Weekly Attacks

Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
edited October 2015 in Social Groups
Week One Walker Attack

All Teams

1. Welcome to the Walking Dead Fitness Challenge.  If you have not done so already,  please introduce yourself on your team's thread and choose three goals. You can change them every week or you can keep then the same throughout the challenge, but you must always meet them.

2. Complete this Fit Test from Fitnessblender  (or ask for an alternative). Write down your results and feel free to share them on your team's thread if you feel comfortable doing so. Players from our Fear the Walking Dead Challenge can compare their results from 6 weeks ago if they like. We will do it again the last week of the challenge.

3. This week the Walkers, Wolves and other Enemies were most worried by Morgan's Bo Staff skills and they are afraid that he may teach others.

Try your hand at learning some basic beginner Bo Staff moves and see if you measure up or whether you'll get bit and fall to the Horde. Grab a broomstick and follow along:

4. Post your results on the Gore Card by Midnight Central on Saturday October 17th. You MUST complete both the Fit Test, Bo Training (or agreed upon alternatives) plus stay within your own 3 goals! Otherwise you must join the Walkers, Wolves and Enemies Team.
 If you need a break or have an emergency: message me and you'll be excused for the week or whatever period you need.
Winning Teams and MVPs will be chosen next Monday when the new Attack is posted. Winning teams and MVPs are immune from Walker attacks for that week. Winners are chosen based on member participation and performance and on your Character's performance on the show.

Walkers, Wolves and Enemies Only:
Please begin discussing attack strategies for next week's attack so that you can add members from the other teams.


  • MerryChicky
    MerryChicky Posts: 7 Member
    Omg, this looks like so much fun! I've got a walking stick that should work just fine. :)
  • ToughHippieChick
    ToughHippieChick Posts: 698 Member
    I did the fitness test before but I left the group once the challenge was over. Does anyone happen to have the link still so I can go back and see my progress?
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Just joined up today. Will I need to get the above done today or tomorrow to not negatively impact my team?
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    edited October 2015
    Week 2 Attack
    Last night's episode was definitely focused on two different survival approaches. There was Carol's way (offensive) and Morgan's way (defensive). So this week you have two choices:



    You'll see on the Member's List the players with one star checked in with all goals accomplished. 2 stars checked in but didn't meet all their goals and no stars didn't check in at all. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10263833/members-list-updated-weekly

    However, in the spirit of second chances, we are going to assume that the players who didnt meet their gials and those who didn't check in are not Turned. And should they return and meet their goals this week, they will be allowed to continue Alive, provided they complete both the passive and aggressive attacks above.

    And, as always, you must meet your three goals and check in by Saturday Midnight Central. I doubt that there will be another non-elimination round and you don't want to join the Undead. :wink:

    If I missed anyone or their check in, let me know.
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Aggressive & Passive attacks met :)
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    edited October 2015
    Week Three Zombie Attack

    All Teams

    Looks like we gave officially lost 21 members since the beginning of the challenge (not counting those who are excused or on break). But as Rick said this past episode: We're gonna lose some but we have to keep going.

    This week a couple of our favourite characters are in dire circumstances and we may be saying our final goodbyes to at least one of them.

    However, until we see the actual deaths, all teams are still Alive. We've seen before how all hope seems to be lost and then.... a miracle (or Carol) comes along.

    1. This week choose any real life actor in this list and do their workout. Don't be afraid to try something new and share your workout plan/video with your team.

    Lift weights like Rick.


    Jump rope like Daryl.


    Do some Pilates like Michonne.


    Box like Glenn.


    Videos are suggestions only. If you have similar routines you prefer, feel free to complete them instead and share those options with your team.

    3. Post your results on the Gore Card by Midnight Central on Saturday October 31st. You MUST complete both the Zombie Attack.(or agreed upon alternatives) plus stay within your own goals! Otherwise you must join the Walkers, Wolves and Enemies Team.
     If you need a break or have an emergency: message me and you'll be excused for the week or whatever period you need.

    Walkers, Wolves and Enemies Only:
    Please begin discussing attack strategies for next week's attack so that you can add members from the other teams.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    edited November 2015
    Week Four Zombie Attack

    All Players

    Last night's show was about different strategies of survival.  Morgan's backstory was told: how he learned peace and that all life is precious. But his teacher died for the effort. Right or wrong, now Morgan is telling this story to his own would-be apprentice: a Wolf locked up in Alexandria.

