Weigh In #3

lmitchellf Posts: 110 Member
Alright imgurians, weigh in 3. I weighed in at 161.3 today, only a 0.3 loss, but a loss all the same. I'm gaining nice muscle mass so I'm not gonna complain. Good luck everyone.


  • Sarilare
    Sarilare Posts: 2 Member
    179, down from 185 last Friday. I didn't weigh in last round since I'd only been going for 2 days.
  • Chinita7187
    Chinita7187 Posts: 11 Member
    269.8 Down from 270 last week. It may be more but I forgot to weigh before eating this morning.
  • marsdahl
    marsdahl Posts: 24 Member
    194 - 1 lb down and 0.3% body fat :)
  • Xannedoe
    Xannedoe Posts: 48 Member
    211.6 :) joined at 220 so :smiley: progresssss
  • dropdeadkate
    dropdeadkate Posts: 27 Member
    194 down from 195.6

    Probably would have been more but I partied all weekend. Oops
  • HiSkyfish
    HiSkyfish Posts: 28 Member
    280, nothing lost yet.

    Two days late, but I thought I should post. I finally caved and bought a scale Monday. It was higher than I thought. I swore I would never be this big. I weigh more now than I did when I was pregnant 6 years ago by 15lbs. Not only did I gain the weight back that I lost last winter-spring, but 25 extra pounds. This *kitten* sucks. :s
  • inspiritedmama
    inspiritedmama Posts: 13 Member
    Down 4lbs this week :D My personal weigh in day is different, I'll try to remember next round to post on the right day.

    Been focusing on portions, eating when I'm hungry, and going to the gym regularly. I feel fantastic!
  • lmitchellf
    lmitchellf Posts: 110 Member
    I'm so happy to see everyone losing and feeling good!! This is a tough battle for a lot of us and I love seeing all the support!