Introduce yourself, tell us your goals...

SKalltheway Posts: 35 Member
edited January 2016 in Social Groups
... and how you'd like the group to help you, and how you can help the group!

** sheesh I need to follow my own 'rules'... this is my third edit!***

M / 48
Starting weight: 221 (~ Jan 1)
Goal weight: ~ 185 (summer 2016)

How I plan to get there
  • daily kcal limit of ~ 2000kcal
  • daily exercise expenditure of ~ 300 - 500 kcal (combo of all facets of fitness - strength, flexibility, endurance, balance etc.)
  • this should result in ~ 1.5 lbs/week loss
  • I really want to be balanced in my approach. Its a marathon, not a sprint. Develop habits that will last my life, not for 'this diet.'

How you can help me :-)
  • would love some people to gently/forcefully! remind me to NEVER GIVE UP
  • help when i do slip - if my kcal for a day is above my goal (sometimes much higher), that its just one day/one meal, and not to throw away all the hard work that came before, and will come after!
  • if you really want to - look at my daily food logs and comment :-)

How I can help you?
  • any way you'd like
  • (hangs head) I have a degree in clinical nutrition, so I can help with nutrition advice
  • in a previous life I was a pretty decent athlete, and have some good broad knowledge about exercise physiology


  • charlottesky254
    charlottesky254 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi :)

    I'm Charlotte

    SW: 161
    CW: 154
    GW: 133

    - Stick to calorie limit of 1500
    - Sleep more = more energy and less comfort eating
    - Cut down on all drinks with calories in making smarter swaps
    - Hit my step goal even on days when I'm not at work

    I will endeavour to keep y'all accountable if that's what you need and I would love for you guys to do the same! My worst habbit is not logging for one day and then continuing that trend for the rest of the week/weekend.. all because I missed one day! 2016's goal is to get straight back on the horse the moment I realise I've fallen off!

    I also really enjoy having a nosey at other people's food diaries so please poke around in mine and give me a slap on the hand every time you see Coca-Cola in there! ;)

  • SusanLR9
    SusanLR9 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, everyone. Thanks so much for setting this up, Steve.

    F / 55
    Starting weight: 199 (~ Dec 2012)
    Ideal Weight: 135 (~August 2014)
    Current Weight: 158
    Goal weight: ~ 140 (spring 2016)

    How I plan to get there
    Following the 10 day plan (and then long term) from the fantastic (and extremely sensible) book The Diet Fix by Dr. Yonni Freedhoff
    17,000 steps / day
    Strength training 3x/week
    Interval training on treadmill 2 x/week
    Yoga 2 x/week
    Sleeping 7 hours/night

    At 55 I am really motivated to feel great...full of energy, strong, flexible and happy with how I look. And to maintain all of this long term.

    How you can help me
    I agree with Steve, please remind me to never give up and that a slip-up is just a one-time thing and not a reason to give up.

    How I can help you?
    I can be a cheerleader, and supporter. Not too good at negativity or nagging.

    Good luck!
  • sutibo
    sutibo Posts: 71 Member

    Male /43
    Starting Weight: 245lbs (1/1/2016)

    230lbs by End of Feb
    220lbs by End of April
    200lbs by End of July

    How I plan to get there:
    - Build good habits that fit in with my lifestyle.
    - Eat calorie deficit of about 500 cals (1lb a week)
    - Watch calories and nutrients rather than food names and good/bad food.
    - Burn 500 calories a day in exercise (mostly walking to/from work at the moment) (1lb a week).

    How you can help me:
    Share you ups and downs with me - lets me know I'm not alone in having ups and downs.

    How I can help you:
    Be open and honest about what I'm doing, how I'm doing - share my experiences good and bad, and have a bit of a chuckle along the way.
  • sutibo
    sutibo Posts: 71 Member
    Hi :)
    My worst habbit is not logging for one day and then continuing that trend for the rest of the week/weekend

    This is me - oh I've missed my protein for today may as well eat cake by myself in the dark for the rest of the day, suddenly it's 2 months down the line.

    I've realised I don't like being knocked off my routine (I always thought I was fun and happy go lucky - seems not)
  • zeeengele
    zeeengele Posts: 16 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hiya everyone

    Starting weight: 196

    Mini goals
    Feb: 180
    March: 175
    April: 170
    May: 165 and so on... until i'm finally and confident in my own skin

    How I plan to reach my goals

    Work out 6 days a week, HITT, fasted cardio and lifting
    log in MFP daily
    Up my water intake
    Eat as clean as possible

    How you can help me

    Share your struggles and experiences with me, being a motivator for when I feel like giving up and holding me accountable for when my food diary looks naughty - I like the odd treat here and their.

    I can help you by encouraging and motivating you when it gets tough, and sharing my experiences with you so your not alone.

