Check in- Brag about your progress and vent your frustrations!



  • nitab56
    nitab56 Posts: 5 Member
    @nitab56 I don't know if this is a good thing to do or not but my Doc gave us "emergency meal" plans for when we are without our product. I usually do an emergency meal when I'm not feeling the sweetness of shakes. I can list what he put down here if you don't have something similar from your doc?

    I do have an emergency meal-that's a good idea. I get so focused on staying on track that I forget to use it.
    Thank you!
  • kendra5
    kendra5 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello all! I just joined the group and just today had my first weigh in on the shakes. I had a rough time sticking this first week, so I'm not sure if I'm in ketosis or not. I really need for this to work and I'm motivated by all of you. I have a long way to go. Also, what is an emergency meal?
  • ESueM67
    ESueM67 Posts: 56 Member
    kendra5 wrote: »
    ... what is an emergency meal?

    Hi Kendra,
    The first week is the hardest. Stick with the plan and reach for help when you need it. The MFP community is rich with people who have gone through this, and they can offer a lot of support and creative ways to get through the cravings.

    To your question about the emergency meal--an emergency meal is one that consists of a lean protein (fish, chicken--usually about 4oz) and vegetables. An emergency shouldn't "kick you out" of ketosis and is helpful if you find yourself having to eat out or without your New Direction meals.

    Good luck to you!

  • kendra5
    kendra5 Posts: 6 Member
    Sue, thanks so much! I looked over my calendar today and realized that I've gained and lost the same 15 pounds a million times this year. I need to get the weight off for good. I'm so glad to see this program working for so many people.
  • Lisalovestravel
    Lisalovestravel Posts: 58 Member
    edited November 2015
    WOW! Welcome to all of the new people! I've not been checking in as much lately as it seemed like Julie and I were the only two people here. I'm still at -35 pounds, which is frustrating, but because of all the exercise I'm down a LOT of inches- and I feel so much better! I'm down to 1/4 a pill on my BP meds and my pressures are great-so I hope to be completely off before Christmas.

    Nitab, if the sweetness of the shakes bother you, perhaps you should have mostly soups- which aren't so sweet. I personally love the sweetness, but found early on that I preferred to have the puddings (lemon and vanilla are my favorites) which I mix with a little bit more water than recommended (9-10oz) so I can drink them like a smoothie. I feel nice and full. I too struggled with a lack of appetite partway in, just power the supplements down, as you need the nutrition. I'm not sure about 4 supplements. I never took that many- though I think Julie did. I started off with 3 packets and a "snack" protein bar. Week four I started eliminating one supplement and including a meal. She wanted to start me on week 3, but I begged to go one more, as I was really enjoying the steady, dependable weight loss.

    Kendra, the first week was the hardest. But if you're sticking to the diet, you can assume you're in ketosis. If you keep to around 50 carbs daily, you're there (whether it's through healthy food or packets). Depending on your doctor will determine when you start your first meals. My doc was big on introducing one meal right away, just a few weeks in. She wants her patients to start learning portions and healthy eating habits ASAP. She also pushes exercise- HARD. Every day, lots and lots of resistance work. So I try to mix it up, cardio and resistance. I love to swim, so I can get both regularly.

    As to emergency meals- especially when eating out- my doc told me to order a plain salad, just greens and green veggies, and then request the restaurant to cook you a chicken breast, steak or fish, but without any seasoning. Make sure it's grilled, and not grilled with butter, just a dab or oil. Most restaurants will accommodate you. You could also make your own "soup" with chicken broth, cut up chicken breast (grilled) and some green veggies (that wouldn't be sweet, but would be yummy). Just watch your portions.

