
Hey everyone :)

I thought I would get a discussion going in this group, go ahead and maybe say hello and introduce yourself


  • I'm pretty excited about this challenge. I haven't seen a lot of relative in a while, so it will be fun to be looking better when I see them over the holidays. I also have a wedding coming this may :3 so that's another big motivator.

    F/20/5'6", SW: 212lbs, CW: 183lbs, and I'm hoping to lose around 20lbs during this challenge, but all progress is good progress!

    Big challenges are definitely going to be exercising as it gets colder and resisting temptations from holiday goodies, so accountability will be really great to have.

    You can friend me on here if you want :)
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,411 Member
    That's my biggest fear too is staying up with the exercise as winter approaches and continuing with my weight lose. F/48/5'3" SW:168 CW: 143 I just want to continue losing weight and not have any slippery slopes I can' t deal with.
  • stelahh
    stelahh Posts: 1 Member
    f/23/5'3" - SW:225.2 CW:207 Challenge GW:190

    Cold weather makes me so sluggish but I have a gym membership and indoor spin class 3x a week! So, I'm confident I can stay on track :)

    Even if I lose 10 pounds during this challenge, that's 10 less than when I started! :#
  • RanchCommander
    RanchCommander Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there!

    M/28/6'2" - SW: 260 / GW: 240 (for challenge - end goal is 215-220)

    I went to a wedding a couple of weeks ago and my suit was strangling me, plus graduation is coming up and I'd rather be in shape. Plus, lifestyle changes are gonna be needed if I plan on working a desk job for a career.

    Outside exercise is gonna get harder as it gets colder, but my gym has an indoor track. I love weight lifting, but have been going easier on exercise since I hurt my knee fairly recently. Working on getting back.

    I like the idea of encouragement in this group, the lack of which usually plays a role in my falling off the wagon. Let's be friends! Good luck everyone.
  • tresfab
    tresfab Posts: 1 Member
    F/19/5'10" - SW: 187 CW: 158 GW: 140

    Happy to be serious about losing weight this time! The fall challenge really helped my stay accountable with the weekly weigh-ins and I'm excited to be participating in another challenge. :smile:
  • FimbrethilPickle
    FimbrethilPickle Posts: 2 Member
    I love the reindeer pic!

    I'm with everyone on the weather blues, I definitely suffer from a mild case of SAD. That said, I have a personal trainer to keep me accountable for being at the gym at least twice a week, and the meal generator I've been using plus pre-logging in MFP is taking a lot of the "screw this I'm going to order a pizza" out of my life. So I'm hopeful! But I'm sure I'll still be whining on here about my lethargy at some point this winter.

    Also I may have undershot on my challenge goal, as I had a major woosh right after calculating my expected loss by the end of the challenge!

    5'5"/F/31 - SW: 298 CW: 280 GW: 269 Final goal: 130
  • touchmytoes81
    touchmytoes81 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm fatgirllittlecoat :) This is my first challenge I'm excited.
  • aerin34
    aerin34 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm here for the friendship and ppl kicking my buns to get into gear, lol. I'm a nurse, work 12 hour shifts and am remodeling the house with the hub. I do a bit of everything and anything with the remodeling... Trying to fit in exercise (walking, would like to do a 5K next year, and do the Warrior Dash and the Women's Training Camp that the Steelers put on again, this time with a lot less jiggle!)
    5'3" SW255, CW245, GW225? Final goal 145
  • RanchCommander
    RanchCommander Posts: 4 Member
    aerin34 wrote: »
    ...and do the Warrior Dash ...

    I did the Warrior Dash a couple of years back. Training up a couple of months for it made weight melt off, and the run itself was SO MUCH FUN. Good luck!

  • susans580
    susans580 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I've never done a challenge, so I'm really looking forward to it. Nervous because I'm living in a cold state and I don't know if I'm going to want to run in the cold.
  • 75in17
    75in17 Posts: 5 Member
    SW_MarsColonist here. F/35/1.6m/104kg. GW for now is 90, with UGW ~75.
    aerin34 wrote: »
    do the Warrior Dash

    Never done that one, but did a Zombie Escape a couple years ago and it was *kitten* awesome! Don't wait until you are in shape to do it. Sign up for them whenever you can, and walk for part of it if necessary.

