Practice Board



  • adelinue
    adelinue Posts: 98 Member
    edited December 2015
    texgal927 wrote: »
    adelinue wrote: »
    texgal927 wrote: »
    Today I will start taper down my calories 50 calories a day to get to 1366 calories by jan 5th.
    Why not just go to 1366cal straight away? It's not as hard as it might seem; I went from eating over 2000cal to 1200cal overnight, sure i felt hungry the first couple of nights but I just went to sleep and had a nice breakfast the next day. At day 3; it hardly bothered me anymore. Now almost two months later, i'm still eating at 1300cal (since i've lost 20lbs my calorie goal got up) even tho i'm more active than when I ate 2000cal. You just have to get used to it and to eat healthy ;)

    I found in the past if I just did it I cheated so trying this time to taper off during this week
    I find it helpful to picture all of what's waiting for me once i lose the weight and think that the extra cheat meal will destroy it all -When i'm about to cheat x). But if you think this way is better for you then go ahead; as long as you stick to your plan everything should be alright! Good Luck :)
    lexiss91 wrote: »
    adelinue wrote: »
    My plan/goal for 2016 is to be able to go to the gym regularly. I've went to the gym before and always felt inadequate because all the other guys there were like super fit and I was overweight (edging on obese) at the time. Since November, i've been doing at home workouts and had moderate success, losing more than 25lbs and getting into the healthy BMI range. My goal is to continue, reach my goal weight then work on getting more muscles at the gym without feeling like a loser and self-concious while there.

    Major kudos for that 25lb weight loss! Thats amazing! As for the gym I used to feel the same way but I realized that I'm going to gym to change my life and better myself not to please anyone else. :)

    Thank you! (: That's a great outlook, never really thought about it like that the first few times i went to the gym.
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    adelinue wrote: »
    My plan/goal for 2016 is to be able to go to the gym regularly. I've went to the gym before and always felt inadequate because all the other guys there were like super fit and I was overweight (edging on obese) at the time. Since November, i've been doing at home workouts and had moderate success, losing more than 25lbs and getting into the healthy BMI range. My goal is to continue, reach my goal weight then work on getting more muscles at the gym without feeling like a loser and self-concious while there.

    You should set a date to go to the gym and just GO! I wanted to go to the swimming pool for a long time to take aquasize classes and swim laps, but I was too self conscious. Finally, I just challenged myself to do it. I signed up and started going and it has become my favorite workout! I could kick myself for not having the courage to do it before. I thought about it for nearly 9 months before I did it. That was 9 months of wasted time that I could have been getting more fit and enjoying a fun activity. Who cares what other people are doing? You are there to compete with yourself, not compare yourself to anyone else!

    You are right. I'm in the process of doing P90X. Once I finish it, I WILL get a Gym membership and commit to it dammit è.é Thank you!! :blush:
  • JasmijnRF
    JasmijnRF Posts: 184 Member
    edited December 2015
    SweeteeBri wrote: »
    JasmijnRF wrote: »
    I'm a runner but due to injury (again!) I am sidelined. I will get orthotic insoles the first week of Jan, hopefully that will help and I can start running again in a couple of weeks. But first things first: core training! My core is very very very weak and my number 1 priority is core training. I will use Fitnessblender so I can work out at home. Also I want to go walking but I haven't set a specific goal yet. And no more binge eating ;)

    I hated running until I tried the Couch to 5K. That's one of my favorite workouts now...Lol. I love running now!! I just can't do it in the winter. Wayyyy too cold for me. :) Do you run on the treadmill?

    Great to hear you are infected with the runners bug :) I started with C25K too. It is a great app for beginners. I never run on the treadmill, always outside, also in the winter.

    I am a runner too, so I know how awful it is to be sidelined! I'm so sorry to hear about your injury, I hope you can get back into it soon. It seems like you have a great attitude about it, so that should help! I also totally know what you mean about binge eating (a big problem of mine too). You've got this! :)

    Nice to see more runners here. My attitude isn't that great though lol. I was frustrated for weeks and I still get grumpy and jealous when I see other people run ;) But it is what it is.
    Let's stop the binge eating together! We can do it.

  • DonnaDTW
    DonnaDTW Posts: 75 Member
    Love seeing how many people are going to follow a Beachbody program! I will be starting Round 2 of 21 Day Fix January 4th and to keep myself accountable I am hosting a FB Challenge group for 90 days. Pretty excited about that one.

