New Here

TiwaD Posts: 3 Member
Hi there,

I'm new on the forum and need some help. Lost some 14kg two years ago but gained it back afterwards. Tried Keto and lost 3kg in one week. Got tired of using organic products as they are expensive here in Canada and I'm also bored with the foods and time taken to prepare my meals. However, I love the way I felt when I tried Keto and would like to make that lifestyle change. I need some good meal ideas that are not time consuming.

Thank you.



  • erindellamore
    erindellamore Posts: 46 Member
    Hey Tiwa,
    The Ketogenic Cookbook and Bacon & Butter have been great cookbooks for me and helped me integrate meal prepping into my keto lifestyle. Grab a few books or research online to find what sounds appealing to you. Make a grocery list and dive right in. Personally I only meal prep for breakfast and all of my food throughout the day are high fat, high calorie snacks. It keeps me satisfied while I battle a very busy schedule and that's just what works for me. Find your groove and enjoy it, keto has been wonderful for me.
  • TiwaD
    TiwaD Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you Erindellamore. I'll do just that.

  • SuesNewImage
    SuesNewImage Posts: 743 Member
    There is also a low carb group on MFP that has great links on the home page with a lot of articles to get u started. Just search for low carb group. There are lots of variations to low carb including ketosis, so a lot of us are in both groups.
  • TiwaD
    TiwaD Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks SuesNewImage. Just saw your message. :)
  • awisdom309
    awisdom309 Posts: 22 Member