just need to share with those who'll understand

gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
Hey folks!

I just wanted to share (and digitally celebrate) with those who will understand this monumentous occasion.

For over 3 months I've been (often) 1 pound away from an official 45lb loss. I've tweaked and tried and regrouped and binged and completely started over once. There have been some really challenging times (and some easy goes). But this morning the scale finally gave way and I was at a solid 45lb loss.

When I told the Beast however, it was rather anti-climactic. Don't get me wrong. He was happy for me in that weird kind of I-know-this-is-a-big-deal-to-you kinda way. But I don't think anyone can understand the countless hours of talking yourself out of the binges, the self talk and motivation you do to eat your chosen meal while others are eating ice cream and whatever, and the strength it can take sometimes to pick yourself up and recommit. I don't think they can really understand the victory unless they've also faught the war, like you guys.

So. there it is!!! I did it. I did it. I did it. I know it's only one pound and it's only a number but what a relief.

45 down, 30 to go. and none too soon!



  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    WooHoo. Great success. I am soooo excited for you. I am 4 lbs away from my goal. I can't wait to hit it.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Woohoo! The hardest victories are the sweetest. :) It sounds like you worked really hard for that. Awesome!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Fantastic work! You stuck with it, and didn't give in! You got this!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Wonderful news :flowerforyou: I totally get how you would have felt. My hubby would have just rolled his eyes and said "whatever" hehe

    I've been 4 kgs away from my goal weight for moooonths lol I'm only very new to low carbing though.
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    That is Awesome! 45 pounds....great job :smile:
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,426 Member
    Congrats!! Great News! I just don't think guys understand. My husband for a few weeks was getting closer and closer to 200 lbs. I said, you gotta tell me when you hit 199 - that's quite the accomplishment. He was perplexed that would mean something. But it does!! :) We need to celebrate all achievements - they really do mean something!
  • cmarangi
    cmarangi Posts: 131 Member
    Awesome job!
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    That is momentous! Great accomplishment, I know it takes strength, it's many, many small victories that one day bear fruit and we need to celebrate!

  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    How absolutely fabulous! You Rock! Sometimes its just baffling at how hard it is to keep going but you did it! Happy dance and all that. Hope you have an awesome non food treat lined up for yourself! I know I would.
  • norcogrrl
    norcogrrl Posts: 129 Member
    Congratulations! I'm so impressed with your determination. Good on you. :)
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Congratulations! I had been bouncing around the lower 150s (think 151-153) for weeks. This morning: 149.4! I can't even describe how relieving and exciting it was to see that number. Even if I'm back up tomorrow--I still have a new low to bask in. :)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Great job! !!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Wahoo! Over halfway there! Congrats!
    Onward and downward!

    When I hit my recent milestone, DH was like: "Ummmm. Okay."
    Huge deal, dude. annoyed.gif
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    congratulations! What a great accomplishment! Truly inspiring!!!!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    So happy for you to reach that milestone! Keep up the good work and don't forget there are lots of unseen victories going on inside the body as its getting healthy. Every single good choice made is a victory of its own. :)
  • Congratulations!!! YES I know how you feel. I also wanted to hit that magical 45 pounds gone before I went back to the doctor after several months. It seemed to be the magical number and like you the scale hung at 44 day after day week or more. I did not make it until a few days after doctor day but I was shouting it to the world when I finally did.

    I know how hard you worked. You are doing wonderful. Keep your resolve going. Nothing tastes as good as being thin and healthy. My mantra.

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Big smiles here for you!! Love your perseverance!!
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    Woohoo!! I hear you, and it's a beautiful victory!
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    Your success gives hope to the rest of us. It can be done and you are proof. Thank you.
  • gtm5
    gtm5 Posts: 27 Member