Introduce yourself to the 50+ pounds to lose community!



  • oralia962011
    oralia962011 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone :blush: my names Oralia I'm 19 4'11ft tall and hit my all time high weight of 220 :( my main goal is to reach 150lbs . I've gone on diets before and have been successful but I eventually went back to my old ways and gained all the weight I lost right back up. I'm mostly looking for motivation to reach my goal and meet new friends so feel free to add me as friend o:):p
  • 2gabbee
    2gabbee Posts: 374 Member
    Hi I'm Gabbee . Heavy most of my life. Taught at an early age food was comfort & love, hence an emotional eater. Member of the clean plate club no food goes to waste. Majority of the family is obese with health issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, food allergies, migraines, lupus, to name a few. I want to break the chain of obesity, & live a healthy life. Setting a goal of 2 pounds a week to reach goal weight of 125 pounds. Looking for positive support friends thru this journey.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hi everybody.

    I'm Rae. My start weight was 211 from my current scales, but in fact it was probably a bit more. Weighing in now at 162.6lbs, I've lost just over 48lbs and I'm just under 9lbs from my goal.

    I started this journey in the last week of June 2015 after a mortifying weigh in at the doctor's office. I was bloated from my period and from problems with my Irritable Bowel Syndrome and I weighed something close to 224lbs. The previous month I had suffered an emotional blow that saw me give up on any semblance of healthy living and just eat, and eat and eat. I was even back to drinking caffeine which I had given up in all it's forms for almost a year previously. I was in a state and to top it all off, my brother said to me, 'I was just showing [my sister in law] photos of you when you were skinny'. I never really cared too much about my weight aesthetically, but this showed me that I was of no use to anyone and I couldn't be if I didn't start taking care of myself.

    So I started small. I found MFP and I started logging my food/stayed within my calorie allowance, bought an exercise DVD (one of the Ministry of Sound ones -- would recommend) and did one hour of it 3 times a week. As an asthmatic those first few sessions were frankly horrifying. How I didn't throw up I will never know. I then decided that I was going to take up yoga. My doctors were always telling me that it would be good for my mental health (I suffer from several mental illnesses). So I hauled myself off to the local yoga class once a week for 90 minutes and found out I liked it. And I was good at it. I mean I flopped on my downward dog more than once but as it turns out: I'm bendy. I carried on with my regime and I lost my first 10lbs. To reward myself I decided that I was going to do something I had always wanted to do but never had. I was going to start kickboxing. In retrospect, if I had known how hard those first few weeks were I probably wouldn't have done it. I decided twice a week, one day after the other, would help kick my butt into gear. I haven't looked back since.

    The health benefits have been unreal, both mentally and physically. These past two weekends I've run over 5k (3.9/4.5miles) in an hour. I couldn't even run to four houses before my asthma announced itself, I get about 0.8 of a mile before I need a breath, and mentally I'm so much happier. That means more to me than all the aesthetic stuff combined. That being said, 5 dresses down, over 30 inches lost from all over my body and the muscle I can feel is pretty good too.

    Whoops, I hadn't intended for it to be that long.

    TL;DR -- I've lost almost 50lbs, 5 dresses, become pretty damn fit and it's awesomesauce.
  • majaramillo2
    majaramillo2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Mayra and I'm still trying to get the hang of this app lol I started in September... I started at 238lbs and my goal for now is to get back to the 170...I gained the weight in 2011... In just 2 months... I was very stressed... I have been struggling, but I'm hoping I can achieve my goal... I was doing really well and had lost 18 lbs... These last couple of weeks I know I lost sight of my goal and gained some back
  • 2gabbee
    2gabbee Posts: 374 Member
    Rae-Thank you for sharing your journey. You give the rest of us hope & inspire us that we can succeed as well.
  • option3girl
    option3girl Posts: 166 Member
    HI! I'm Sharla and over the past 7 years I have gained over 60 lbs! My job has been very stressful and I put my own health on the back burner. I'm committed to changing that and getting back down to a healthy weight! Right now I'm 222 (have lost 6 lbs already) and want to be at 165. I'm currently challenging myself to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and track everything in MFP. Looking forward to being here!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Okay, I was debating whether to introduce myself or not. But since I really liked the other group, here I go. My CW is 155, so I don't have 50 pounds to lose but I did when I started this journey. My before weight was 185 and I have about 20 pounds to reach my goal.

