainable! You just need the want and the desire to change. Don't be too hard on yourself. One of the best things I learned is to love myself. Know that you're doing your best. So you only lost 1 pound instead of 2? Don't beat yourself up! Celebrate! Work harder and push yourself for those extra reps that you "can't" do next time. You'd be surprised at what your body actually can do if you tell yourself you can.

    It's an amazing journey to be on and it'll change you in some of the best ways! Best wishes!
  • hrush1889
    hrush1889 Posts: 56 Member
    my name is Hilary. Excited to get started in this group! My ultimate weight loss goal is 20 pounds, by 2016 would be great but if not I will keep trying. Growing up I always was relatively thin, and in college I worked out regularly. I am now turning 25 in a couple weeks and since graduating have put on 20 pounds sadly. I have used this site before on and off, and have gotten onto a good fitness kick and then fell off the wagon many times trying to loose weight and failing. Tired of not feeling my best, so here I am! Looking to get on a more regular fitness ruitine and to log here everyday. If anyone wants to add me on here feel free! :)
  • cajungirltx
    cajungirltx Posts: 147 Member
    Hi I'm Gwen, 41, 5'1, CW 165, GW IS 130. I have a sedentary job. We get lots of customers that bring in food almost everyday. As I type this, we're getting bbq chicken, ribs, brisket, pot. salad, rice, and beans. Ugh!!!
    Anyway, I want to feel good about myself again. My husband and I married and had a child at a young age. We are now grandparents to a beautiful 2 yr old grandson. I've notice I get more tired now when I play with him. I know if I could lose the weight and get back in shape I'd feel much better.

    My goal is to lose at 15lbs by Jan. 1st. I started Oct. 1st and so far have lost 4lbs. I'm looking forward to doing this with a group that has the same goal as me, get healthier going into the New Year!!!

    Friend me....
  • NoExcuses231
    NoExcuses231 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I'm Susan, 34, mom to 3 young kids (4,2, 8 months), and a full time school counselor. After my last (and final) pregnancy and weaning my baby I decided I was ready to take my body back. I had been either pregnant or breastfeeding with little time in between for the the past 4+ years and I was ready to get back to me. At the end of all 3 pregnancies I was 30 pounds heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight. I hated shopping and the clothes I do/did wear are strategically chosen to hide my midsection and flabby arms. I want to look forward to getting dressed each morning and proud of how I look and carry myself. I also don't want my kids to see their mom struggling with her weight and yo-yo dieting. I just started this journey at the beginning of September (started MFP in October) and am already down 10 lbs which is very motivating. Looking forward to using this group to keep me focused and motivated.

    HW:190 lbs
    CW: 180 lbs
    DW: 150 lbs
  • mrseash
    mrseash Posts: 10 Member
    My name is Rachelle. I'll be 39 next month and I have 5 kids ages 6-13. I'm 5' 6" ish and currently weigh 155. My comfortable weight is about 147 but I keep trying to get to 140 with no luck because I always give up too soon. I work a desk job and try to exercise but it's never regular enough.

    I'm hoping to get under 150 in the next month or two and then re-evaluate. I will do great tracking for a couple weeks and then I'll have a binge or get discouraged and quit tracking only to gain back the couple pounds I just lost.

    I used to heavily rely on exercise for weight loss because I had more time and I like the way it makes me feel. I used to teach Zumba and other group exercise classes but my kids schedules no longer allow me to do that year round. We are also going to be moving out of state soon and I know that kind of stress and disruption could cause me to gain more weight.

    I'm looking forward to the positive support of this group so we can keep each other on track. I have to be careful not to get too obsessive about this.
  • 252lose
    252lose Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm Paula ... thanks for letting me join your group ... then again, I guess you're not turning anyone away. I want to drop 21 pounds. I'm currently 176 (i've gained three pounds in the last two weeks when I've eaten 5 to 10 cal below my goal cal for the day and workout every day.... this is my life) I want to get down to 175. I've joined several different weight loss organizations, a couple local places, Metabolic, Weight Watchers ... they all get me within ten pounds, but never do I hit my goal. They say it's because i'm not eating enough, not eating the right things, I workout too much, I don't want it badly enough. I've struggled since I swam in college where i was 5'9" with 11% body fat and my coach said I was fat because i weighed 150. I've struggled ever since. I need to just do this and figure out why i'm not losing and figure out how to lose! I also need the encouragement of others.
  • tvreruninvasion
    tvreruninvasion Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there, I'm Rachel and I've never really had weight issues in my life until I went full time at my desk job and I'm sick of feeling uncomfortable. I renewed my gym membership and bought a jawbone pedometer and I'm hoping to dedicate myself to losing weight by the time I have those dreaded Christmas parties come around.
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'8"
    SW: 154
    CW: 147
    GW: 130
  • happysonia1
    happysonia1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Sonia. I live in Southern California. I am a full-time mom to two kids in elementary school and work part-time and a registered dental hygienist.
    I overindulged this summer! I have no regrets but need to get back in to my "baggy" clothes (presently, it's fitting snug...NO BUENO).
    At the beginning of this year, I was avoided sugar and flour. I felt great! I lost 20+ lbs....but it only lasted 5mos. During the summer, i enjoyed my alcohol and THAT came ALONG with other delicious food!
    I turn 40 next year (February) and I want to wear something cute...yes, it's for vanity! Everyone around me seems to be happy with their weight and is ready for holiday food. YIKES! That only makes it worse for me. I need you guys and I want to be here for you as well!
    So let's do this!
  • nmester
    nmester Posts: 17 Member
    Hello all! I'm Nicole 23 years old. Ever since high school I have struggled with my weight. My HW is somewhere over 200 lbs. 5'1 so that's a lot of weight for my frame. I'm not looking to get skinny, honestly if I could lose 50lbs I'd be a lot happier and I could go from there. I currently work at a desk job so obviously my exercise has been lacking because I don't get up often since I'm tied to my phone (call center). I've been on MFP for quite some time but I always tend to fall off the wagon and end up back at the beginning. This time I'm hoping it'll be different because I'm getting married 10/15/16. I do mud runs for fun and I've noticed when I do more my weight seems to come off easier. Three years ago I went through a really rough break up and lost 30 lbs but since then I've put it all back on. My currently goal right now is to get to 160s. I'm currently down 6lbs at 191 so I have a ways to go so I'm really looking to find a supportive community. I loved the way I felt after I had first lost the 30 lbs and I want to get back to that so I think this will be a great start!
  • MaVieEntiere
    MaVieEntiere Posts: 135 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hello! My name is Sandra and I work for a non-profit in Haiti, where I live full time. Over the past 4 years my weight has yo-yo-ed. I am currently 138lb which may not sound like a lot, but for the 5' foot range is overweight. I do not desire to lose 20, but would like to lose 12 to 15lbs by January 2016!

    As I get closer to a healthier weight for my body, those last pounds come off PAINFULLY slow. Painfully slow. My husband and I also just took a lengthy vacation to the US, where I managed to gain 7 pounds. This may not sound like a lot, but again, on a small frame... its a real set-back. 7 pounds on me looks more like 10-12lbs.

    Anyways, I love MFP and I love community groups. Happy to walk with you guys on the awesomeness that is taking care of our bodies!
  • MaVieEntiere
    MaVieEntiere Posts: 135 Member
    edited October 2015
    I like doing this, for myself more than anyone:
    HW: 175+??
    CW: 138
    20By2016 GW: 125.