Extra calorie bank

so it seems I may be fighting off "something". Awesome headache hanging around. Put my eating under calorie goal yesterday by almost 700 calories. My plan was to try and eat them up today BUT...I remembered it is turkey day Thursday and I have thoughts of mashed potatoes with butter and pumpkin pie swirling through my head (come here my pretty).

To bank, or not to bank, that is the question...


  • kmac1196
    kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
    Your body doesn't really do the whole 24 hour thing. That's there for out convenience. Yesterday's gone. Today eat regular and enjoy Thursday!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    The only calorie bank is really a carb bank - by having a good intense cardio workout that drains your muscle glucose stores.
    Then on the big meal day that's where the carbs go first, though help it out by going for a walk too in order to use some of them right then as energy. Otherwise the traditional couch sitting doesn't help much.