Starting out

mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
Hello All! I just started the Body Rev on Monday...I have done other JM workouts (30 days shred, yoga meltdown) and I actually ordered the Body Revolution a couple years ago...I just decided to press play now.
Just wondering if there is anyone out there who is doing the workouts, but eating their out nutrition plan and still seeing results or if the diet part is really THAT much of an important key.
I am eating healthy, drinking lots of water and avoiding junk food...but I do not like to limit myself to specific foods.
Anyway, tomorrow is cardio for phase 1 and I am a little nervous but we'll see how it goes. I look forward to chatting with people and giving/receiving support.

I really hope I can follow through, although 90 days is a long time!!! hoping! :wink:


  • cbraun133
    cbraun133 Posts: 90 Member
    Hello! I started again on Monday as well, however I started at week 5. This is my second time through. I did not lose any weight on the Revolution but I did eat my own food and counted my calories. I would love to be your buddy throughout the next few months.
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi @cbraun133!!!

    You say you didn't lose weight, did you see any non scale results? I can't imagine you did the full 90 days and didn't see any changes at all...kudos to you for doing it again!
    I still plan to do other workouts as well throughout the 90 days. I like to take classes at my local gym so I will continue to do so which I am hoping will give me an edge up.

    This mornings cardio wasn't as bad as I thought, not sure I am a fan of it but it could be worse lol
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Hello mscote and cbraun! I started JMBR again in October. I made it through Phase 2 last time and wasn't ready to get back into intense exercise. I feel like my body is ready for it now.

    I'm finishing Phase 1 this week, but I'm only doing each of the workouts three times instead of four since I've done Phase 1 before. I'm also training for a 5K, so I've had a lot of cardio the last two months. I remembered that I also wasn't a fan of the Phase 1 cardio workout like you mscote, so I'm swapping that for my long runs on the treadmill for now. I'm hoping in Phase 2 to do JM's cardio and my runs.

    Since I stopped tracking on MFP last time, I gained some weight back, but I've managed to get rid of it in the last three months. I'm starting to see those big changes Jillian likes to mention in weeks 3 and 4! My biggest problem though is my ab strength - I feel like Phase 1 doesn't do a lot of abs and I'm not progressing fast enough for being able to hold my plank. I might have to start doing some ab work every day. I'm assuming it only gets worse in week 5, cbraun? We haven't had a lot of her favorites in Phase 1 yet that are ab killers (mountain climbers, burpees...)

    How's everyone doing on the pushups? I think my goal is to be able to do a few proper pushups by the end of the 90 days. I was hoping to be able to do them already but it's still pretty hopeless.
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Planned to wake up this morning and get the cardio done, but my body needed sleep and now I am at work for the next 9 hours plus we have a Halloween party to attend tonight. Today will be my rest day and tomorrow I will get a double workout in since I take a class at the gym but still want to follow suit with the program.

    So far so good :)
  • cbraun133
    cbraun133 Posts: 90 Member
    I lost about 10 inches all over my body and I definitely felt stronger but no pounds. As for the cardio days...I hated them. I also opted for classes, treadmill or JM kickboxing or Fitness Blender cardio workouts. I missed Friday and Saturday so I will also double up today and Start the 2nd week of phase 2 tomorrow. The pushups are very hard, I maybe get in 2 full ones before I have to drop to my knees. However, I have never been able to do a lot because my wrists are so weak. The workouts definitely get harder and harder and by the last phase it is RIDICULOUS!!!! Keep going and stay strong.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I just started it again on Sunday. I did it about 2 years ago and reallyt liked the results, though I dont think I made it to round 3. I'm not sure why, but I'm sure I'll remember as I get close. Anyway, 2 days down and feeling pretty sore.
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    The weekend was ROUGH!....We won't talk about it and let it just fade away.... :neutral:

    I did not get up and workout this morning unfortunately (the rough weekend & the time change did me in) but I don't feel too bad about it because I am taking zumba for an hour tonight-it may not be part of the program but it will have to do.

    Tomorrow morning, I am getting right back on Jillian's schedule....
  • cbraun133
    cbraun133 Posts: 90 Member
    Haha! Been there done that!!
    Starting week 2 tomorrow.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I finished Phase 1 and will start Phase 2 possibly on Friday. I've been extremely fatigued the last week or so and struggling to workout. I'm hoping to catch up on some work and sleep on the weekend so my workouts will be better again. I was running 5K a few times a week (albeit a SLOW run) and now fight to do even half that. I might have to stretch out the first two weeks of phase 2 over 3 weeks.
  • HippieST
    HippieST Posts: 2 Member
    Does anyone want to start phase one in January 2016?
  • paigecash
    paigecash Posts: 28 Member
    @HippieST I am starting on Wednesday. Sounds crazy, but I need to take my rest day on Tuesdays.
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    Hey @HippieST and @paigecash! I'm also strating it again - the last time I only made it to workout 8. Hope this time I actually finish it. Starting tomorrow. Good luck :)
  • AJ_Bordeau
    AJ_Bordeau Posts: 2 Member
    I'm late to the party, but I'm starting today, tuesday January 5. Let's do this!!!!