    As to having a long way to go, I think we all felt that way going in. I still feel that way. But I can also see and enjoy how far I've come so far. With the medical issues I was starting to have, I knew even 20-30 pounds gone would go a long way towards improving my health. At 35 pounds gone, people are noticing- and complimenting. I've had to hit the clearance racks and thrift stores for new clothes. My t-shirts look like tents. I wear them as nightshirts and workout shirts. I can't wear any of my old pants or nice shirts and sweaters at all, they look funny or fall off. I even had to buy a new coat, as my sleeves hung about 6 inches past my hands! Even my shoes are looser! Of course I don't buy anything pricy or too many "new" things, as I don't plan to wear them very long. I bought a few things to "shrink into", down to size 8/Med. They're hanging up according to size in my closet. It's exciting to see them there, waiting for me. It's extra motivation. And as I start working my way into them, I feel great- and further inspired to keep on going. This will soon be you all too! So enjoy the process and keep your eyes on the prizes, because there are many prizes to be had; good health, good example and motivation to others, more stamina, better sleep, compliments, new clothes and more. YOU CAN DO IT!

    I hope you all will post regularly and keep us updated! Trust me, if I can do this- anybody can!
  • Lisalovestravel
    Lisalovestravel Posts: 58 Member
    edited November 2015

    Here's a recent before and after shot. The first "before" is me in Europe this last May and the 2nd "before" is me in Europe in 2011. The "after" shots were taken last week at -35 pounds. In the before shots I'm wearing size 18/20 jeans and a 2X (18/20) shirt. In the after shots I'm wearing a size 15 jeans and a regular women's XL shirt (15/16).
  • nitab56
    nitab56 Posts: 5 Member
    You are looking good! Thanks for the idea of making my own soup with the broth-I still struggle with the sweetness, but I know I need to just power through. I am down 37 pounds since September 1. I have made it this far by eating the same meals every day and I think I need to mix things up a bit now. My clinic now has tomato basil soup. I haven't tried it yet, but plan to this week. I asked about adding a meal and was told not until I was within 10 pounds of my goal weight, which is still 20 pounds away for me, but I've come this far, so I know I can make it!

  • Lisalovestravel
    Lisalovestravel Posts: 58 Member
    Isn't it weird how we all get different instructions about meals, exercise, etc.? I'm glad you're powering through. We started at the very same time, 1st week of September. I'm down 40 pounds at this point and I'm just about ready to move into 12/14 jeans- yay! My 15's are quite baggy and I look forward to this next size shrinkage. I'm doing 2 supplements and a meal, and 1 "snack" power bar per day. My doc is a stickler for exercise. I'm probably going to get scolded because I haven't exercised in nearly two weeks due to time constraints and a bum knee. She insists on 3-4 times a week, minimum.

    If you're only 20 pounds from your goal- you're doing great and nearly there! I've not even hit the halfway point, so I'll be on the diet well into the spring.

    Good luck to all of us through the holidays! I know I really struggled at Thanksgiving and cheated several times. Fortunately, I still lost weight, but I can see that it's harder to maintain the strict control I had those first two months.
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hello everyone! I haven't checked in for so long I'm sorry. I am recording my intake on MFP every day but then forget to check messages on the group here.

    I'm now down 74 pounds. I started June 15. I have another 50 or 60 to go!

    For Thanksgiving I had a pineapple apricot shake for breakfast. Then made the pumpkin pie meal with a vanilla pudding, pies spice, , gelatin and canned pumpkin. It was a recipe our RD gave us. For my last meall I ate an "emergency meal" of turkey spinach salad and green beans.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • kendra5
    kendra5 Posts: 6 Member
    I weighed in yesterday and am down 13 pounds in the first 3 weeks. I didn't go off the plan for thanksgiving because I wasn't with my family. I am a little nervous about Christmas. I'm hoping by then I would have lost a little more and be motivated to not go crazy. So far I'm liking the program and it has been fairly easy to stick with just eating the meal replacements.
  • owlett5
    owlett5 Posts: 10 Member
    Day three for me. Woe up starving and had my morning Apricot shake and ate a peanut butter snack bar with it. Now my stomach feels bleghhhh. Apparently that was a bad combination X_x. Note to self: dont eat and drink at the same time.

