
I am so exhausted, I am drained , since i was 18 ive been trying to lose weight and failed so much, I binge eat, i feel like im not getting anywhere, I know it sounds depressing for you lovely people but I do need help, if there is anyone around I would love to be friends and help each other out.


  • Isabelpn
    Isabelpn Posts: 5 Member
    I can relate, I could also use support
  • heatherpaish
    heatherpaish Posts: 3 Member
    I'm the same. I binge and binge. I realized my whole life was turning into that. I've decided to be accountable now for those days. If I end up eating 5000 calories in a day I will track it and own that behavior. Where I used to just pretend it didn't happen. But it did.
  • RWall7563
    RWall7563 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Rebecca, I'm 46 years old and I've been struggling with binge eating for at least 20 years. I'm overwhelmed with life at the moment I have a lot of serious health issues and I just don't know what to do :-(
  • koreangiantess
    koreangiantess Posts: 4 Member
    I've been bingeing, too, lately. I did it over the weekend, and I could kind of understand. I was upset from school (I'm 29, fyi) but oddly oddly enough, it persisted yesterday. I couldn't sleep until I went to the shop at midnight, through the rain, and got about 1650 calories.

    I need to be tired. I need to be busier, I think. My schedule has fallen apart and I've too much time on my hands. Still, professional help is best, so please check in and see if I actually booked an appointment with a therapist. I know it costs money but I'd gladly give ten thousand dollars to be in a healthier relationship with food and myself.

    So goals for today: prep food, tidy room, log meals before eating, (getting back to the basics), and track down a sheet of sliding scale therapists. Reward myself with a movie (in theatre), to keep myself busy at night.

    Where was this beautiful, self reliant, go get em person these past two days? Yeesh. Well, she's here now.

    Hello, hello. This is my first post. We'll see how this goes.
  • annobrien616
    annobrien616 Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Ann I binge eat two and hate it I can be going great Loosing weight then one or two bad days and the weight is all back on
  • arlong426
    arlong426 Posts: 3 Member
    Annobrien616 I have been going through the same thing. It seems that a lot us ladies are experiencing it. Yesterday I was doing so good and was under 1000 calories at lunch time. I go to my mothers and they had pizza, pop, full sized candy bars, my favorite cookies and oreo balls that my sister had made....needless to say I didn't shy away from temptation. I enjoy everything when I eat it and binge but then I immediately feel guilty as soon as I am done. I hope you ladies have better luck today! Lets try and love ourselves a little more today! Baby steps is better than no progress at all!
  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    I have been too afraid to calculate the number of calories that I stuff in my face when my husband is out of the room. I can't take it! I was so good for so long, but feel like I too am falling apart!
  • duckypooz
    duckypooz Posts: 36 Member
    I would not dare calculate what I go through when I'm binging. Did it last night...had takeaway chocolate and ice cream....went to bed feeling so bloated and sick
  • hlcavalieri
    hlcavalieri Posts: 28 Member
    I too have a serious issue with binge eating! It's the worst feeling. If you guys are anything like me, you feel guilty and horrible about it AS it's happening, never mind the guilt i feel when I am done! Thank goodness we all have EACH OTHER to help us through it! Feel free to add me for some extra support! :)
  • duckypooz
    duckypooz Posts: 36 Member
    I don't know how to add but could do with support lol
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    I've over eaten on Christmas day and New Year's eve.
    I can't undo what I've done.
    I own it, I knew I was doing it, I chose it.
    I'm moving on from it. I won't beat myself up any further 'cause that's part of the problem.
    I'm maintaining my weight lose, minus what I have probably put on over Christmas.
    The biggest battle is just moving on and starting again.
  • duckypooz
    duckypooz Posts: 36 Member
    I too spent Xmas eve right through to last night just eating Whatever I could get my hands on.
  • VeryEirry
    VeryEirry Posts: 21 Member
    I am in a very bad place in my life. I lost 75 pounds in 2011. I have put it all back on and then some. I was able to control my cravings and exercise my willpower to keep within calorie goals. I don't know exactly what motivated me or kept me on track all that time. I just did it. Now, Here I am again, feeling very guilty and disgusted with myself everytime I look in the mirror or get dressed. My loving boyfriend has noticed my weight gain, but he is not judgemental and loves me no matter what my size. I, on the other hand, am not so loving to myself. Laziness is a big problem for me spurred by my fibromyalgia. I am quite content to stay in my bed all day on the weekends, and as soon as I get home from work at night. I have been avoiding responsibilities, and about the only time I get out of this bed is to stuff my face. And once I start stuffing, I can't stop. I want something salty, then I want something sweet, then I want something to eat, then I go back and repeat the cycle, basically eating a little bit of everything in my kitchen. After work, I have been known to drive through the Jack in the Box Drive thru and grab a jumbo Jack and two tacos with curly fries, eat them on the drive home, then prepare dinner for my sons and eat that too. At one point, I would hide the evidence, but now I just let it all hang out and eat whatever. This year, I am determined to get back in control of myself and find my self respect again. I will binge no more!!
  • underlih
    underlih Posts: 3 Member
    x-mas excuses and work challenge = 10 kg of comfort eating. I am a high achiving, educated 45 year old mother of 4 - Why am i still doing this? I feel like i am svolen snd ready to burst.