    So this week it is up to you to be the storyteller and the apprentice.

    1. Tell your story:
    Post below and tell us how you are choosing to survive and keep motivated on your fitness journey and share your best tools. It could be a favourite exercise video you use, an eating strategy: ie IIFYM Intermittent fasting, paleo.... or just an article that really hits home with you. Feel free to share anything that has helped you.

    2. Be someone else's apprentice: Once you've completed the above: try another person's favourite video, exercise, eating strategy or other helpful hint for a day (or for the whole week) and report back how it went.

    3. Post your results on the Gore Card by Midnight Central on Saturday November 7th plus stay within your own goals! Otherwise you must join the Walkers, Wolves and Enemies Team.
     If you need a break or have an emergency: message me and you'll be excused for the week or whatever period you need.

    Walkers, Wolves and Enemies Only:
    Please begin discussing attack strategies for next week's attack so that you can add members from the other teams.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    edited November 2015
    I will start.

    What keeps me motivated is:
    1. Being able to eat what I want. Lol. Otherwise known as If It Fits Your Macros. Knowing I can have ice cream or cake or a candy cane hot chocolate keeps me sane. For me it boils down to getting plenty of lean protein, healthy fats and fiber and then a treat or two in the evening. If I mess up and overeat... no biggie. Tomorrow is another day. http://www.niashanks.com/damage-control-when-you-over-indulge/

    2. Kickboxing is my favorite exercise. I like Jillian Michael's videos for this.

    I like weight lifting too, but always fall off the wagon and get unmotivated and am always starting over. :frowning: So I am always on this program:

    3. This is my favorite article on "dieting". http://www.completehumanperformance.com/flexible-dieting-win/

    4. I reward myself often. An ebook or a night at the movies.
    5. I try to ignore the scale (but it's hard). There are better ways to track your progress. How you feel, how your clothes fit etc.
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Cindyinpg wrote: »
    I will start.

    What keeps me motivated is:
    1. Being able to eat what I want. Lol. Otherwise known as If It Fits Your Macros. Knowing I can have ice cream or cake or a candy cane hot chocolate keeps me sane. For me it boils down to getting plenty of lean protein, healthy fats and fiber and then a treat or two in the evening. If I mess up and overeat... no biggie. Tomorrow is another day. http://www.niashanks.com/damage-control-when-you-over-indulge/

    2. Kickboxing is my favorite exercise. I like Jillian Michael's videos for this.

    I like weight lifting too, but always fall off the wagon and get unmotivated and am always starting over. :frowning: So I am always on this program:

    3. This is my favorite article on "dieting". http://www.completehumanperformance.com/flexible-dieting-win/

    4. I reward myself often. An ebook or a night at the movies.
    5. I try to ignore the scale (but it's hard). There are better ways to track your progress. How you feel, how your clothes fit etc.

    This is very helpful!
    I'm choosing you as my apprentice :)
    I also eat if it fits in your macros now because I did this before with a ton of restrictions and well I'm back and heavier so that's that. I don't care if it's slow now. :)
    I'm back at the gym again and I'm getting really into the classes which is a new thing for me. I have been really enjoying it so that's half the battle right there.
    There is a kickboxing class at my gym that I haven't tried yet so looks like I'll be doing that this week:)

    I will check out your niashanks link, looks like something I should remind my self with.
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    This is my second go round at mfp, but this time I'm approaching it in a different way.
    I'm being kinder to myself.
    My routine is very simple but I think that it's what I need to keep on a healthy road to my goals so I'm pretty happy about that:)
    For me making sure I don't wait to long to eat is super important because otherwise I just turn into an eating machine and it's just bad so...
    First thing I do when I get up
    I didn't eat in the morning before so this was a challenge.
    Usually it's a banana yogurt spinach vega one veggi shake.

    -Work 8-5 with a 45 min lunch
    ( I prep lunches Sunday... Usually I premake salads in mason jars and make a big soup and freeze half .