    My plan is 1) Follow 21 Day for round 2, 2) Add PIYO to my workout routine, 3) Lose 25 pounds by my birthday in April and 4) Compete in a 5K that I did 2 years ago and best my time of 56 minutes.
  • DonnaDTW
    DonnaDTW Posts: 75 Member
    atrosper wrote: »
    I won the P90x program through a healthy rewards program at work, and had started it over the summer, and then work got super crazy because of a remodel so I stopped. I remembered on occasion, but I was just lazy. I knew the holidays were coming and just didn't want to make myself even more tired and sore than I needed to be. I work retail, and I didn't know when I was going to be working or how much, so I didn't want to push myself. Turned out for this week (week of Christmas) I wound up with just over 34 hours, and having to get up really early, and I'm a night owl, so it has been hard for me to get up and to be able to sleep. Now that the holidays are over and I gained back almost 10 lbs. of what I had lost, I need to kick myself back into gear. I will be starting P90x back up on Jan. 4, when the new season starts.

    My hubby will be starting P90X in January as well, it was his Christmas present from me...this is our year to get healthy. Best of LUCK with the program, I've seen some amazing transformations...can't wait to hear about your SUCCESS!
  • DonnaDTW
    DonnaDTW Posts: 75 Member
    SweeteeBri wrote: »
    My plans for losing weight in 2016: I WILL complete the 21 Day Fix program and the 6 wk 6 pk. Both of these are extreme challenges for me so this should be interesting :) I have a difficult time sticking to a specific eating plan and logging my food...anyone else thinks that's the reason I'm not losing weight...Lol. AND I am not a fan of Jillian Michaels at all but I'm determined to do the 6 wk 6 pk. Looking forward to seeing what kind of results I'm gonna get. As a treat for achieving these goals, I plan to purchase myself a Fitbit Surge or equivalent!!

    Starting Round 2 of 21 Day Fix...cheering you on to SUCCESS! It is a great program to really help get you started on a path of clean eating and portion control.
  • DonnaDTW
    DonnaDTW Posts: 75 Member
    I have booked my first major fitness photo shoot for April 9th so I am determined to lose 40 LBS by then; I am going to do 2 rounds of 21 Day Fix as well as my weekly gym training sessions also I plan on sticking to the meal plan my nutritionist gave to me! I want to look great in my pictures so will need to work hard!! will rock this. Glad to see so many 21 Day Fixers in our group, can't wait to see our Results!
  • DonnaDTW
    DonnaDTW Posts: 75 Member
    andy_geek wrote: »
    I did well in 2014 to break through a plateau and got down to 199 lbs in Dec 2014.
    2015 I regressed quite a bit and added on about 30 lbs so my goal for 2016 is to get *below* 199 :)

    You've got this! You have really transformed since some of our earlier are an Inspiration and I look forward to seeing you SMASH that wall again!
  • DonnaDTW
    DonnaDTW Posts: 75 Member
    SweeteeBri wrote: »
    My plans for losing weight in 2016: I WILL complete the 21 Day Fix program and the 6 wk 6 pk. Both of these are extreme challenges for me so this should be interesting :) I have a difficult time sticking to a specific eating plan and logging my food...anyone else thinks that's the reason I'm not losing weight...Lol. AND I am not a fan of Jillian Michaels at all but I'm determined to do the 6 wk 6 pk. Looking forward to seeing what kind of results I'm gonna get. As a treat for achieving these goals, I plan to purchase myself a Fitbit Surge or equivalent!!

    I am doing the 21 Day Fix too! I did 2/3 of one round in 2015, but then injured my back/left hip. (Not from the workouts - something unrelated) but have been scared to work out ever since. January 4th will be day 1 for me!

    If your coming back from an injury you may look into a program like PIYO, pilates or yoga which will allow you to tone and strengthen without the stress on back and joints. I know someone who used PIYO to get back in shape after a back injury from a car accident. Best of Luck to you as you get back into working out again!
  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    Love seeing how many people are going to follow a Beachbody program! I will be starting Round 2 of 21 Day Fix January 4th and to keep myself accountable I am hosting a FB Challenge group for 90 days. Pretty excited about that one.

    My plan is 1) Follow 21 Day for round 2, 2) Add PIYO to my workout routine, 3) Lose 25 pounds by my birthday in April and 4) Compete in a 5K that I did 2 years ago and best my time of 56 minutes.

    That's awesome!! I would join you on FB but I don't have an account. I never wanted one either :) You should host a challenge on here!! How did round 1 go for you? Any pointers/advice for those of us who are starting round 1?