  • underlih
    underlih Posts: 3 Member
    I too have a serious issue with binge eating! It's the worst feeling. If you guys are anything like me, you feel guilty and horrible about it AS it's happening, never mind the guilt i feel when I am done! Thank goodness we all have EACH OTHER to help us through it! Feel free to add me for some extra support! :)

    AS IT happens - IT feels like a Choice and a punichment and mischife. IT hurts AS i do it.
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    I can say that at 56 I am getting a handle on my binge /emotional eating.
    The quit smoking campaign in Australia says "Every Time you quit you get a bit better at it". I think this is a helpful thing to remember. Before this time (started Sept. 2013) I had periods of up to 6 months or more free from binge/emotional eating and each time I got back onto eating mindfully I was a bit better at it.
    Our negative thinking wants us to fail. Start again and again and again.
    We only fail when we give up entirely.
    I chose to eat more Christmas day and New Years eve. Now I am back on track, I have some cravings which I will have to resist and frankly, like anything it would probably have been better that I didn't bother with the extra food in the first place. But wishing and doing are two different things.
    Try keeping a daily journal - become aware of your emotional triggers and stuff, self awareness is the answer to this mindless binging.
  • alp_19
    alp_19 Posts: 54 Member
    I deal with it as well and it's gotten out of control recently. It started a few years ago (though I guess I'd been yo-yo dieting for some time before that). A few months ago I reached the point where a day without a binge felt like a victory. I'm going to get better though. I'm improving. I'm not binging every day and I just feel much more aware and accepting of it when I do. There was a time when I'd end up crying and in bed every time it happened and now I usually can move on with my life and acknowledge it. I really feel like that's an important first step so I'm feeling optimistic at the moment. I'm hoping that we can all keep supporting each other and get through this. I'm so happy I've found this community - it's crazy how many of us deal with the exact same struggle and have to do it silently.
  • SehrA85
    SehrA85 Posts: 4 Member
    It's comforting to know I'm not the only one dealing with binge eating right now. I could blame it on the holidays, or I could own the fact that I'm just binge eating for emotional support. It's nice to see all of the support on this blog. It helps me keep things in perspective, and realize starting over isn't a bad thing. I'm glad I came across this post :-)
  • Mersie1
    Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
    I agree it helps
    To have this community to lean on! Sending hugs and high fives! May this be the year that we find ourselves talking about this in the past!!! Here's to a year w healthier coping skills!!!
  • Zari_Safari
    Zari_Safari Posts: 12 Member
    I've been struggling with binge eating for the last year or so. I'm praying that it was stress-induced due to college and that I can learn some better coping skills now that I'm finished with school and have more time to devote to being healthier. Glad to know that this group exists!