Unconscience metabolism reset

saggy76 Posts: 4 Member
Hi I'm fairly new to the EM2WL concept. I read through a lot of the forums and FAQs. But I have a question. I've read that it is a good idea to do the reset. After reading what the reset is and how to do it, I'm wondering if I've already started it without knowing. I was eating at a low calorie deficit of about 1300-1500 until the end of September. Then I started to get tired of being hungry and watching everything that I ate, so I increased my calories greatly. The thing is since it wasn't my intentions to do a structured reset, I didn't track anything at that time.

Recently since deciding to eat more and strength train I figured I would log my meal into the MFP food log and see what my daily calorie intake is currently. It was at about 2471calories for one day. And just about all of my days have been like that for about 1 week of conscience eating with removing all of the desserts and junk food that I was consuming since september. So after looking at those numbers I am sure that I was eating way more than that with all of the ice cream, cookies and chicago popcorn I used to consume on the daily bases. At that time I definately increased my portion of the good-for-you-foods but I also increase the-not-so-good-for-you-foods too and a lot of it. I Steadily gained weight during that time until I reached 34lbs of gained weight. I decided to weigh myself 3 days ago, since eating more and weight lifting, and the scale showed a 2 lb weight loss. Needless to say, I was very surprised.

I went to the scooby calculator to calculate my TDEE since my weight gain and it said that my
BMR is 1795
TDEE is 2782
15% cut is 2365

Now my question is could those months count as my reset? Can I begin eating at the 15% cut?

Thanx for any and all assistance.


  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    I'm not an expert but i'd eat at the tdee for several weeks while tracking your weight. I think the goal is to get your weight to stabilize? Focus on protein too.

    Hopefully someone else will chime in.
  • saggy76
    saggy76 Posts: 4 Member
    ok thanx
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    I second the watch the protein idea. Since you did gain eating all the extra junk foods. and are now eating better, eat at the 2400 level for a couple of weeks and see what happens.

    How long had you been eating low cals? If not a long time, think of it as a diet break and that might be all you needed. If longer make sure your metabolism is working better before doing a big cut.

    All the best on your Journey :)
  • KickboxDiva
    KickboxDiva Posts: 142 Member
    I'm learning how to do this both from em2wl and eat to perform. Em2wl has great YouTube videos that are easy to follow. Etp has a new podcast on iTunes I have found very helpful in understanding the science.. They why of the reset. There are a lot but the episode descriptions tell you which ones to choose to listen to for resets. Short answer is it depends on how long you were at a deficit. Are you a lifetime yoyo? The more muscle the more success. And yoyo and previously obese have higher fat cell levels that "want" to be filled. Their metabolism will downgrade ( adapt to deficit) faster when you start to diet again We made our bodies efficient dieters so it's harder. What works for one won't work for others. It's a bit of trial and error.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If you keep up the TDEE level to end of month - that might be almost 3 months at TDEE if you really ate up around 2700.
    I'd agree with idea of 2 weeks of TDEE with better food logging to confirm.
    Then deficit.

    Especially if you've been weight lifting the whole time of eating more.
    Did your performance increase pretty good, and were you really pushing for more with workouts for same muscles 2-3 x weekly?

    You could have gained 2 lbs of muscle if so.