    I am Carmen from Texas, 34 year old SAHM. I have been blessed with 7 kids. I am attempting the low carb high fat lifestyle for all the health benefits. My weakness is the weekend when all the kids are home. Am looking forward to getting to know all of you! :-)
  • FaithIt365
    FaithIt365 Posts: 356 Member
    Faith here with over 100lbs to lose. Current weight 295lbs. I usually try to work off the weight quickly and usually end up just tired and frustrated. Now I am trying to be more informed about my body and the decisions I make for my health and fitness. But mostly I want to be more active. I get bored very easily so what's been working more for me are smaller goals and short challenges. This keeps me motivated and interested since I am still in the beginning of my journey.
  • pichu318
    pichu318 Posts: 172 Member
    Hello I'm pichu318. I'm a student from Canada. I am 172cm tall. I have just started the C210K. I am hoping to participate in a 5km race in June, so here's to hoping I get there soon!

    SW: 88.9kg (196lbs)
    CW: 85kg (187lbs)
    GW: 50-60kg (110-132lbs)

    I want to go to one of the following points:
    1. I fit in a size 2 dress
    2. I look at myself and know that any thinner would look odd/gross/unhealthy on me.

    Whichever one comes first.
  • kattyjamesmfp
    kattyjamesmfp Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Katty, 37, interviewer and translator, 5'8 1/2". I have lost so far 2 st with MFP, my starting weight was 266 lbs about two months and one week ago. I did lose a few pounds before joining MFP, but found it very difficult. My all-time high was 270,6 this June.

    I had very vague understanding of my end goal, because I couldn't imagine how I would feel weighing 90, 80 or 70 kilos, and I doubted I could lose so much weight. Now that I do believe it is possible, my ultimate goal is about 165 lbs, so I've got about 73 lbs left to lose.

    However, for me it is more important to lose some weight than to be perfect, and for now I'm only thinking about getting under 100 kilos and then under 200 pounds. We'll see what happens later.

    I want to be healthier and happier with a new lifestyle.

    Nice to meet you all, I would like to support you as much as I can, and also receive some support. We can do this together!
  • kelsicox
    kelsicox Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! My name is Kelsi. I'm 28 and a stay at home mom to my 2 kiddos. I recently started back up in my weight loss journey on Nov 16. My starting weight was 236 and am currently at 225. I have set 4 smaller goals to help me hit my overall goal of 175. I'm sure I'll want to keep going with my weight loss, but that's my current goal weight. I'm 5lbs from my first goal of 16lbs! I need to get back in the habit of recording what I eat, but right now I'm just eating right and working out 1-2 times each day. Once in the afternoon with my 4 year old doing Zumba or Hip Hop Abs. And usually in the evening I do my elliptical and toning with my husband. I've also been doing step competitions with my family on my FitBit. It's been very motivating!
    Please feel free to add me and let me know if you have a FitBit and want to be friends!
  • FaithIt365
    FaithIt365 Posts: 356 Member
    I don't have a Fitbit! I think I'm going to have to get me one!
  • rjan91
    rjan91 Posts: 194 Member
    kelsicox wrote: »
    Hi! My name is Kelsi. I'm 28 and a stay at home mom to my 2 kiddos. I recently started back up in my weight loss journey on Nov 16. My starting weight was 236 and am currently at 225. I have set 4 smaller goals to help me hit my overall goal of 175. I'm sure I'll want to keep going with my weight loss, but that's my current goal weight. I'm 5lbs from my first goal of 16lbs! I need to get back in the habit of recording what I eat, but right now I'm just eating right and working out 1-2 times each day. Once in the afternoon with my 4 year old doing Zumba or Hip Hop Abs. And usually in the evening I do my elliptical and toning with my husband. I've also been doing step competitions with my family on my FitBit. It's been very motivating!
    Please feel free to add me and let me know if you have a FitBit and want to be friends!