  • adelinue
    adelinue Posts: 98 Member
    edited December 2015
    SweeteeBri wrote: »
    My plans for losing weight in 2016: I WILL complete the 21 Day Fix program and the 6 wk 6 pk. Both of these are extreme challenges for me so this should be interesting :) I have a difficult time sticking to a specific eating plan and logging my food...anyone else thinks that's the reason I'm not losing weight...Lol. AND I am not a fan of Jillian Michaels at all but I'm determined to do the 6 wk 6 pk. Looking forward to seeing what kind of results I'm gonna get. As a treat for achieving these goals, I plan to purchase myself a Fitbit Surge or equivalent!!

    I am doing the 21 Day Fix too! I did 2/3 of one round in 2015, but then injured my back/left hip. (Not from the workouts - something unrelated) but have been scared to work out ever since. January 4th will be day 1 for me!

    Like newbeginning said, think about PiYo by Chalene Johnson (BeachBody).
    I used PiYo to get in shape at first. I was quite overweight and the doctor warned me off any high impact program since I had weak knees (prone to injuries). After completing a one month calendar of PiYo I had become way more fit, lost around 15lbs, forgot all about my back pains (thanks to PiYo's focus on the core) and have strenghtned my knees enough to do some higher impact exercises (Altho i'm still sworn off REALLY High impact regimens like Insanity). So I do recommend PiYo for someone who's nursing an injury. Just take it easy on the hip stretches, altho i think they might do you some good ;)
    Love seeing how many people are going to follow a Beachbody program! I will be starting Round 2 of 21 Day Fix January 4th and to keep myself accountable I am hosting a FB Challenge group for 90 days. Pretty excited about that one.

    My plan is 1) Follow 21 Day for round 2, 2) Add PIYO to my workout routine, 3) Lose 25 pounds by my birthday in April and 4) Compete in a 5K that I did 2 years ago and best my time of 56 minutes.

    I've become a BeachBody junky! lol. It's just that their programs WORK. I'd be interested in your FB Challenge Group; can you PM me the details please? :)

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    My plans for the new year to continue to lose weight and for exercise:

    Ongoing from 2015
    Log daily
    Sleep at least 7 hours/night
    No Processed foods

    2016 Personal Challenge
    Daily exercise
    Run/walk 3 days/week
    Daily planning

    First, I will continue what worked well last year. Then this year, I will be focusing more on exercising and better daily organization.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    My plan is to keep working on eating as clean as possible, and track everything else. As far as exercise goes, I want to keep working on toning up more and getting stronger. To help me stay motivated and not bored I am hoping to try more fitness classes at the gym, and making a goal of trying at least one new class a month. I am also planning on running my third half marathon in May, so a lot of my fitness will be directed towards running (at least for the first half of the year).

    Clean has worked well for me too during this past year. It's exciting to see that you will be running your third marathon in May. I will be new to running this year. It's inspirational to see group members that are already running at such an excellent level.
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Things I'm Doing 2016:

    1) Decreasing chemical intake. For instance, a friend handed me some "lemon" water he had purchased. It had the aftertaste of the junk you drink in preparation for a colonoscopy. I checked the ingredients and lemon juice wasn't amongst them. This step is for both physical, mental (who knows what effects are happening due to the chemicals), and spiritual.

    2) Walk a minimum of 5,000 steps/day

    3) No soda.

    4) No sweet tea (I'm in the South, that's a bit hard)

    5) No adding sugar to things.

    6) Complete Jillian Michaels (The Screaming Lady) 90-Day Body Revolution

    7) Meditate Daily

    8) Do daily journal to check my mood in order to spot emotional triggers for binges and find ways to cope with them in a helpful manner. The hope is to get good enough to be able to end a craving before it has actually started.

    9) Very limited fast food. (Keep calorie amount within normal home meal limit)

    10) Once Michaels' program is complete move onto Les Mills' Body Pump (LOVE This program)

    11) Complete Zombies! Run! 5K training, and move back into doing story episodes of the regular Zombies! Run! game. It tracks if you're moving or not, and I got some nice shirts for this running. 1) "If Zombies chase me I'm tripping you." 2) The hardest part about the Zombie Apocalypse is pretending I'm not excited, and 3) I'm training for the Zombie Apocalypse. :)
    adelinue wrote: »
    I've become a BeachBody junky! lol. It's just that their programs WORK.

    I love BeachBody too. I picked up the new Shaun T program of Cize. It's crazy! I love it though. It also has the food container that the Fix does.

  • notquittingthistime1984
    SweeteeBri wrote: »
    My plans for losing weight in 2016: I WILL complete the 21 Day Fix program and the 6 wk 6 pk. Both of these are extreme challenges for me so this should be interesting :) I have a difficult time sticking to a specific eating plan and logging my food...anyone else thinks that's the reason I'm not losing weight...Lol. AND I am not a fan of Jillian Michaels at all but I'm determined to do the 6 wk 6 pk. Looking forward to seeing what kind of results I'm gonna get. As a treat for achieving these goals, I plan to purchase myself a Fitbit Surge or equivalent!!

