Fitbit Connected But MFP Not Adjusting Calories (0 Measured)

mommyshortlegs Posts: 402 Member
edited January 2016 in Social Groups
For Christmas I received a Fitbit Charge and after a trial wearing period, decided to exchange it for a Charge HR yesterday, to have the extra feature of heart rate monitoring.

This morning I revoked MFP's access to the Fitbit; reconnected the accounts; reinstalled the MFP app twice; etc. While the Exercise column on MFP's mobile app consistently has a placeholder for Fitbit calorie adjustments, regardless of what I try the adjustment counts steps but calories are always 0. On the other hand, my Charge didn't count steps but was registering negative calorie adjustments appropriately, I never had an issue.

Any tips?


  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    When all else fails, contact customer support? Mind you, you'll almost certainly get their canned answer to start (i.e. the stuff you've already tried), but maybe you can keep going from there until you get someone who can actually help. I'd start with MFP customer support, since it sounds like everything is fine on the Fitbit end (i.e. your numbers there look good and you're getting meal data transferring from MFP to Fitbit).
  • tialessa
    tialessa Posts: 4 Member
    I'm having the same problem with my Charge (not Charge HR) - no calorie adjustment.
    MFP is connecting (and the food diary & water is going to Fitbit), Steps are coming over from Fitbit, but no calorie adjustment. I sync the Fitbit app to the Charge, then open MFP, & nothing changes.
    I've even tried syncing the Fitbit to the UnderArmor Record & it's the same problem - MFP will connect to UA Record & register the steps that come from the Fitbit, but no calorie adjustment comes over into MFP. I never had a problem with the Pacer app registering steps + calorie adjustments.
    I've also revoked access & gone through the websites to connect MFP to the Fitbit with the exact same results.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Some additional troubleshooting notes:

    Have you looked at your MFP Exercise log page (Diary in the phone app) and checked to see if there is a Fitbit Calorie Adjustment entry? If not, then your accounts aren't syncing properly. If it is there, then check the math that MFP is using to calculate your adjustment (click the little 'i' or, in the phone app, touch the adjustment, then touch again). It may be that you don't have negative adjustments enabled and you haven't burned enough calories to get a positive adjustment.
  • mommyshortlegs
    mommyshortlegs Posts: 402 Member
    edited January 2016
    I do have negative adjustments enabled and MFP is registering Fitbit steps, just not calories, no calorie adjustment of any kind whether positive or negative. I'm hoping as I'm apparently not alone in this issue it is something server-side which will resolve itself soon.

    Thanks for your feedback!
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    This is apparently a known issue right now. There's a sync delay. I am getting some, but not all steps. Right now I am missing 2k of them.
  • tialessa
    tialessa Posts: 4 Member
    NancyN795, thanks for the notes. I checked & apparently MFP thinks the calorie count from Pacer is good & gives an adjustment, but the counts from Fitbit & UA Record are bad & would require a negative adjustment. Considering I'm getting more steps with the Fitbit than with Pacer it's a bit annoying. I'll keep using Pacer until the issue with Fitbit's resolved.

    As with mommyshort, my issue is that the Fitbit steps are registering with MFP, but no calories.
  • mariatribble
    mariatribble Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same issues. MFP info goes over to fitbit app just fine. Fitbit steps/calories are not showing in my MFP app. When I click on devices and fitbit tracker it gives me the options to "disconnect" or "buy" which suggests it is still connected. Any help?
  • kaylajane11
    kaylajane11 Posts: 313 Member
    I am having this issue as well. Apparently they are working on it.
  • gayelin
    gayelin Posts: 2 Member
    I'm having the same trouble with my Fitbit One. MFP app does not use my Fitbit steps and shows steps as being tracked by my Iphone. I've clicked on add a device and selected Fitbit tracker and I also get the option to "disconnect" or "buy" which means it's connected. So frustrating!
  • lisarenee1982
    lisarenee1982 Posts: 1 Member
    My Charge isn't syncing with MFP. MFP is missing 2,397 steps and Fitbit isn't showing any of my meals (Calories) from MFP. I relinked, but no luck. Hopefully, MFP will resolve the delay soon.
  • kaylajane11
    kaylajane11 Posts: 313 Member
    My Charge isn't syncing with MFP. MFP is missing 2,397 steps and Fitbit isn't showing any of my meals (Calories) from MFP. I relinked, but no luck. Hopefully, MFP will resolve the delay soon.

    If you click on the link I posted above it says not to unlink and relink as it will not resolve the issue. They are aware of it and working on it.
  • minniestar55
    minniestar55 Posts: 350 Member
    They may have sorted it, my Exercise has just synced over from FitBit to MFP. Fingers crossed!
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    For those new to the Fitbit/MFP universe - this happens occasionally. When it does, not everyone is affected, but if you are it is supremely frustrating. If they've posted an announcement about it (as they have today) then there's really nothing you can do but wait. With all the new Fitbits that people received for Christmas, I'm guessing they're not able to keep up with the volume.
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    gayelin wrote: »
    I'm having the same trouble with my Fitbit One. MFP app does not use my Fitbit steps and shows steps as being tracked by my Iphone. I've clicked on add a device and selected Fitbit tracker and I also get the option to "disconnect" or "buy" which means it's connected. So frustrating!

    I had this issue after disconnecting and reconnecting the app. For the iOS app, select the 'more' section in the bottom right hand corner, then select the 'steps' option, and choose your fitbit as the device. It might solved that issue for you, as it usually defaults back to the iphone step counter.
  • tialessa
    tialessa Posts: 4 Member
    Mine's still has the issue. Steps are coming over from Fitbit, but no adjustment. If I change it back so the Steps are coming over from Pacer (as I did before I got the Fitbit), no issue. Steps from Pacer have always shown positive calorie adjustments throughout the day.