Low carb pregnancy and food aversions

hellobaconplease Posts: 108 Member
edited November 2015 in Social Groups
Hello! I'm early first tri and low-carbing happily. However I'm finding myself nauseous and not wanting any of my regular kitchen go-tos. Eggs, meat and cheese are all hard to smell or eat, especially eggs. Coffee is gross, cream tastes strange. All I ate was mushroom soup and plain bread in first tri the last 2 times but I can't do that now.

Does anyone have any ideas of low carb foods that might work for me? I thought of broth but have drawn a blank after that.


  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    How long have you been low carb and at what level of carbs?
  • inspirationstation
    inspirationstation Posts: 209 Member
    That's tough, because pregnancy changes the taste of so many things. At least, it did for me. You may just have to play around with things until the first trimester passes.

    I ate raw green beans and chicken breast like it was my job. A 2 lb bag of raw green beans JUST for me every week. My husband and two older kids thought I was mad.

    Do you think you could stomach some egg-ish casseroles with meat and veggies?

    Peanut butter...couldn't get enough. It is a trigger for me as soon as I open the jar, so I have been buying the PBfit and adding my own oil (coconut) or just adding the powder to my protein shake. I get the taste without the trigger.

    Broth WITH cream. Broth isn't acidic like coffee, so you may enjoy the taste more. If not, try adding a pat of butter. Mmmmm...:) You could always puree some soups so that you get the flavor without being off put by the meat or veggies. Sometimes, I do that to my kids when I think they may turn their nose up at something. If they don't see it, they don't know it is there. My experience isn't that the flavor bothers them, but rather the knowledge that it is in there. ;)

    Also, try tea instead of coffee. One of my favorite indulgences in the evening is chai or green peach tea brewed in Califia Farms Coconut/Almond blend milk with a dash of SF Da Vinci syrup. It tastes decadent and = 1 carb. I just heat it in a saucepan on the stove.

    Fat bombs?

    Do you like cottage cheese? If you buy the 4%, you will get a healthy does of protein, fat, for only 3 carbs. Just be sure to read the labels, because some CC is higher in carbs than others.

    Most importantly, congratulations! My youngest is two and I WISH that I had known about LCHF when I was pregnant with all three. I had gestational diabetes and while I watched what I ate closely (and unexpectedly lost weight with each), I could have avoided insulin at the end of each pregnancy.
  • hellobaconplease
    hellobaconplease Posts: 108 Member
    edited November 2015
    I was on here with a different user name, minties82 (I had pages and pages of food I never eat in MFP and was sick of trawling through it so made a new user name). I started low carb around Feb this year, I had some depression during August and September and fell off the wagon. I was around the 10-25g of carbs per day before this.

    Right now I am thinking to have about 50-60g of carbs? I'm a bit worried about low carb and pregnancy but also worried about gestational diabetes which I had last time, and also weight control as I was high risk due to my weight when I had my daughter 3 years ago. I ended up with a c-section which I was quite unhappy about. I balooned up to 108kg with her and 105kg with my son in 2010.

    Right now I am getting my carbs from broccoli, avocado, mushrooms etc.

    @Inspirationstation I don't mind cottage cheese, it's nice with salt and pepper. Cream cheese still tastes good!

    Thanks very much for the lovely advice. My midwife is worried that I'm on some extreme crazy diet, I keep trying to tell her I'm not dieting, I want to have a healthy pregnancy and look after myself. I had the same midwife with my daughter. I mainly ate sushi, chocolate and Burger King in that pregnancy, so surely a plate of broccoli, a few eggs, a nice creamy broth and a dollop of cream cheese is better than that!
  • inspirationstation
    inspirationstation Posts: 209 Member
    I will be curious to follow your journey through this pregnancy and watch your midwife's eyes grow wide as she watches you manage better than before. ;)

    I reduced my carbs during my pregnancy, but no where near where I could have or should have been. I never had morning sickness with my three, but I do remember the food aversions clearly. Yogurt anyone? Toothpaste? ;)

    Best of luck to you and your little one.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I was on here with a different user name, minties82 (I had pages and pages of food I never eat in MFP and was sick of trawling through it so made a new user name). I started low carb around Feb this year, I had some depression during August and September and fell off the wagon. I was around the 10-25g of carbs per day before this.

    Right now I am thinking to have about 50-60g of carbs? I'm a bit worried about low carb and pregnancy but also worried about gestational diabetes which I had last time, and also weight control as I was high risk due to my weight when I had my daughter 3 years ago. I ended up with a c-section which I was quite unhappy about. I balooned up to 108kg with her and 105kg with my son in 2010.

    Right now I am getting my carbs from broccoli, avocado, mushrooms etc.

    @Inspirationstation I don't mind cottage cheese, it's nice with salt and pepper. Cream cheese still tastes good!

    Thanks very much for the lovely advice. My midwife is worried that I'm on some extreme crazy diet, I keep trying to tell her I'm not dieting, I want to have a healthy pregnancy and look after myself. I had the same midwife with my daughter. I mainly ate sushi, chocolate and Burger King in that pregnancy, so surely a plate of broccoli, a few eggs, a nice creamy broth and a dollop of cream cheese is better than that!

    Well, that's quite the turnaround from the last place we were worried for you at!! We thought you'd miscarried and all... So is this the same pregnancy or an immediate follow up? Congrats, either way!

    And I forget where the link is, but there is ... aha!


    This family is low carb - the woman was low carb for both pregnancies and all that. @TribalmamaEmily has successfully low-carbed two or three pregnancies now, though she just had her baby a couple weeks ago, so she may not be as active right now. @Alliwan is low carbing a pregnancy, too, and she's halfway through, or thereabouts. They're both members in this group, so if feel free to toss them a friend request - I bet they'd both be happy to share...

    And homemade mushrooms sauteed in butter, then stirred in cream, makes a great "cream of mushroom soup," as i think @Karlottap shared with us recently. Maybe some low carb faux-bread? And your meals sound fabulous. Maybe check out some of the pescetarian or vegetarian low carb forums, since you currently have some protein related aversions?

    (hugs), congrats, and good wishes, hon!