
Some of you have been doing Keto for quite awhile, and others have just begun. What motivates you to start and what keeps you going?


  • slowlybutshelly
    slowlybutshelly Posts: 12 Member
    Heaviest I ever want to be:)
  • elzanone
    elzanone Posts: 10 Member
    Don't ever ever turn back--we know better now!
  • elzanone
    elzanone Posts: 10 Member
    Some of you have been doing Keto for quite awhile, and others have just begun. What motivates you to start and what keeps you going?

  • elzanone
    elzanone Posts: 10 Member
    Been eating this way for about 17 months--frustrated right now, been sick for a month, and feel stuck. Starting to work out again but maybe need to drop calories or just up fat again.
  • elzanone
    elzanone Posts: 10 Member
    Oh, haha, missed the real question--was tired of being fat and sick. Period. Lost 30 pounds quickly, then another 30 over a 9 month period. Never able to lose much weight until I found this diet, and I am so amazed at 60 that I can lose lots of weight and improve my life & health so well! And not suffer (and it isn't true suffering to skip the pasta & cupcakes!).
  • LeslieRightNow
    LeslieRightNow Posts: 8 Member
    The energy that you get from being carb and sugar along with keto being a diet that can make you FEEL full so no ups & downs is what motivates me!
  • sd5598
    sd5598 Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2016
    I was tired of feeling (and looking) like CRAP. Started clean eating and LC, lost almost 20 lbs, but wanted to really commit and try keto to work on a long-term struggle with depression. I'm on day 8 and am still adjusting, but can already feel a mental fog has been lifted. Wanting to continue that feeling of clarity and improve my health are keeping me motivated.
  • DrEngblom
    DrEngblom Posts: 1 Member
    Just starting the keto change. I'm on day 6. And working with my doctor on this plan. I've got to get my weight under control. It seems like I have to have a very strict plan to follow and that I need to be accountable to someone besides myself. I know I can do this, I did it once before about 10 years ago with LA Weight Loss; but I've gained it all back. Disappointing. But courage going forward.
  • keto_kitty
    keto_kitty Posts: 1 Member
    What motivates me??? is remembering how awesome my brain feels on keto.. self esteem, good mood, mental focus and acuity. I just don't work like that on carbs.