Erinkay_RN v.s. Dibben9 v.s. SKAllTheWay 40lbs lost challenge :-) (others join too!)
Challenge has been accepted by Erin, Dibs and Steve -- race to 40lbs lost. =========== Looking forward to the friendly motivation!!!!! My goal is to get there by say May 15th (or sooner). I have a week in Vegas next week coming up that may delay me a bit!
Check in?
So I've noticed lately a big drop in MFP participation among my friends. I recently went through my friends list to check on some that haven't logged in in a while but it seems even those of us who are on here every day have been quiet. I know warm weather is here so maybe we're all busy enjoying it but my fear is that…
Gone Quiet?
Hey! Hello everyone. Our group has gone a bit quiet. How is everyone and how's your progress going?
Accountability post
We're almost 2 months in, How's it going for everyone? Have you had any setbacks? Are you meeting your goals? Anything our group can do to keep you more accountable? I had a nasty cold this month and couldn't work out for nearly 2 weeks between sinus and chest congestion. I felt awful that I wasn't working out, but I'm on…
So... How did everyone do in January? Did you meet your expectations for the month and what are your goals for this one? What will you do to meet them? I'm satisfied with January. I changed my eating habits and I'm really happy with that. It's not a diet, I'm just choosing leaner meats, lots of vegetables, and drinking…
Today's workout - tell us about your workout
So let's have a thread about people's workouts. Tell us your plan for today, what your workout is, what your goals are. Brag about your achievements, your frustrations. No judging here, just support and advice.
Week 3?
How is everyone doing, so far? Staying motivated? Are we doing a good job keeping each other accountable?
What is going to be your biggest challenge/ barrier to reaching your goals?
I think I will have two, they have dogged me for years, and trip me up over and over... 1. Getting off track. Usually caused by my bi-weekly poker games.* Late nights (may be up to 3 or 4am), usually Im in bed by 10pm!! * Beer and lots of junk food EVERYWHERE Its easy to resist the first hour or two. Then I start to wear…
New week - target?
Week 3 (for me)... My target continues to be eat healthy, keep the steps up and get back on the bike - snow/ice has stopped me on the last week! Only 3 months till my first big cycle of the Year - Etape Loch Ness (67mile cycle around Loch Ness). What is everyone else's plans?
Commitments for the week?
Would anyone else like to make commitments for the week that we can review at the end of the week? I know it will help me to have some accountability to our accountability group, so here are mine: - Journal all food eaten every day - Work out with weights three times - Yoga three times - Cardio at gym twice - 17,000…