Macro Check

southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
Hi all,
I'm new to this group but not to MFP. Last winter I was successful eating a LCHF diet for about 4 months, and then some stressful work stuff happened that trickled over into stressful home stuff, and as I was the only one in my house (husband & 2 elementary kids) that was eating LCHF, it was something I couldn't maintain at the time. I've just started logging my food again today, and wondered if someone might take a peek at my macros, pretty please? I've read that I should be eating anywhere from under 5g of carbs, to under 20g, to under 50g. I know I need to up the sodium macro that's currently in there.

I bought some Atkins bars to have on hand when I need a convenient/quick snack, but I'm not sure about the sugar alcohol they contain and how that *really* affects my overall net carbs. I try not to indulge in a lot of processed stuff, but between working full time, having two kids to keep up with (one with ASD so she keeps me on my toes and every night after school is different) sometimes I need the convenience. I'm also not above a fast food burger without the bun just to get the calories/fat in.

Anyhow, just wanted to introduce myself and say hi, and if anyone has any advice regarding how I've set up my macros, I'd love to hear it. (The calories per day were something I'd set up prior to keto so I'm not really regarding them ATM)




  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    edited November 2015
    Ur diary is blocked what do you have yours set at? Mine started at 60%fat/ 25protein / 15carbs then after 3 weeks I went to %70/20/10 keeping my sugars very low and carbs low I don't have cravings very often. My cals are set at 1500, around 30 lbs to goal and loosing 1-2 lbs week welcome and good luck!!
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    I'm sorry - that's really weird. I checked and it's set to public...(?) I toggled it and toggled it back again. Maybe that will fix it.

    I currently have them set for 5% carbs/15% protein/80% fat, but maybe that's too high. My cals are also set to 1500 but that's what I had figured previously from my TDEE to eat at a deficit. I have a feeling with the upped fat content I will need to up my calories a little to hit the macros.

    Thank you for the welcome!
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    edited November 2015
    Welcome to the group!

    Your macros look OK to me, but let's go through them individually:

    calories: 1,500

    If that gets you to a deficit, that'll help, but the magic of low-carb is that appetite levels are reduced for most people, so you should be able to eat until you're satisfied. If that's 1500 cal, great. If a bit less, that's fine too. If you go over your target, that might be a sign to look at specific foods that might be triggering an increase in appetite or cravings.

    carbs: 38

    Pretty much guaranteed to get you into ketosis, if that's your goal. It's also a good level to minimize the need for protein catabolism.

    fats: 117

    Use fats to reach satiety. No need to meet a specific goal. The less fat you eat, the more your body will donate to the cause. :)

    protein: 75

    Seems reasonable. You really only need enough to maintain muscle mass, but more can help both in terms of satiety and if you're planning to exercise.

    sodium: 2,300

    The standard recommendation for your level of carb intake is 3000-5000mg/d of sodium. It's a lot of sodium, but if you can hit that level, you're virtually guaranteed to avoid the "keto flu."

    If you can't meet that level, it's OK. Just add more salt as needed if you experience fatigue, light-headedness, headaches, etc.

    And it's probably better to avoid the Atkins candy. Fake carbs = real cravings IMHO.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    Hey, thank you so much for the detailed responses! I went in to tweak my current weight to bring it up to date and the system reset all of my goals/macros. Argh! I'll avoid those Atkins bars except in extreme emergencies. I didn't get any cravings from it, but it threw off my numbers. I'll up the sodium and keep watching the macros I have in there now to see how things work out over the next week or so.