    -after work I go to 1 class at the gym and in whatever class it is I work as hard as I can:) I am very lucky that my partner is so supportive and goes right home to deal with kids and dog and all.

    -Home I make dinner, do laundry, reports for work etc

    -And for me bed at ten is a must. I wouldn't trade 9 hours of sleep for tv or anything else :)

    -Every other Saturday Sunday I don't work (9-5different job) and I do a spin class, yoga, and try to get outside and hike.

    The biggest thing other than the eating enough and plenty of sleep is if I miss anything I don't lose it on myself, life happens but I don't make excuses anymore I just continue on.

    I don't have any motivational links but I do use Pinterest and food gawker a ton for interesting meal prep ideas.

    Off to start my day...enjoy yours all.

  • racheljonel
    racheljonel Posts: 400 Member
    I have tried every "diet" and eating plan and gimmick you could ever think of, but IIFYM is definitely what works best for me, both for weight loss and mental health.

    One of my favorite websites I've held on to from my paleo days is www.nerdfitness.com So much information, presented in such a fun way.

    I also think one of the BEST tools I've found for general well-being and mindfulness is the Headspace app.

    I've become so fond of yoga (never would have thought!!) on this weight loss journey, and I don't think anything beats actually going to a studio to a class, but one of my favorite YouTube channels is Yoga with Adriene https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene

    One of my favorite videos is this one....it's great for a lazy Sunday or to stretch after a hard workout!
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    edited November 2015
    @Cindyinpg I wrote that wrong I choose to be your apprentice!
    That's what I should have typed:)
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I keep myself motivated by trying to find my wall. So far, I have busted through all the "walls" I have expected to stop me. Today I ran 21 miles (26.12 if my fitbit is correct) on a trail with 3412 ft elevation change. I got back to my truck and did 9 min of yoga/stretching and some crunches and felt GREAT! I am 45 and have only been running just over a year.

    My eating plan varies, right now I am enjoy what I chose while trying to ensure it will meet my macros. I have done fruit/veggie fasting on M & W, have done the Daniel Fast for 40 days, I fast meals but not like I used to the food is too important to my overall health right now. I will go back on the AIP plan when my Raynaud's kicks in again.

    I am inspired by all the fun workouts on darebee.com. The info on Scooby.com is phenomenal! YouTube would be my next go to site for new workouts, stretching, foam rolling, running tips, etc. If you have a treadmill or rebounder and what a fun visual to run by I like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mw79hOigwsc. I mute the music and play some funky upbeat tunes.

    I would enjoy apprenticing another runner.
  • ToughHippieChick
    ToughHippieChick Posts: 698 Member
    1. I'd have to say my saving grace is my "Quitting is not an option" mentality. I really feel like I'll never be thin and healthy. I've tried every diet, every pill, every program, and I'm lucky to maintain. But I keep on keeping on. I mainly stick to calorie counting. When all else fails, there's always math.
    2. I would love to be someone's apprentice and learn how to run properly. I am 215 pounds, big boobs, emphysema, and have short legs. I can't get any faster than a 3.8 and that's at my full speed. I need a personal trainer bad. This week I am going to apprentice the 5:2 people. I found a diabetic version called 3:1:2:1. I'm trying that from Nov 1 - Thanksgiving to see how it makes me feel.
    3. I'm great at knowledge. I think I pretty much have every diet memorized and I'm quick with calories, protein, sodium, etc.. like how much people should have and estimates and which foods are high in this and low in that. I think I could pursue a career as a nutritionist, but I wouldn't have any clients because they'd see that I'm fat and assume that it's my knowledge that is wrong. Actually it's my willpower! lol
    4. I don't know if anyone else has a smart TV in their home, but I am trying to learn how to use mine. So far I've found 2 free fitness shows on there. My all time favorite free workouts though are Fitness Blender.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    edited November 2015
    Team Daryl/Carol

    1) what keeps me going has been constantly setting different goals. My first goal was to just run a mile without stopping... Then to run a 5K, then to do a squat challenge, then run 10miles, then to run a 10min mile. Now my goal for next summer is to run a half marathon. I never want to stop just because I hit a goal. I what there to be a constant need to improve, to push myself.
    2) I also try to stick with a primarily paleo/keto/clean eating lifestyle.
    This is usually what I eat on any given day.
    Deviled eggs made with avocado
    Summer sausage, goat cheese, hummus and almonds
    Capris salad with turkey meatballs
    Tomatoes topped with avocado and an over easy egg.
    I'm also really big into meal prep.... Here is an example of what I did for last week:
    These are for breakfast and lunches. Salmon, chicken or an egg. The H and R are for hard boiled or raw. These have helped me from making bad choices and over eating. A real life saver if you ask me.
    3) I've also taken a liking to boxing/kickboxing. I've recent purchased my own heavy bag and this is one of my favorite workouts I do with it.

