Wedding planning



  • gthing1978
    gthing1978 Posts: 30 Member
    A villa in Italy?! You win!!! Man that sounds amazing!!!!
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited September 2015
    Whoa! **taking a deep breath** That IS a lot to think about! After reading all those FABULOUS plans and ideas, I guess it may be a good thing I am limited on many things living on an Island in S.E. Alaska! :lol:

    Along with the date I think we've picked our colors for the Wedding Party: My side (myself included) will be the colors of the sun-Yellow and Orange with Red Accents; his side will be shades of blue. His side will definitely be more casual, but I don't think my bridesmaids and I will go all out either.

    The reception will probably focus on bright colors, but won't be limited to certain colors, I'd also like to use burlap and twine and other rustic touches...I'm thinking I can pull it off by tying in the whole ELEMENTS idea??

    Earth:burlap, twine, rustic.
    Water: shades of blue.
    Wind: Pinwheels, Kites & Balloons. Pinwheels in place of flowers (SUNFLOWERS will also be used but sparingly) and colorful DIY Kites for centerpieces and Large Balloons with tulle for decoration.
    Fire: colors of the sun!

    We've also decided to do an evening Cocktail reception which will save on plated meals because we'll only have appetizer type stuff. The extra will go toward some beer kegs and a martini bar And I think I'd like to have a Pie buffet rather than cake.

    I guess getting married at my age, I am anything but traditional and that's actually quite perfect for me! I'm re-reading Offbeat Bride right now. There are probably some things that we won't include at all...Of course we're not totally sure this is how it will all pan out since we are still in the brainstorming phase.

    Thanks for sharing Everyone! I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures and wedding planning ideas!
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Marla Jean, the elements idea sounds really cool. Maybe make sure to find places you can combine them into something cohesive and make the theme clear so it's not too abstract for people to get or that it just looks chaotic; seems everything can go together pretty easily though, kites of either blue or sun (with tail of the other) with twine string (although I wouldn't necessarily think "elements" if I saw that? My sister in law had a nice centerpiece that was a big glass cylinder on a round mirror with water and then a floating candle. You could do something like that and have burlap or twine down towards the bottom, maybe with mini pinwheels, to represent the earth and wind and then you have water and fire? Depends what your venue's policy is on candles. It's a thought.
    If you prefer pie, you should totally have a pie buffet. Enjoy the brainstorming phase and make sure it's you!
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    @brisingr86 thanks for this tip! I hadn't really thought of that although I'm sure most people around here would understand if it was eclectic and chaotic from me! :lol: I hadn't really thought of that as a theme...I guess I should focus it in my theme would be "Elements?" Ha!

    The venue for the reception doesn't allow candles unless they are the battery kind, but I do like that idea...I also thought of maybe some sort of water fountain at the entry point?

    Saw some cool pics of Pie Pops (like cake pops but with pie) on Pinterest the other day...
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    That sounds interesting! I definitely think it helps to spend some time developing your theme so that the look all comes together. Eclectic is cool, but I agree with trying to find some ways to tie it all in together because if it's too abstract it might just look like you threw a bunch of ideas at the wall. Think about the vibe you want, and before you purchase/rent anything, ask yourself if it lines up with that vision. My pinterest board totally illustrates the evolution of my ideas as they became more and more refined.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited October 2015
    Ok, so after thinking more about what you both said ( @brisingr86 and @CostaRica120 ) things are changing a bit and coming a bit more into focus! Thanks!

    And I am definitely NOT going to be purchasing/renting anything except the Reception Venue and Save-the-Dates until a few months down the road when I should have a better idea of EXACTLY what will be going on!

    I'm very NEW to pinterest so I'm still learning how it all works, but I've already got quite the mish-mash of things I like! Thanks again Ladies!
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    Cool :) Pinterest is so helpful for ideas and there are even free printable templates for things like table numbers, menus and programs if you want to do those.
    While I do think it's important to try to get a cohesive look, it can definitely be creative and eclectic. Like, I'm personally not a fan of selecting a wedding colour. I think for lots of people that's an easy way to do it because you can just choose pink or blue or whatever and then that guides your choices for everything from bridesmaids dresses to napkins to flowers. Not really my style, but I am focusing on metallics, neutrals and blush, which really does help. Even if you're not picky, you end up having to make decisions about everything so it helps. Like, my fiance is always saying, "well, I don't care" about everything, and I'm like, "yeah, I don't care either but we have to choose something"...that's where having a concrete theme really helps!

