Checking in 6 months later

Hello again! How is everyone?

I have been reading the MFP success stories threads from my fellow 40-somethings and feeling very inspired! Damn, you guys are awesome! I know it is never too late to start over and become the best version of myself.

These days, I am doing challenging workouts that I love and finally getting my macros in order. I am finally seeing some differences in the mirror (less tummy!) even though the scale doesn't move as fast as I would like. I am investigating the details of preparing for and competing in fitness competitions. It is a far off goal, but something that is kind of fun to think about.

I am looking for friends who track their food on a daily basis. My diary is open to friends. I am on MFP every day, so if you send me a message or a reply, I will see it. I don't always "like" and comment as much as I should, so feel free to message me if you haven't seen me post for awhile.

I look forward to making this decade the best one yet!



  • Runagain_4
    Runagain_4 Posts: 97 Member
    Sent you a friend request :smile:
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    Will send you a friend request shortly. Took a break from logging over Christmas...but back at full speed now.
  • utahmomof10
    utahmomof10 Posts: 133 Member
    I'll add you as a friend. I log most every day, at least I have been for the last 3 weeks. I was pretty hit and miss for a year or so before that. I'm 41 and working to lose 15-20 more pounds. I got down to 131 in August 2014, and then that winter I ended up having a hernia surgery and put 15 pounds back on. It has been stubbornly sticking to me since then, and I decided a month ago to just get it back off once and for all. In hindsight, I'm certain I was eating too close to maintenance for my caloric output. I wasn't tracking my food, much less weighing it, and no doubt I was overestimating how much I was burning off on a daily basis, even though I have been quite active over the last year (running, cycling, weight lifting, etc.).

    I am not logging my workouts, since I'm not eating back any of those calories; I'm only logging my food. I do work out - weight lifting 3-4 days a week, running/walking 2-3 days a week, and I take a martial arts class twice a week, and will be starting CrossFit next week, which will be doing 3-4 days a week as well.

    According to my Polar activity tracker, which I got a month ago, I burn around 2200-2300 on workout days and around 1800-2000 on non-workout days. I have been eating 1300-1500 calories a day (less on non-workout days, more on workout days) for a deficit and I have managed to lose 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks, without paying too high a price on energy or strength in my lifting, so I'm pretty happy about that. I think I may need to bump my intake up a little bit once I start CrossFit, so I will probably go to about 1800 calories a day after that.