Looking for friends to help encourage and motivate

Looking for friends to help encourage and motivate but most importantly be a great support group so together we can stay on track! I am along way off from my goal weight of 130.. I am 5'5 at 155... I log in daily and have been good at journaling my food.. even the bad stuff...


  • niniundlapin
    niniundlapin Posts: 327 Member
    Hello~ I'm not on MFP long but feel free to add me :)
    (Btw we're about the same height! )
  • oakhill_hokie
    oakhill_hokie Posts: 8 Member
    Hi - I am a long time message board lurker but it's time to get out there. Feel free to add me - I am 43 yo, 5'2 and CW is 133. Looking to get to 120 (small frame). I also log in daily and yes there are some fast food entries there - but my strategy is portion control, going slow and being consistent. I'm aiming for 1/2 lb lost a week, so far have lost 10 lbs in about 5-6 months, but that was with intermittent dedication! :) Current calorie goal is 1280 and I eat back most of my exercise calories (run about 1x a week, hoping to make it to 3x most weeks).

    We can do it! Just need to keep at it and keep honest with ourselves.
  • Happydancer99
    Happydancer99 Posts: 6 Member
    Ad me if you like. We have similar weight and goals.
  • nikster313
    nikster313 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! Feel free to add me :)
  • mitzhogue
    mitzhogue Posts: 132 Member
    add me if you like, we have the same goals and we are the same height. :)
  • TonieOnBadassMission
    HI Ladies, would love to have more ladies on my list who will actually motivate. I'm 42 today, barely 5 ft tall and at 128 pounds. I'd like to lose up to 10 more pounds.

    Add me, please. :)
  • underwoodfam
    underwoodfam Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 41 years old, 5'5 and about 145lbs. Have been diagnosed pre-diabetic. Need motivation to eat healthy and exercise.
  • Sammy85x
    Sammy85x Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me too. As I'm struggling big time with motivation xx
  • Notreadytoquit
    Notreadytoquit Posts: 234 Member
    This is how it works. Get your friends on board, work together ... those who are supportive will friend like minded others and you will start to "graduate" meaning approach goal together as one big happy family.

    Overwhelming as it may seem, you will have a better experience if you take the time to thoughtfully fill out your profile. Many MFP members won't friend someone with a blank profile. This means you have to get introspective, evaluate how you got here, set goals for yourself and offer something of interest to others.

    Also recommend you turn on email notifications for a while as sometimes friends will respond to older posts and you may miss that response.

    Personal experience - when I tried to peek at your profile I got an error message. MFP gremlins.
  • ChristineE63
    ChristineE63 Posts: 105 Member
    I tried to send a friend request, but got an error message.
  • KirstenDinnie
    KirstenDinnie Posts: 16 Member
    It makes this much harder when you don't have support at home... Can I find some here?
  • Thisdivaruns
    Thisdivaruns Posts: 11 Member
    Many of my "friends" have fallen off the wagon. I'd love more active friends. I am currently part of a 6 week weight loss challenge and want to lose 7-10 more. I've lost 68lbs so far (not on this challenge) and am training for my first half marathon next month! I weightlift, go to a bootcamp three times a week and run. Would love like-minded friends who actually look at my diary &/or motivate! Feel free to add me!
  • crissy976
    crissy976 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm a tall girl, (5'10") so my weight of 170 isn't shocking, really. But I would like to lose about 15-20 lbs and tone. As a mom of three, it can be hard to find the energy and patience to lose. But I'll get there. We all will! Feel free to add me, as well. I'm starting small with a goal of losing 10 lbs OR fitting in a pair of size 10 jeans I have that I love. We can do this! :smiley:
  • SpaMa8989
    SpaMa8989 Posts: 20 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hey everyone....I am pretty new to all this.....I turned 40 this fall and was feeling like I need to get my butt in gear!!! I'm not overweight but the metabolism is slowing and the parts are sagging.....I would like to lose 20 pounds......I thought I've been doing good but my scale said I put on 15 pounds.....so I threw it in the garbage!!! Please feel free to add me if you like!!
  • kostalenam3003
    kostalenam3003 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, similar story here... 5'5 about 145 and would like to start with a slow but steady and most importantly healthy plan. Feel free to add me!
  • sjean2008
    sjean2008 Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for friends to help encourage and motivate but most importantly be a great support group so together we can stay on track! I am along way off from my goal weight of 130.. I am 5'5 at 155... I log in daily and have been good at journaling my food.. even the bad stuff...

  • ctevis36
    ctevis36 Posts: 32 Member
    Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm in my 150's, 5'6", and though my goal weight is ideally 135, I'm looking to be lean and toned.
  • xomelox
    xomelox Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm a few pounds/kilos short of my goal weight. I track everyday - the good, the bad and the ugly haha. My diary is a messy state of affairs as I've been travelling in America and now I'm home for Christmas.. feel free to add me :smile: !!
  • imetsmg
    imetsmg Posts: 6 Member
    Add me =] I track every day. It's Christmas, so there's more wine and chocolate than usual, but it's all about balance.
    I'm a personal trainer and a Kickboxer, currently trying to lose 2.5kg for my next fight in Feb.
    I'm also on Instagram, if that's your bag: @superpennie. I'll follow back =]
  • JeimyLyn
    JeimyLyn Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 5'6'' and around 160. I'm trying to get down to around 140.