    I am doing the 21 Day Fix too! I did 2/3 of one round in 2015, but then injured my back/left hip. (Not from the workouts - something unrelated) but have been scared to work out ever since. January 4th will be day 1 for me!

    If your coming back from an injury you may look into a program like PIYO, pilates or yoga which will allow you to tone and strengthen without the stress on back and joints. I know someone who used PIYO to get back in shape after a back injury from a car accident. Best of Luck to you as you get back into working out again!

    I have been cleared for regular exercise. I will have to follow Kat for the first round or 2 to keep it low impact, but other then that my doctor has no problem with the 21 day fix program
  • adelinue
    adelinue Posts: 98 Member
    Etherlily : That's an awesome plan! I did the sugar thing; it's been two months since I had white sugar and let me tell you: It's easy! I was a heavy white sugar user; i'd add three to four teaspoons in Coffee and three in tiny tea cups. At first I just stopped drinking coffee and tea and began taking banana smoothies with oatmeal. Now with midterms i'm back to coffee but i'm drinking it black without sugar; i've been off sugar for so long that it doesn't even taste that bad -I've kinda grown to like it x)

    For Cize, i got it too! But i'm not following it as a program; i'm doing it like 3 times a week simply cuz it's fun. I stop their music and puts on my own and just dance to it. It's awesome x) I thought i'd feel weird since i'm not a dancer (as in, not even when I go out) but I guess it's easier to bust a move when you're home alone lol.
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    atrosper wrote: »
    I will be starting P90x back up on Jan. 4, when the new season starts.

    My mom got me the P90X program a couple of years ago and I have never started it. Since I'm starting to work out after being a couch potato, I plan to start the new year by doing the Slim in 6 program and once that's complete I'm hoping to be at a level where I can finally start the P90X program. Keep us updated on your progress!
  • notquittingthistime1984
    cds2001 wrote: »
    atrosper wrote: »
    I will be starting P90x back up on Jan. 4, when the new season starts.

    My mom got me the P90X program a couple of years ago and I have never started it. Since I'm starting to work out after being a couch potato, I plan to start the new year by doing the Slim in 6 program and once that's complete I'm hoping to be at a level where I can finally start the P90X program. Keep us updated on your progress!

    I have slim in 6 too! It was the first beach body program I ever used! I lost 84lbs with it in about 18 months. Maybe I should dig it back out for some extra "bonus" work. It's great for the legs...
  • WicklowWanderer
    WicklowWanderer Posts: 247 Member
    Goal for 2016 is hitting my goal weight of 135 lbs and maintaining it- I'm around 17 lbs away. I'd also like to get back to running regularly, injury free.

    No special plans other than to get back on track after Christmas with what I've been doing so far- eating less and moving more. I've lost 25 pounds since August with this routine and managed it easily enough. I know now what works for me and more importantly, its sustainable for life rather than a quick fix. I know that I won't work out every day but I don't have to. Sensible eating, regular intense movement twice a week (roller derby, trail running) along with the occasional Jillian Michaels morning shred works just fine. More importantly, I still eat cheese, chocolate, the odd bit of bread and pizza. Wine, coffee. Nothing is banned. If I thought I had to give something up forever, it would be all over.

    My resting heart rate now sits around 56 bpm- it's a sign my fitness is improving which will inspire me to keep moving.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Scherzie
    Scherzie Posts: 1,190 Member
    Goal for 2016 is hitting my goal weight of 135 lbs and maintaining it- I'm around 17 lbs away. I'd also like to get back to running regularly, injury free.

    No special plans other than to get back on track after Christmas with what I've been doing so far- eating less and moving more. I've lost 25 pounds since August with this routine and managed it easily enough. I know now what works for me and more importantly, its sustainable for life rather than a quick fix. I know that I won't work out every day but I don't have to. Sensible eating, regular intense movement twice a week (roller derby, trail running) along with the occasional Jillian Michaels morning shred works just fine. More importantly, I still eat cheese, chocolate, the odd bit of bread and pizza. Wine, coffee. Nothing is banned. If I thought I had to give something up forever, it would be all over.

    My resting heart rate now sits around 56 bpm- it's a sign my fitness is improving which will inspire me to keep moving.

    Good luck everyone!

    Sounds like you are off to a great start! I've found that portion control is the key for me as well, anytime I have said that I was going to give up something it is a recipe for disaster.
  • goforit06
    goforit06 Posts: 132 Member
    My goal is to make exercise part of my week. No more excuses! I'm going to start with this challenge and make myself a priority
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