  • Mjg2016
    Mjg2016 Posts: 27 Member
    MJG2016- Mary
    Female/ 58 years old- Sellers, Alabama
    Starting weight: 215 (Jan 2016)
    Goal weight: 125 (Jan 2017)

    How I plan to get there?
    Well, I just hopped aboard the MFP train 5 days ago. I have a lot of weight to lose. 90 lbs!
    Daily calorie limit ~ 1,200 calories
    Exercise on my new Sole E35 a minimum of 3 days a week and take brisk walks outdoors where I live down in the country as often as possible
    Commit to healthy eating habits and making healthy eating and exercise my new lifestyle
    Receive encouragement and online support from my new MFP friends

    How you can help me?
    Share what is working for you
    Encourage me on my long weight loss journey

    How I can help you?
    I will pray for you!
    I can encourage you through MFP
  • x311Tifa
    x311Tifa Posts: 357 Member
    Upper State NY
    Starting weight:283.6 (Jan 1 2016)
    Goal weight 150 (whenever I get there healthily)

    How I plan to get there
    • Honestly, I plan on just tracking. I need to continue actually logging and working out. I had this idiotic belief that after 2 weeks of trying, I'd be set. Well, it doesn't work like that. So, epiphany time happened and this train isn't stopping. I need to claim my life back or I'm going to be diabetic (dad was pre-diabetic when he was a larger guy. Had surgery to change it. I refuse to think I need a surgery to fix me. It's my fault, I need to change) and expecting a heart attack (runs in the family).
    • I plan on exercising on a consistent basis. So far I'm on 30-40 minutes of cardio because I'm working on stamina and mileage (I signed up for "Run the Year 2016"). Turns out that 3 times in a month doesn't do anything either. So! My goal is a 10k by summer and a half by the end of the year. If I really go for it, I can do it.

    How you can help me :-)
    • would love some people to gently/forcefully! remind me to NEVER GIVE UP. Trust me, you'll see me post a comment about it or come here and say something. I can't fail this time. I WON'T.
    • If you wanna toss some encouragement at random, it'd be awesome. I plan on doing the same.
    • if you really want to - look at my daily food logs and comment when I actually put them in there.

    How I can help you?
    • Once again, tossing random encouragement to people.
    • Checking out food logs and whatnot, trying to help ya along (and maybe steal food ideas)
    • Whatever you really need. If you need a venting spot, I'll be there. I'm pretty consistent at answering messages. Unless I'm asleep or at work, I'll be there.

  • ErinKay_RN
    ErinKay_RN Posts: 40 Member
    edited January 2016
    F / 31
    Starting weight: 208
    Ideal Weight: 140
    Current Weight: 204
    Goal weight: 140

    How I plan to get there
    Exercising 5-6 days/ week. Keeping my calories around 1300/day and eating clean

    How you can help me
    Hold me accountable! Call me out if I start skipping logging my meals or working out.

    How I can help you?
    I am fairly knowledgeable about nutrition and exercise. I am a cardiac nurse and moonlight occasionally as a psych nurse so I actually do a lot of helping people set realistic goals and steps that will help them reach them.
  • Back4Good2016
    Back4Good2016 Posts: 53 Member
    Height: 6ft1
    Starting weight 282 lbs (1st Jan)
    Current weight 274 lbs
    Goal weight 212 lbs
    Ideal weight 190 lbs

    How I reach my goal:
    Exercise every day 1000 cals
    Watch what I eat 1500 cals max
    Log everything
    Weigh myself every day
    Avoid situations where I may stray

    How can you help me:
    Support really!
    Tell me if you think I'm doing something wrong! I accept any advice.

    How can I help you:
    You'll get my support and friendship. I'll be honest if I think you're doing something wrong.

    My English isn't really good but I'm sure you understood me!
  • tlulabelle
    tlulabelle Posts: 2 Member
    Starting Weight: 186 (Jan 7th)
    Goals: Feb 1st 179 lbs
    June 3rd 160 (my 30th bday!)

    How I'm going to reach my goals:
    Log onto MFP track cals
    Exercise at LEAST 3x's a week and start to incorporate weight training
    DON'T beat myself up if I make a mistake (this is usually what destroys me)
    Being honest with myself

    How you can help me:
    Share you stories, successes and struggles as well as any tips, tricks or advice that could help along the way!

    How I can help:
    Being supportive and sharing my struggles with everyone so we know we're not in this together!

    This isn't my first rodeo but I'm hoping that by joining a group like this (something that I actually haven't tried doing in the past) I can stay on track and help others do the same. Let's GO!
  • Dibben9
    Dibben9 Posts: 35 Member
    Height 5'8
    Starting weight (this year) 240lbs
    Current weight
    Target weight 175lbs

    How am I going to do it?
    Log every day on MFP to help me track cals
    Use my Fitbit and aim to hit/increase my step target
    Cycle more - try to commute at least twice a week (20 mile days)
    Enjoy the odd 'treat' day bit try to have these on cycle days.

    How can you help me?
    Support. Like/comment so I know folk are paying attention
  • SusanLR9
    SusanLR9 Posts: 44 Member
    Dibben9 wrote: »
    Height 5'8
    Starting weight (this year) 240lbs
    Current weight
    Target weight 175lbs

    How am I going to do it?
    Log every day on MFP to help me track cals
    Use my Fitbit and aim to hit/increase my step target
    Cycle more - try to commute at least twice a week (20 mile days)
    Enjoy the odd 'treat' day bit try to have these on cycle days.

    How can you help me?
    Support. Like/comment so I know folk are paying attention

    Hi, David...I'm paying attention! I'm tracking steps and using a Fitbit too. I'm impressed with all the cycling you do. And treats are important. You probably need more calories on your cycle days. Good luck!
  • charlottesky254
    charlottesky254 Posts: 14 Member
    Just quickly wanted to add: apologies if I don't post in the discussions/forums much- I have limited access to the web version and mostly just use the app on my phone! Promise to try to check in once a week but will continue to like/share/encourage/nudge on the "wall" or whatever it's called on here. Hope that's ok :smile:
  • SKalltheway
    SKalltheway Posts: 35 Member
    No problem Charolette! I just realized the mobile app has no 'community' stuff in it :-(