Counting Macros Post Plan - Getting Started

MPower1987 Posts: 16 Member
The BIG question we all need help with.

Here is where I have got to so far... (Bear in mind I'm on C3 and tracking to get used to inputting. I haven't had my Grad report yet)

1. Joined this amazing group :) and added other members. I've then had a sneaky peek at your food diaries to give me inspiration as to what foods you're eating post plan.

2. Synced my waterlogged app to MFP.

3. Added my bodytrax weights to MFP.

4. Synced MFP to Apple's Heath app which allows me to see all data on my Apple Watch in MFP and vice versa including C3 workouts which I've logged as Circuits or MetaCardio. If you log it as 'other' in Health app MFP will not register it and give you credit for the calories you've burned.

5. Entered a few fail safe Body Coach recipes based on what's left in the freezer. Now I just add that recipe as a whole once I've eaten the meal rather than add every item each time I eat it.

6. Renamed my meals to breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack 1, snack 2 and Protein & Supplements.

7. Added all my supplements as recipes - one for breakfast, lunch and bedtime supplements. I was surprised to see that this equated to significant calories.

8. Found where I adjust my macros in grams and %. I am ignoring this for now but will add it once I get my Grad Report.

How has everyone else got started?


  • kaffrinette
    kaffrinette Posts: 2 Member
    I asked my coach if I should use the grams or % - this was her reply -
    Please do not focus on the percentages too much as long as you are hitting roughly 2206 calories then that is fine and you are consuming the correct number of protein, carbs and fats. Please input the gram allowance and let MFP change to %.
    However, when I put my 3 lots of grams in (PCF) - they are over the % !!
    Any ideas?
    So I rounded them, but fat seems really HIGH?!
  • redladym
    redladym Posts: 1 Member
    Ok so this is how I got started. I have never counted calories and was absolutely sure I wasn't going to do macros. Then I just tried it out and realised it completely suited me - I plan our food a week at a time anyway - I do an online shop so putting it into mfp just became part of my planning. It has made me keep up the food intake and so be able to maintain the training. I chose maintenance macros but after a week decided that I wanted to cut them by 10% - I wanted to have 10% freedom so I could add a snack or a latte etc... and it wouldn't make a difference. One major thing to bear in mind is that the macros are based on weight and hiit training so if you are going to workout less you may not need so much food. I upgraded on mfp - just because numbers addle my brain and I wanted this to be as easy as possible. Put in my rest and workout days (I change them around depending on when I can exercise) and then started planning. At the very least put your food in a day in advance - you cannot just add though out the day and hope it will work out (unless you have been doing it for a while). In the beginning I just thought each day what did I really want to eat for tea - made the menu then put in a breakfast (low carb or high carb depending on training) added protein shake and banana if training then would see what was left for lunch (this is the meal I am least fussed about so happy to make something to fit). I don't have snacks so on training days have two carb heavy meals (overnight protein oats for breakfast then tea will be with a big portion of sweet potatoes or brown rice) on rest days I will have one meal with carbs in (but there will be a sprinkling of carbs in others - veg, berries etc..). However you can split as you want - I do make sure post workout is high carb and protein but other than that you can eat your food however it suits you - some like snacks and smaller main meals. I enjoyed opening up cook books for the first time in 3 months and planning things I hadn't eaten in ages. I used a couple of plan recipes as inspiration and then tweaked to fit. Fage and cottage cheese are useful to increase protein in dishes as are the Two chicks egg whites. Make sure when you put in a food that the macros a. are there (sometimes there are no macros with things on mfp and that totally messes up your totals and b. they look sort of correct - I put in a brown basmati rice which was totally wrong and one of my meals I think had about 4 times the amount of rice I was supposed to have - I only checked it as I couldn't finish it and that never ever happens so I thought something was up! If you are putting in an ingredient put in the name of a british supermarket (if you are in the UK) and that will bring up the item with british weights so helps with inputting.
    Not sure what else to say apart from emphasising the need to plan ahead in the beginning - also don't look at the pie charts look at the grams page - the pie chart can be correct even when you are way way under or way way over on all your macros. Good luck it suits some and not others so don't worry if you hate it but just give it a go for a week or two and you might like it!!
  • romanyromany
    romanyromany Posts: 2 Member
    How i'm doing it is i've put in my 1850 cal total and 40% protein, 35% fat and 25% carbs. in the morning i put in my b'fast lunch and snacks (2 x protein shake with spinach and almond milk - suits me, i'm a demon with nuts and ca't be trusted to open the jar!)... then i know how much i've got left for dinner and can be creative. This makes me feel safe. I'm still battling with feelings of martyrdom as everyone else snaffles xmas goodies but i'm now 2 kg less than my bc grad and GOING FOR IT!!! i've ordered a very expensive hand made to measure cat suit for stage and it is GOING TO LOOK GOOD! (forgive aggression, i'm not sure whether it's also desperation! or panic that i might face plant into a big plate of mince pies!!) but the macros feel good.
  • JoThomas81
    JoThomas81 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, I'm a long term user of MFP but have never upgraded to the premium version. I just know what my macro goals are in my head and aim to hit them amor at least get really close. I don't mind going over on protein but always aim to stick to my fat and carb goal. Since graduating (approx 3 wks ago) I initially just plodded in with a reduced carb diet and tried out some online weights sets with some HIIT. I've decided that reduced carb is not for me so will probably be having carbs with every meal from now on. Currently i'm reading TLS and am planning a 'shred' menu to start once i'm back at work on Jan 4th. The TLS macros for me are really low so I reckon I'll only be able to manage it for 2weeks but hoping that gives me a real boost to the new year and my training and diet. After that I'm not sure yet! I liked c2 the best so may do gvt again.