    I've been struggling with hunger at the end of my work shift, I work 12-13 hours over night at a job that requires me to sit at a desk. Around 4 am my stomach is growling and I can't wait to get home and eat my chili or sloppy joe mix. Today I had the idea, since you're supposed to eat two packets of the mix, to just bring one of the packets with me, and when I get hungry, eat that, then eat the rest when I get home. That should work.

    I'm really glad ND has savory options and not just sweet things.
  • erock0628
    erock0628 Posts: 30 Member
    oh wow is the chili or sloppy joe mix a powder that you have to add water too? And I think that is a good idea to bring one of the packets with you.
  • JenniferNeu2015
    JenniferNeu2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, I just started ND VLCD on dec 4. I'm doing okay so far. I've had some headaches on and off but I'm pretty sure that's bc I'm not have my 32oz of diet soda a day anymore. I've decided I will not weigh myself at home bc I tend to become obsessed with the scale when I diet usually.... I'm just making sure I drink my 4 shakes a day and all my water... It will also motivate me to get to my weekly class. So far so good!
  • owlett5
    owlett5 Posts: 10 Member
    erock0628 wrote: »
    oh wow is the chili or sloppy joe mix a powder that you have to add water too? And I think that is a good idea to bring one of the packets with you.

    Yup, it's a powder with fake meat chunks hah
  • Lisalovestravel
    Lisalovestravel Posts: 58 Member
    I've not heard of the chili- interesting! For me, I save my protein bar to take out with me. If I go to a movie, it's my "snack". Same with at school (I'm a full time student). I'll cut my bar in half and eat one as an inbtween mean snack. You'll learn little ways to adapt. You could also take some celery and cucumbers to work with you in a little baggie. Those are "free" foods. It would let you nibble and satisfy your hunger without compromising your diet.

    Make sure you're chugging that water, ladies!

    For me, once I got past those first two weeks and saw the easy off ten pound weight loss, it got a lot easier. Exercising was the toughest part for me. My doctor pushes exercise HARD and scolds me when I slack off. She wants to see activity, lol! I'm glad for that, because for me, all of the health issues I started the diet with are reversed or reversing and I feel that. It feels good. She told me that next week (barring issues) I can completely go off of the blood pressure medication I've been on for years. I've been slowing weaning off of it for over two months now. I'm down to a 1/4 pill and for Christmas I'll be medication free. I'm no longer pre-diabetic and I have healthy cholesterol levels. Most of those positives are exercise related.

    If I can do it, ladies, you can too! I'm not even halfway to my goal, but the benefits I'm reaping are HUGE. You'll be reaping those same benefits too. Keep up the good work!
  • JenniferNeu2015
    JenniferNeu2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, Lisa. I was told not to exercise while on the VLCD. (Not that I want to... haha) I mean I do if it will help me shed pounds but I am just getting to the part where I feel that I even have energy again. I'm on day 10 now. I'm down 7.3lbs.
  • JenniferNeu2015
    JenniferNeu2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Can everyone comment how long they've been in the program? What their program plan is (how many shakes/bars/meals etc) and how much weight they've lost? It might be interesting to see...

    Started : December 4, 2015 4 shakes a day -7.2lbs
  • erock0628
    erock0628 Posts: 30 Member
    Lisa that is amazing about your medication. How long have you been on the program? It's interesting to see how each new direction program is sort of different. They don't allow us free foods like celery. We are not allowed. And how some place want you to exercise and some places don't want you to. For me they want us to wait two weeks and they actually will start doing excercises with us. I plan on deff excercising on this program.

    Jennifer I started December 4th like you ;) and I'm on 5 meal replacement a day until I get below a certain weight than I'll be on 4 meal replacements a day.
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome to the newer members! Keep up the good work! I've been on the program with some tweaks of my own since June 15th. I'm down 80 pounds! I lost 20 pounds/month for 2 months, then about 10/month since then. I have 2-3 shakes and a low carb real food meal and a snack. I always drink my water. I try to stay around 1050 calories a day. I've not been exercising at all. My clinic says just to walk and tone.