    My planning is going well. We met with out day-of coordinator earlier this week and went through the minute-by-minute timeline of the day, so it was great to get that all down. Definitely still have a lot of details and DIY to take care of, but I'm starting to get super excited about it because I can really visualize the day. I'm going for my dress fitting next week, which I'm excited about since I purchased my dress in May, so it's been quite a while since I saw it. Plus I lost around 15 lbs since then, I think! Only thing is that I need to have my shoes for the length, but I've gone everywhere and I can't find what I want! I'm looking for closed toe shoes with a strap or closed up across the front (so they're super secure) and a 3-inch heel...maybe even a wedge. Even a delicate bootie would be cool. I know more wintery shoes will start coming out, but I need something for next week. I might just bring a pair of shoes that I own that are the height I want, and then just hope I can find a pair later on that are similar enough. Or maybe they can hold off on that alteration. Or maybe I'll find shoes!
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    I am discovering that Pinterest is very Helpful! Thanks for your input @CostaRica120 I love the idea of metallic I can't wait to see pictures...and yes, you are right about the fiancé "help" LOL :lol: He's WAAAAYYY laid back, so really is not too picky and has only really insisted on a couple things (like having the wedding in our hometown)

    I can't wait until I'm at the point where we can lay out a minute by minute timeline! did you have your dress fitting? AWESOME about the 15 pound loss! Have you found shoes yet?
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    So, last night, we picked a date for our wedding. June 18th. HOMG it's on the calender, so it's happening! That's how I feel. The wedding will be outdoors around 7:00pm in the amphitheater at my church. My parents are pastors and I live with them, so that means the wedding is going to be in my front yard, ha ha.

    Last year, my friend did an outdoor wedding in the same spot in June right at 11:00 am. It went until 1:00 pm. The temperature was well over 90 degrees and everyone was sitting in full sun. It was really distracting to have rivers of sweat running down your back during the wedding. Everyone was so hot and thirsty and sunburned. All their cupcakes melted too, and starting falling off the stand. I'm hoping that with an evening wedding, I won't have to worry about these problems.

    Is anybody else having an outdoor wedding? What time of day did you pick?
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited November 2015
    HOW exciting to have set your date! Woo-hoo! And An amphitheater sounds awesome! I hope you will post pictures! I think having it later in the day will be great for easing the heat problem! Do you have lots of bugs where you are? That's one thing to consider (at least it would be here) is that once it cools off we tend to get more bugs coming out...Not sure if that would be an issue for you.

    I am hoping to have an outdoor wedding, but September in S.E. Alaska can be tricky because we are in a rainforest so we have to have a back up plan...if the weather is nice we will have it outside one of the clan house in our town, if it is not nice we will have it inside the clan house. Both options will be "In-The-Round" because I want to forgo the whole aisle thing and both options will be standing although we will provide some chairs for those who need them. Here's a couple pictures...


    a Possible 2nd outdoor option is out on this walkway about halfway across.

    Ours will be around 3:30-4pm in the afternoon.

    That is so sad about the melted cupcakes!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Wow, that is an amazing venue! The carvings are incredibly cool. Having it in the round will be intimate. Sounds great. The setting is just beautiful.
    There are bugs here, but they are not terrible. Citronella and spray work good enough. I might invest in a bug zapper for the yard too. Hmmm...Food for thought.
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Depending on the bugs there's a mosquito deterrent (mosquito beater) that we use at my parent's place that you just sprinkle on the ground I think a few hours before the event. It might be helpful as less visible solution if folks don't want to be constantly inhaling citronella candles or geraniums or spraying bug spray on their fancy clothes.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Sounds great.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    Ok, so because my fiancé has family in the restaurant industry in this town I recently found out his brother is going to cover ALL the food costs for the wedding as our wedding present! I about FELL OVER when I heard this!

