Welcome October and Fall- Change is in the Air!



  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I can feel a change a coming...Cooler weather, even in the DRY, DRY, HOT South!! We need some Rain!! They say it's coming soon....hope so.

    I can also tell a change in myself...my clothes are much looser. I am hoping that by Saturday I can claim a loss of a pound at least. Keep those fingers crossed for me! XXXX

    Snoozie, I hope you are better, just still working nights, maybe. We miss you!

    I hope you all have a glorious weekend!!
    TRICK or TREAT!!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Good morning ladies, catching up the readings. Snoozie a pinched nerve is so painful, God's speedy recovery to you. Susan good for you for succeeding to the top of the canyon so awesome and for having a partner pushing with you. Carol, I just love the Bushkill's area. I spent most of my children's growing lives in that area of the Poconos. I am glad you had fun enjoying the falls and the hiking. Gail, are you feeling any of the effects of Hurricane Patrica? The sky is cloudy and the winds have picked up here.

    I have not had a menstrual for 2 years and I started having lower abdominal pain about 3 weeks ago and a slight bleeding. Pap smear just came back yesterday negative. Ultrasound came back negative for a cyst on ovaries. I do have two large fibroids which should have shrunk after menopause. Well long story short, the doctor wanted to do a biopsy to make sure the bleeding and he saw a thick lining of the uterus on the ultrasound are not anything to be concern about so I had that done last Tuesday and I should have the results by Monday. :neutral:

    I was with 12 family members initially over the summer then down to 6 now to 3 ( who are children) as of three weeks now so much less stress!! I am actually sleeping at night again. I did not burden you guys with every detail. Thanks for allowing my off and on venting.

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    No , milove, not any effects as of yet, from Patricia, but we are hoping and praying for some of her RAIN!! lol maybe not so much wind.

    So it's down to 3 children ...can they take care of themselves? Glad the stress level is down......family is so much fun!! ; /

  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    The rain has hit today! We seldom get a complete day of rain, hope we can take it and hope you get some!!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Ladies just received a call from my doctor. Best call on a Sunday eve. My biopsy was benign. Yayy. Apparently I have a period.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Lol milove... ouch ouch ouch.... :o
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi everyone I'm using Siri as I still can't use my right hand I'm typing is just too hard and laborious with only four working fingers on my other hand lol. It's been insanely busy two weeks between midnights then 7 days of 4am get ups and trying to irganuze on the retirement dinner for 250 -all the while dealing with the Back and hand crap while going to work and doing the dinner Too. I can use thw hand some today so I'm hoping I'm finally on the mend And back to making you crazy with my posts. Not thrilled with using Siri as I sent some pretty horrible texts dealing with the retirement dinner which were AutoCorrect it and I didn't read them before I sent them as there were so many and I'm not used to texting a lot anyway. - mortified a few times so I'm trying not to use it too much. I've not been eating well due to sticking to things either easy to make or take out but I don't think I've gained any but I certainly haven't lost any. Now that the crazies over plan to return full force to My goal. But busy can't be an excuse for me anymore it's too easy. Yesterday was my first full day off and spent it in my pajamas lol. ☺️. Hope all are doing well milove very glad to hear it was benign look forward to catching up with everyone soon
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    I kind of like Siri Snoozie, but it does come out crazy if you don't double check. lol. So glad to be back on here somewhat and catching up on everyone's life.
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    So glad to hear from you Snoozie! Was getting concerned while stalking that you haven't been posting lately. Glad to know you are doing ok. What's with the hand now?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    hiya Patrice.. just a royal pain in the ... well hand and arm.. .lol think it started as a carpal tunnel then took on a life of its own with a pinched nerve on top of it... but doing better now thankful to have a normal hand back instead of some cartoon one lol.. but trying to stay off the puter on my days off now to let everything heal fully.

    gonna hop on the scale tomorrow morning to see exactly where i'm at, but have take n the first steps in picking up some healthy stuff and planning a few meals for the next 48 hrs.... baby steps.. but steps...

    and milove... I have learned the hard way that trying to save time using siri for talk to text is no help if you don't proof read it!!!

    WILL BE checking in more frequently and typing more now that life appears to be going back to normal (or as normal as our lives ever get lol
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Isn't that the truth! I am glad you are better Snoozie.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    thanks Milove... I was feeling better til I stepped on the scale this morning... turns out I was wrong; I did gain AGAIN and am not a happy camper with myself.

    I Will take a few minutes to mope and whine and feel hard done by, and angry with myself for letting this happen... yup all the old familiar nasty head games that helped me stay overweight for most of my life have come back to try to mess with me.... i thought i was done with them but apparently its still an ongoing battle lol.

    Then I will reset my ticker and my head... i need to dredge up the memory of how great i felt when i hit my goal weight; meaning how good i felt about ME at a healthy weight, not the number itself. I cant change the fact I regained 20lbs, but i can change my mindset and start again. A part of me still wants that quick fix I have to admit.. with all the knowledge i have gained from this site and all my friends here, you'd think i'd have moved past some of the head games LOL.. however... reality is to accept i'm the only one who can get me back to feeling great about me physically, and it aint gonna happen if i don't DO something about it.

    So.. pity party will be held from 0700-0900h this morning.. please feel free to bring me gifts btw... ahem... :p
    At 0901h partys over and i get to work on my goal!


    but again... ahem... please feel free to bring gifts.. did i mention that?? :p

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    ugh... I know the feeling Snoozie... had to reset the ticker and goal to lose 1 lb per week...

    I think it's time for a road trip to somewhere warm...

    Set the GPS Snoozie - I've got my keys in hand....and no stops for junk at the roadside convenience stores... just gas and a pit stop....

    Sending flowers - calorie free:)


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :) winter hasn't set in here yet Carole - but come February i'll definitely be in for a road trip to warmer parts!
    Thanks for the flowers - they're luffly!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Sorry I missed your pity party Snoozie, <3 Sending a heart
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :) lol that's ok milove - I bought myself a present LOLOL! HAAAAAAAAA
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    Hi! Anybody home? I haven't fallen off the end of the earth. I'm back. I had a detached retina with surgery and some complications, etc. I was using my tablet instead of my desktop. Between my clumsy fingers and bad sight, I couldn't post and type. I finally got cleared from all activity restrictions. I signed up with a trainer to start next week and I'm going to start tracking again. Wish me luck - I'm gonna' need it! It's good to "see" everyone. I'm catching up on the posts. 'Hope everyone is doing well.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    kObiemom - posed on your wall too but omg... one of my worst nightmares has always been the threat of a detached retina...having had eye probs forever) so I shuddered reading your post! hope everything is ok now and you're recovering ok... kudos on the trainer and the tracking - well done you! nice to see ya back btw!