    Challenges for me are trying to fit my macros on a bean and rice diet, not eating ALL THE MEAT at the holidays to make up for it, and exercising through the pain of sciatica that's been raging for almost 6 months. Not too worried about it, though. is helping a ton. Progress has been slow, but very steady so far.
  • idlehand
    idlehand Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. Looking forward to everyones success in the winter challenge!
  • iloveraptors
    iloveraptors Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2015
    6'1" M/23/ CW: 205 GW: 185 for this challenge

    I'm going to try to stick to a strict keto diet. I've done it with success before but I always inevitably fall off because of eating out with friends or family. I find that carbs make me binge and when I eat too much I feel physically sick. Even if I overeat on a keto diet I don't get a gut rot or overly full feeling, and also don't get a 5 lb increase on the scale the next morning. Combined with heavy lifting, we'll see how this goes.
  • touchmytoes81
    touchmytoes81 Posts: 7 Member
    That's my biggest fear too is staying up with the exercise as winter approaches

    This, exactly this! I'm so clumsy and overweight right now that I'm afraid of winter. I fall on the ice a lot and desperately need new boots or something. I get bored of the walking track REALLY quickly and we can't afford the pool at 7.50 each plus lockers each visit. I have taken a chance this year and put my car on storage. I have 30 minutes between when I'm off work and my husband is off work. I'm hoping to bundle up and very cautiously walk as far as I can and get him to pick me up on the way home. I don't live far but it will give me the alone time I need after dealing with people all day and the exercise to vent my work stress. As long as it stays above -25 celsius I should be 'ok'. The hardest part is when it warms up to zero or above then drops because we get ice under the snow. I hate the north.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,411 Member
    @touchmytoes81 I just got leslie sansone walk away the pounds and I bought them Half .com so I got 3 dvd's plus shipping all for $9.00. Tried out part of one and she seems pretty good. Just to give me something different to do. I don't know if your schools offer it but ours offer a walking pass for the evening so you can walk the hallways. My one MFP friend goes and walks up and down her walmart aisles all twice.
  • 75in17
    75in17 Posts: 5 Member
    For Cardio (Beginner):

    For Cardio (Advanced):
    (or choose your own:

    For Weights (Beginner):

    For Weights (Advanced):

    There is absolutely no reason to leave your house if you don't want, or are unable, to do so. There's also no reason to spend a single penny on exercise equipment- you came out of the womb with all the tools you need to have a fit, healthy body. Focus on your food to lose weight, and move your body to gain health. Enjoy a nice, warm winter!
  • Morred
    Morred Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! First time participating in a challenge so I'm pretty excited. My weight has been all over the place the last few years so I'm hoping participating in a weight loss community would be just the last push I need to keep from undoing what progress I make.
  • meeladudley
    meeladudley Posts: 1 Member
    TEAM REINDEER -- So pumped!
  • touchmytoes81
    touchmytoes81 Posts: 7 Member
    @2020pinktogo our town allows the public most days other than hockey and set up days to walk the "indoor walking track" which is actually the events centre (an oil company built us a tiny stadium/hockey rink/small crappy Northern oil town) Walmart is a great idea for when it is closed or the mall.

    @75in17 The only money I will spend on are shoes. When you are big good shoes make the difference between an excuse and a work out. I will definitely check out those videos. I actually watched some Biggest Loser videos and after years of aerobics etc with my Mom all I could see was terrible form and future knee injuries. I will gladly check those out. PS adorable kitties if they are yours.
  • RanchCommander
    RanchCommander Posts: 4 Member
    That's my biggest fear too is staying up with the exercise as winter approaches

    This, exactly this! I'm so clumsy and overweight right now that I'm afraid of winter. I fall on the ice a lot and desperately need new boots or something. I get bored of the walking track REALLY quickly and we can't afford the pool at 7.50 each plus lockers each visit. I have taken a chance this year and put my car on storage. I have 30 minutes between when I'm off work and my husband is off work. I'm hoping to bundle up and very cautiously walk as far as I can and get him to pick me up on the way home. I don't live far but it will give me the alone time I need after dealing with people all day and the exercise to vent my work stress. As long as it stays above -25 celsius I should be 'ok'. The hardest part is when it warms up to zero or above then drops because we get ice under the snow. I hate the north.

    Yeah I'm not loving the idea of staying inside -- second-best for me is to hit the machines in the gym. At least there's climate control inside. :P