Struggle of giving up Soda!?!

I gave up soda cold turkey on September 14th as the small starting step to beginning my journey and I am wondering what issues other people have had with giving up soda and any suggestions for making the transition from it easier.


  • Melgibbs
    Melgibbs Posts: 26 Member
    Oh Soda how I love thee. I am a soda addict. I will drink regular and diet soda like it's the last thing on earth. I have been infusing my water with lemon, cucumbers, and mint. That has really helped deter my soda cravings. I have not been doing so good lately with my 64 oz a day. I am drinking a diet coke now with my lunch and this will be the only soda I drink all day. Sometimes now I only drink half of one and go back to my water. Maybe reward yourself and say if I can go all day with no soda I will buy a new song off of Itunes, and then do that and then switch it to every three days, and so on. Feel free to add me too. I know I am always looking for more people for motivation.
    10ELIZABETHWC16 Posts: 3 Member
    I gave up soda two years ago. When I realized how much salt was in a can and how much sugar, I decided that soda was really bad for me. I went cold turkey.