    Not sure if I did this right but those are all the things that keep me going! :)
  • NezyRumRunner
    NezyRumRunner Posts: 74 Member
    Team Carol/Daryl
    1- Motivation: what keeps me going is seeing that my calendar has upcoming races/events that keep me moving (ie: last weekend was the Halloween Half, this weekend is the Savannah RocknRoll Half,etc) Knowing that I must complete a task makes me accountable to myself and the team of ladies that I run with.
    2- Favorite tools/resources: My gal pals running team keeps me moving! We support each other in every way possible and just this past January helped each other complete a 48.6 mile/4 day event. I also love the MFP app & finally started getting involved in activities such as this one. (Thank you!) Third, there are several books that have really helped. (see below)ihcj2jr0h8kl.jpg

    3-Apprentice- I would like to try @wpwarrior88 's tools and maybe gather some of the energy this person has! LOL! 20+ miles and then YOGA! Wowza!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Well, I'm a very visual person so I have a wall chart where I can cross off each pound I lose. Also has a goal list and a rewards list.

    I follow a 10/14 intermittent fasting plan. It helped me break out of a long plateau. I have a ten hour window to get my meals in, then 14 hours where I don't eat, but still can have liquids. This makes it so my stomach has plenty of time to digest before I go to bed, and I'm sleeping through the biggest part of my fasting time. Trust me, this girl isn't starving.

    As far as exercise goes, I do run, but I really love Bellydance. These two girls, Neena and Veena, are great because it's a good workout without being too high impact or complicated.

  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    @ToughHippieChick - I totally admire your "Quitting is not an option", you will reach your goals with this as your mantra!

    @tat2cookie - I completely admire your ability to pre-plan your meals to the degree you do!! I have a heavy bag in my "gym" and will give your boxing workout a go! I would like to be your apprentice, I do pre-plan our meals for the week (I used to do it by the month, but my work has been very hectic this year and I just don't make the time for it.)

    @NezyRumRunner - Thank you! I am here to cheer you on, let me know what you try and what you think of it!
  • FeelsLikeAwesome
    FeelsLikeAwesome Posts: 39 Member
    What motivates me for fitness is choosing measurable activities. I really enjoy lifting and it is naturally motivating as the numbers go up. The same goes for more running distance covered in a certain amount of time or an increase in max squats per minute. You get the idea!

    As far as food, pre-making meals and lunches helps.

    I loathe running but take inspuration from them and will work in runs this week.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    1. What keeps me motivated - I think this is a hard question for me to answer at the moment. I have been seeing the scale moving in the wrong direction for a couple months now and all the things I was doing dont appear to be working. I cant seem to keep on track.

    I get up each day with the intentions of following all the core things I was told to do: drink 96 oz of water, eat protein (2/3 protein, 1/3 fat/carbs), take all my vitamins, exercise moderately. If i get to the end of the day and I have gotten 64 oz of water, thats a win for me. If I took all but one vitamin, thats a win for me. If I was on the treadmill or moved boxes or painted a room or cleaned the house, thats a win for me. If i didnt get even remotely that close to all of my goals, I try to tell myself its ok, I can try again and do better tomorrow. Being hard on myself just causes stress and stress causes eating. Thats not helpful.

    But Im thinking I might need to be a little harder on myself and force myself to deal with the stress better.

    2. I am going to apprentice my nutritionist this week. Try to do what she does: plan meals, including snacks and drinks. Dont be afraid to change the plan if your plans change, but make good choices if you do. Walk alot, even little breaks during the day are helpful.

    She doesnt have a specific exercise routine, so i will keep to my goals for that. But food-wise, her plan appears to be much better than mine.