New to Group!

_funrungirl Posts: 145 Member
edited October 2015 in Social Groups

6 weeks ago I gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl. The day I checked in to the hospital I weighed 174. 6 weeks later I weigh 144 just 4 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight.

Now my goal is to start up where I left off, getting from 140 to 125 (I am 5' 0") by May 2015.

I'm going to need a lot of encouragement especially in the diet department (I'm a terrible cook and lazy eater). I keep my diary set to friends only so if you want to see what I'm eating send me a request.

So far I've only been walking and doing light hiking, but Monday I am starting Insanity (again) and PiYo.



  • katiebrew
    katiebrew Posts: 103 Member
    edited October 2015
    Welcome! Sending you a friend request - my baby is 6 weeks old, I'm 5'0 as well and my ultimate goal is about where you want to be :)
  • Hello! I'm new the group too! My little one us just one week old so I'm not logging so consistently just yet (but I will once I hit 6 weeks pp!) I'm currently 184lbs and my goal is to be around the 140-145 range. (I'm 5'7") sending you a request! :)