12 Day of Christmas

shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
Hello All,

I was curious is any of you guys did a 12 Days of Christmas WOD. At my gym it was:


1 muscle up...1/Pull-up/Ring Row
2 Power cleans 205/125
3 KB Swings 55/35
4 Push-ups
5 Wall Balls 20/14
6 Burpees
7 T2B......V-ups
8 Box Jumps 24/20
9 Cal Row
10(0) Meter Run
11 HSPU.....Chest to Overhead
12(0) Dubs....120 bar hops

Merry Christmas!!!!


  • Upstate_Dunadan
    Upstate_Dunadan Posts: 435 Member
    Are box opted to do a Hero WOD the day before Christmas. This looked fun and I wish we had done one leading up to it. However, throwing in a WOD like this I'm guessing might have made programming for the week tricky. Given the choice, I'd vote for a well planned week as opposed to something thrown in with a theme. But it still would have been fun :smile:
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    Yeah it was great, and you are correct, programming and setup has to be done to make sure everyone is going in some kind of flow instead of running into each other constantly. There was some bottle-necking but over-all it ran smoothly.
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    We did a version of this and it was in my first week back. I asked if we could do it again in 6 months so I can see my improvement, what a workout!
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    We did a version of this and it was in my first week back. I asked if we could do it again in 6 months so I can see my improvement, what a workout!

    Nice, do you have a list of what you guys did?
  • wendyj910
    wendyj910 Posts: 58 Member
    1 Thruster (115/75)
    2 Pull-ups
    3 Push Press (115/75)
    4 OVH Lunges (45/25)
    5 Vertical Touches
    6 Push-ups
    7 Sit-ups
    8 Cal Row
    9 Ring Dips/Dips
    10 KB Swings (53/35)
    11 Back Squat (135/95)
    12 HSPU/DB Strict Press

    We did groups of 2 and had 4 rounds. Once the group ahead of you got to 5 you started on 1. It all went very smooth. It took everyone right at 30 min to complete.
  • wendyj910
    wendyj910 Posts: 58 Member
    We did a 12 Days WOD....It was brutal. It took everyone right at 30 min to complete.

    1 Thruster (115/75)
    2 Pull-ups
    3 Push Press (115/75)
    4 OVH Lunge (45/25)
    5 Vertical Touches
    6 Push-ups
    7 Sit-ups
    8 Calorie Row
    9 Ring Dips/Dips
    10 KB Swings (53/35)
    11 Back Squat (135/95)
    12 HSPU/DB Strict Press
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member