Looking for LCHF/Keto/Atkins Friends

Just thought i'd start a discussion for anyone wanting to add friends who are following the same food style. It would be nice to add friends for support who are in the same mindset as most people on here are high-carb low calorie diets. Just comment if you want to make friends/add others that comment, that'd be swell :)


  • kthor036
    kthor036 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't think one can have too many friend or support. You are welcome to send me a friend request.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    there IS an Adkin's group in MFP..just look for it too.
  • Soriasaom
    Soriasaom Posts: 1 Member
    I am trying this LCHF diet for the first time. I am hoping to shed the last few pounds but it's a bit difficult to find proper recipes.
  • FAMUDva
    FAMUDva Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the group but would love some LCHF friends! I started LCHF in April after doing Weight Watchers. Been happy with LCHF but still have 19lbs to lose so need motivation from another person with the same WOE.
  • mstrange17
    mstrange17 Posts: 12 Member
    I am brand new to this new lifestyle! Please add me, I can use any guidance and advice available! :)
  • delladear
    delladear Posts: 7 Member
    I am looking for friends that do LCHF, I'm new to it.
  • pastersp
    pastersp Posts: 3 Member
    Hello!! I'm new to the group and this is my first time trying the LCHF lifestyle. Please fill free to add me.
  • PMA150
    PMA150 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm trying to eat low carb and finding it challenging. Anyone want to friend me and maybe let me stalk your food diary for ideas?
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    I am doing the LCHF ...please feel free to add me ....wishing you all the best :)
  • sbrown2428
    sbrown2428 Posts: 4 Member
    I am fairly new to the Keto woe. Started in August, down about 22-25 lbs but hAving a hard time staying in ketosis. Anyone, feel free to add me as a friend.
  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    I'm always up for more friends.
  • rayn3z
    rayn3z Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone! Add me, I'm looking for LCHF friends as well :)
  • maggielapelosa
    maggielapelosa Posts: 9 Member
    Me too, i do about 40 net carbs a day, would love to add friends who also share their diary :)
  • eluvscats
    eluvscats Posts: 54 Member
    Me too! I'd love some friends who aren't afraid of fat and limit carbs! :)
  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,087 Member
    Me too, I'm very new to this, only a week in so still have a lot to learn!
  • bslr02
    bslr02 Posts: 3 Member
    Just thought i'd start a discussion for anyone wanting to add friends who are following the same food style. It would be nice to add friends for support who are in the same mindset as most people on here are high-carb low calorie diets. Just comment if you want to make friends/add others that comment, that'd be swell :)
  • bslr02
    bslr02 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in send me a friend request!
  • Angelszophia
    Angelszophia Posts: 127 Member
    add me...
  • jen44922
    jen44922 Posts: 12 Member
  • Sweetsys
    Sweetsys Posts: 78 Member
    I'm doing Atkins & happy to have friends on this journey. Add me if you like.