Monthly Weigh Ins

This challenge will start on the 8th December and will finish on the 8th March.

December 8th
January 8th
February 8th
March 8th


  • twentytwelve12
    twentytwelve12 Posts: 245 Member
    Please copy and paste this into a comment with your own weigh in stats.
  • 23skinnygirl
    23skinnygirl Posts: 16 Member
    Since today is Monday, this works better for me. I am 5 foot 2 inches.

    December 8th 152.2
    January 8th
    February 8th
    March 8th
  • skocke
    skocke Posts: 4 Member
    Monday is a good day to start. I am 5 feet 4 inches. 145 is my goal.

    December 8th-175
    January 8th
    February 8th
    March 8th
  • fabrizio559
    fabrizio559 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello, I am hoping joining a group like this will keep me on track better. I am 5'7" pear shaped woman.
    December 8th 250.5
    January 8th
    February 8th
    March 8th
  • katcor89
    katcor89 Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'm 5'5" - excited to start the process BEFORE new years instead of overdoing it this month using the holidays as my excuse

    December 8th - 157
    January 8th
    February 8th
    March 8th
  • jaelab
    jaelab Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am 5'4, and I'm hoping this group will give me motivation to jump-start my lifestyle change. December 8th - 223
    January 8th
    February 8th
    March 8th
  • djoujou21
    djoujou21 Posts: 2 Member
    I really want to lose 20+ lbs when this is over. Let's do our best and stay focus, especially during the holiday. This is very important for me because I LOVE to bake, and people always ask me to make desserts for their events. I'm 5'7"
    December 8th - 201lbs
    January 8th
    February 8th
    March 8th
  • packard80
    packard80 Posts: 8 Member
    December 8th 190
    January 8th
    February 8th
    March 8th
    I really need to lose at least 40 by then,.....
  • ericalee3012
    ericalee3012 Posts: 5 Member
    I am excited for this challenge. I really need to lose 30+ lbs to start. I am 5'10" with an SW 204. GW=170

    December 8th=204
    January 8th
    February 8th
    March 8th
  • Simplychic62
    Simplychic62 Posts: 2 Member
    Monday is a good day to start for me. I am 5 feet 4 inches. 198 is my goal for end of next year. SW 279 last week. GW 240 by March.

    December 8th- 271.4
    January 8th
    February 8th
    March 8th

  • I'm 5'4, and I'd love to be 138.6lbs by March 8!
    December 8th-168.6lbs
    January 8th
    February 8th
    March 8th
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    Hi all.. I am 5'6" with a CGW of 215 by March 8, ultimate goal weight 142 hopefully sometime next year!

    December 8th - 242.8
    January 8th
    February 8th
    March 8th
  • anstad
    anstad Posts: 2 Member
    Hi... I'm ready to do this!

    December 8th 180
    January 8th
    February 8th
    March 8th
  • quansc
    quansc Posts: 80 Member
    I am 5'10 and my ultimate goal is 175 by the end of 2016.

    December 8th 283
    January 8th 273
    February 8th 263
    March 8th 253
  • SJandM2000
    SJandM2000 Posts: 29 Member
    My goal is to lose nearly 27kg by March. :smile:

    Starting weight on 30th November:- 86.8kg
    Goal weight by end of March:- 60kg

    December 8th:- 83.2kg
    January 8th
    February 8th
    March 8th
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'm 5'6.5", and my UGW is 135-140 lbs.

    December 8th: 159.6 lbs
    January 8th:
    February 8th:
    Match 8th:
  • brendmoran
    brendmoran Posts: 11 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'm new using the groups but I'm in ☺️
    My GW 63 kg
    December 8th : 71.7
    January 8th:
    February. 8th :
    March. 8th This month is my birthday.
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    December 8: 168.6
  • RedVelvette
    RedVelvette Posts: 213 Member
    I just found this group today, so my apologies for the late entry. I'd like to lose 10-20lbs by March 2016.
    Height 5'8 1/2"
    GW: 170lbs
    December 10: 193.8
    January 10:
    February 10:
    March 10:
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    December 8th - 199.2lb
    January 8th
    February 8th
    March 8th