Anyone else more than 2 years post sleeve?

I was sleeved 4/2/13. There are new challenges this far out. Now it isn't about how to get our water in or what puréed foods to eat. It is more about how to stay on track and not slip back into old habits. I have regained (SW 303. LW 158 CW 198) but I am still far healthier than before. I continue to exercise and try to eat well but am working hard to get back/stay in the groove. Wondering if there are other veteran sleevers out there and how things are going for you. Always looking for motivation and insights from others on this journey!


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I am just about a week shy of two years. The challenges now are definitely different. I have a completely new normal, and maintaining and trying to lose at this point definitely takes some trial and error. I gained back about 9 lbs, so I immediately went for a visit with my surgeon to adjust the plan, and I feel it's working. Part of my challenge was that I was pushing the limits a bit and trying different things, so I went back to basics as far as food. Also, I am starting to go through menopause and my hormones are a little bonkers. I just had to regroup, and I am figuring that's something I will have to continue to do again in the future. This is all new territory to navigate!
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    I am a little over 3 years out, but RNY, not VSG. But I honestly don't think there is any difference in the two surgeries by the end of two years.

    It is harder, and more challenging, than that first year. losing is great, and you get so much encouragement in so many different ways. Maintaining is just . . . boring, I guess.

    I stay on track by watching the scale like a hawk, tracking my food every day, and using a Fitbit to make sure I don't start sitting around too much. But I still feel like the guy who jumped off the roof of a 30 story building. Every window he went by, he said "So far, so good."
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I am 4 years out from the sleeve this past July. I'm not losing anymore, haven't in a year, may very well be in maintenance whether I want to be or not. But with 160+ pounds off since surgery, I am mobile again and healthy and that's the whole point of the surgery. I still follow the plan, weigh and measure a lot and find this seems to be my new normal.
  • I'm nearly 4 years out (Nov 9, 2011). I have experienced some weight gain (SW 325, LW 178, CW 206). I find it harder to stay on track and know that I must work harder than in the first year to lose weight. At this point, I have to count calories, carbs and exercise in order to lose even a couple pounds a month. I never reached a "normal" weight according to the BMI charts, but my lowest weight of 178 was a good weight for me (felt good about myself and in my own skin) and I am working to get back there. It's just harder now.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,738 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi Dawn,

    I was sleeved 6/12/13 and am also working hard to get back/stay in the groove. I lost too much down to 138 which at 63yr 5'9" (maybe 20# excess skin) was unhealthy. It was good to gain 10 but then the scale just kept inching upward to 162. I was afraid it would go up and up and blow this whole fabulous change... :noway:

    I'd decided to stay 140-150, so at 151 the struggle started. I started tracking again and fighting cravings but still found it hard to stay under 1400C/day. :huh: It's been a few months, but the past couple weeks I finally got close and am now down to 158. :bigsmile:

    Drinking lots of water seems to help a lot. Tracking is essential - yesterday I stopped eating before really having dinner because my calories were used up & I'd had enough protein. I'm making sure to get enough protein (jerky & tuna salad instead of protein shakes). And processed carbs are my enemy :sad: they trigger cravings in me [bran, rice, rolled oats, potatoes, beans are ok].

    The hardest thing is ignoring the desire for treats. There are plenty of yummy satisfying foods that aren't cookies or crackers. But that little :devil: voice that says "one won't hurt" or "you already blew it, might as well have another now and deal with it tomorrow" or even "but I really WANT it" - those are the worst. It takes a week or so of diligence to quiet the voices. And there MUST be treat alternatives around the house that are yummy, high nutrition and filling, like: vegie casseroles, quiche, soup, fruit cups, meatloaf, chili, stir fry, nuts, etc. Great ideas at

    Wish you the best. Friend me if you want.
    :flowerforyou: Paula
  • pbit
    pbit Posts: 10 Member
    mareacuda wrote: »
    I started working out- because I found something FUN, not because I am punishing myself for being overweight.

  • pbit
    pbit Posts: 10 Member
    Really like this saying!
  • wifeydevine
    wifeydevine Posts: 19 Member
    I was sleeved 4/26/12. HW was 289, lost down to 162, have bounced back up to 171, lost back now to 168. Going back to surgery rules and following my handbook as much as I can to try to get it back off.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Hit 2 years in September and can see how the challanges have changed. It's easy to fall into a new normal and forget the basics. Been able to stay within 10 pounds of my LW but it does take a more focused effort the further away you get from DAY 1.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    The fist five years were fairly easy. Now I got stressed from my job and gained 30 lbs. It's really hard to hit my protein macros now because protein shakes and liquids don't satisfy. I try to eat protein and veggies but get bored. And now that it takes an hour and half each way to work I don't get to the gym very often.
  • specialemy
    specialemy Posts: 141 Member
    I was sleeved 03/26/12 and still am very appreciative of the resulting benefits. I gained 30lbs from my lowest weight and have logged back into MFP to work on losing that 30. Four years out and the challenges are different than my first year out. My old habits have come back (emotional eating, boredom eating, and the sweet & salty crunching). I am grateful that my sleeve is still working - letting me know that I ate too much, and still on occasion find myself in the bathroom feeling sick. Today I searched the house and found my old binder from the Bariatric clinic and am reading that again for inspiration.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    I was sleeved 4/17/2014 almost 2 years! I regained 3 pounds from lowest weight, but I have been working out! I run now, I do Zumba, kickboxing, step, spinning and weight training. I have supportive friends and family! I have gone from an arthritic non active person to a healthy active lady in my 60's! I had arm surgery to remove massive bat wings, I went from a size 20 to a size 6-8, SW 265 HW 281 CW 147
  • thompsonpyl
    thompsonpyl Posts: 3 Member
    The fist five years were fairly easy. Now I got stressed from my job and gained 30 lbs. It's really hard to hit my protein macros now because protein shakes and liquids don't satisfy. I try to eat protein and veggies but get bored. And now that it takes an hour and half each way to work I don't get to the gym very often.

    I can understand the struggle. Is there any where for you to walk or exercise at work? Even for 20-30 minutes.
  • Msroro
    Msroro Posts: 7 Member
    Five years here here is the stats SW 298 LW 167 CW 184. Soooo.... On Jan 21 I weighed myself and I had blown up to 201!!!! So at that moment I decided to not give up I changed my eating and lifestyle. I am now following the Keto lifestyle and it is perfect for a vsg'r. Low carb high fat and protein. No cravings I forget to eat! I love it and this is my new way of eating.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Good for you @Msroro! I've been keto for a year, it's marvelous!
  • Msroro
    Msroro Posts: 7 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    Good for you @Msroro! I've been keto for a year, it's marvelous!

    Thank you its great I watch YouTube to learn every day
  • Msroro
    Msroro Posts: 7 Member
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @Msroro , there are some groups here on mfp that are wonderful for ketoers! Check out the Low Carber Daily, and Keto groups! There's some great people in each (some are in both, like me) who seem to truly want to help each other with low carb eating!
  • 2mouse63
    2mouse63 Posts: 66 Member
    I was sleeved 4/2/2014 almost 2 years out. HW was 289, lost down to 198, have bounced back up to 225, I am back on track again and now I am losing again back down to 219 and counting it down again. I went back to surgery rules and following my handbook as much as I can to try to get it back off. I am starting to go through menopause and my hormones are crazy. My oldest children, and job is given me lots of stress, which makes my old habits come back (emotional eating, boredom eating, and the sweet & salty crunching). Popcorn with butter, and chips is very hard to stay away from for my head is telling me it is ok to have it once in a while. Logging my food is very important to me so I can see where I am through out the day.