    I have added you. I have a Fitbit, I'd be lost without it. I would highly recommend you log everything -whatever it is. It is a very helpful tool.

  • Hguidry22
    Hguidry22 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I'm Haley. I just started three days ago on December 14th. I have a weight loss goal of 50 pounds! I have attempted to start this several times, but I am honestly just tired of being overweight and I am really determined to stick with this now! I have started calorie counting along with getting a minimum of 10,000 steps a day. Good luck to everyone! I know we can do it. :)
  • giftbouquets
    giftbouquets Posts: 95 Member
    My name is Helen. Current weight is 227 as I have put on a few pounds over Christmas. Did really well with weight loss and exercise in 2014 and was beginning to feel fit and healthy, then it all began to slip and 2015 saw me put most of the weight back on. My main goal is to get healthy. I am 56 Years old and on the road to diabetes if I don't change things around. MY current exercise is dancing 3 times a week, which I love but would like to get back to the gym and swimming. Hoping this group will help to keep me on track.
  • ljredwood
    ljredwood Posts: 5 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello, I'm Lisa. I've been in the 200s for the last part of my 20s & most of my 30s. I'll be 40 this March. I lost 80 pounds in 2013, maintained for 5-6 months & started regaining when my dad got sick & passed away in the middle of 2014. I had a bout of depression & stopped monitoring my food & exercising. I know keeping that going would've kept my less depressed & I would've reached my goal weight. I'll get to it in 2016! In the last couple of months I've been focused on getting my good habits back. My goal is to lose 60 pounds & gain strength! Go on long, crazy, wonderfully beautiful hikes & not get winded. Swim long distances & more. I've started working out routinely again & I'm monitoring my food.
  • dlmcgowan93
    dlmcgowan93 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Denise, I'm 50 years old and at 6 feet tall weigh 255 pounds. I am new AGAIN to MFP. I'm wanting to get rid of 60 pounds in a healthy way. I have some health issues and need the weight to go away. Our oldest daughter is getting married in October and I really want to look and FEEL better. Our other daughter is 16 and really needs a healthier mom.

    There is so much more that I could share but the bottom line is that I NEED support and WANT accountability.

  • cobwebel
    cobwebel Posts: 114 Member
    kelsicox wrote: »
    Hi! My name is Kelsi. I'm 28 and a stay at home mom to my 2 kiddos. I recently started back up in my weight loss journey on Nov 16. My starting weight was 236 and am currently at 225. I have set 4 smaller goals to help me hit my overall goal of 175. I'm sure I'll want to keep going with my weight loss, but that's my current goal weight. I'm 5lbs from my first goal of 16lbs! I need to get back in the habit of recording what I eat, but right now I'm just eating right and working out 1-2 times each day. Once in the afternoon with my 4 year old doing Zumba or Hip Hop Abs. And usually in the evening I do my elliptical and toning with my husband. I've also been doing step competitions with my family on my FitBit. It's been very motivating!
    Please feel free to add me and let me know if you have a FitBit and want to be friends!

    Hey lady,

    I started at the same weight as you and am now down to 196 with a current goal of 175 which will probably change to 160/165. Also into working out and FitBit, I'm gonna add you on here. :)
  • swimmer301
    swimmer301 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm so glad to find this group. I had lost a total of 50 pounds. Met my now husband and I have seemed to have gained 30 of it back. I would like to be 180 which means I have to lose about 70 pounds.
  • clippergear
    clippergear Posts: 16 Member
    Hello. My name is Stacy, I'm from Florida and I'm a professor. I have over 100 pounds to lose. I started on January 9th at 309 pounds and my goal is to get down to 200 pounds. The food part is going very well but the exercise part not so well. I have bad knees and they are keeping me off my recumbent bike and keeping me from learning tai chi and tai chi ball. I have an appt. with an orthopedic surgeon next week and hopefully he doesn't say the word "surgery" :# . Hopefully I can get away with some shots and then my exercise journey can get more regular than every so often when my knees will allow it. Thanks for forming this group!!