    We've opted NOT to have a sit down dinner at the reception because we anticipate around 250-350 guests and are having a later Cocktail reception so only appetizers and desserts.

    However, we ARE having a sit down dinner for the Welcome/Rehearsal dinner which will include family, wedding party and traveling guests...we're guessing about 100 and BOTH events will be covered by this GENEROUS offer! I'm so flippin' happy, this is a HUGE chunk of our funding that is now covered.

    So here's my quandary...I'm not too particular about the menu at the reception, what types of appetizer's would you guys recommend?
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    woah, that's amazing. We found food t be the biggest cost!! especially in the UK, cheaper in Italy where we're going! I like sushi and I've seen some amazing sushi appetisers, but its not for everyone I know.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I am getting married in our local church. My fiance requested it as it is the place where his nan and grandad and his mom and dad got married. His grandad is buried in the church yard. Its a very beautiful place. We are having the "formal" reception in the garden and its a cream tea (scones, finger sandwiches, tea, pimms etc) then we are having the evening in the village hall with a band and dj and buffet.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    fitfor30th wrote: »
    woah, that's amazing. We found food t be the biggest cost!! especially in the UK, cheaper in Italy where we're going! I like sushi and I've seen some amazing sushi appetisers, but its not for everyone I know.

    Actually I love Sushi, I wonder if they can include one! I'll check on that one for sure! Great idea!

    @Chezzie84 I love the idea of finger sandwiches too! Perhaps with a bit of an Alaskan flavor :wink: I have to ask, what are pimms? I know I've heard of it before, but can't remember...I guess I can go Google it :lol: Your fiancé's church and both reception venues sound lovely!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    I know this reply is way late, but I'm also having appetizers and desserts w/ an evening wedding. I'm a part owner of a restaurant, and we do catering, so I'm buying the ingredients and paying to staff to make food. Appetizer and light desserts to consider:

    cream cheese covered in hot red pepper jelly to serve on crackers, or cheese ball or baked brie loaf, cheese quesadilla triangles, spanikopita, spinach and artichoke dip in phyllo cups, baked pita brushed with oil with olives and hummus, redskin baby twice baked potatoes, stuffed pepper poppers, chicken satay skewers or chicken strips, meatballs, mini ham biscuits or rolls and spiral ham, shrimp cocktail, crab cakes, crab dip, wings, stuffed mushrooms, pigs n a blanket, bruschetta, chocolate dipped strawberries, pinwheels, chicken salad on mini-croissants, mini-quiches, fruit tray, veggie tray, fruit tartlets, cake pops, brownie bites, cocoa dusted truffles, mini-cookies, cream puffs, cannolis, cheese cake bites, chocolate mousse in shot glasses...

    I think the cream tea idea is splendid and should look beautiful. I hope we get to see pictures!
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    That's a HUGE help. Another late response, but will go ahead and put my two sense in. I think variety is probably your best bet (although I love your idea of incorporating local flavors; maybe add flavors tied to trips you have taken/plan, trip around the country/world to have different taste profiles). If you love sushi, including it is awesome, but also recognizing that it's not everyone's cup of tea so you probably don't want JUST sushi. I would make sure you have at least some vegetarian options (maybe a couple vegan?). With a large group, not sure if you know everyone's food allergies/cultural or religious based restrictions so may be another thing to consider of having some things dairy free, nut free, maybe gluten free?

    Everyone else's plans sound awesome too. Based on cost and some family connections, we're having ours in an Italian banquet hall so food is going to be a bit out of control (cocktail hour with tons of food, then a plated dinner including pasta course and entree, then about 4 different dessert presentations). I think Liz provided a pretty awesome list. A few others might be mini-eggrolls/spring rolls, potstickers, oysters, mussels, fried calamari, flatbread/thin crust pizza squares, mini tacos/taquitos, samosas, gazpacho or hot soup shots, lemon bar bites. If your fiance's family is in the business, you can also ask them for a selection of they types of stuff they normally do and then just pick your favorites or pick a few in each category.

  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited January 2016
    GREAT ideas! Love the list! that helps SO much! THANK YOU!