How many calories? Do you stick to macros?

I'm nosy when it comes to other people's food diaries and was just wondering how many calories you guys are on and where you got that number from? I'm currently on 1600 cals, previously when i first joined mfp I started on 1200 which on reflection was not enough calories for me, especially as I was doing insanity 6 days a week. I find 1600 much more maintainable, especially as I'm currently training for a Marathon.

I stick to high protein/fat and low carbs on rest days and just have carbs post work out on training days, a concept I took from the body coach plan.


  • riveragirl15
    riveragirl15 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey! I'm trying to mini bulk, so I'm at 1800. I'm 5'5'' and about 137 lbs, for perspective. I usually hit 1700 if I don't plan out my day, which is sometimes annoying.

    My macros are 135c/60f/180p. I usually eat my main carbs for breakfast, or in a high(er) carb protein bar before workouts so I don't starve lol.

    Carbs are so good I want them all.
  • wykkedtruth
    wykkedtruth Posts: 47 Member
    Im at 140c/45f/140p I have problems hitting my protein or going over carbs by a few. Carbs are my favorite. I also love them all.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    I guess I'm super high carb? Sometimes I can eat up to 245g of carbs if I'm on maintenance (I am right now because I'm sick). I generally end up around 200c/30f/55p normally with a day to day allowance of 1400ish calories + half my exercise calories back. My percentages are usually something like 55% carbs, 20% fat and 25% protein.

    Note: I have IBS so that affects what I can and can't eat.
  • simplycidalia
    simplycidalia Posts: 46 Member
    At the moment, I'm doing 1200 calories (I'm 5'3" and 42 years old) and aiming for a maximum of 25% carbs (aiming's a work in progress). I do intend to eat back calories when I work out. I maintain my weight at 1600 calories, so I can't really increase at this point.

    Once I'm at or close to my goal weight, I intend to up the calories as well as the carbs and adding in some more serious weight training.

    I'm going to be leaning into a more Paleo style of eating. I've tried all sorts of food combinations, and I felt best on Paleo (80/20) -- (I also have IBS like glassofroses)

  • stephchadz
    stephchadz Posts: 143 Member
    Right now I am 1400 Calories for a half pound a week loss (21, 5'4", 139). I don't really pay attention to my macros that much aside from protein. I just have them set to the recommendations on here.
  • lizkharvey
    lizkharvey Posts: 65 Member
    I'm at 1100 calories a day (I don't work out at all, so I don't get hungry), and I do high protein, then carbs, and then fat. I can lose like a pound or half pound a week. If I start seriously working out one day, I will up my calories.
  • MallisaMott
    MallisaMott Posts: 30 Member
    I have mine set to 1700. My TDEE is around 2200 and I do 4-5 CrossFit workouts a week so I'm constantly encouraged by others not to go under 1700 (although I constantly wonder if I should).
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    My TDEE is about 2000 and I work out 3 days a week (cardio and lifting). I'm at TDEE - 20% for 1600 and aiming for 35% P/30% F/ 35% C assuming I get 120 grams of p.
  • missxlisa
    missxlisa Posts: 70 Member
    I have mine set to maintenance (1800ish). When I work out I eat back those calories. My deficit comes from breast feeding my daughter, which burns 200-500 cals per day. I don't really pay attention to my macros, I just make sure to include carbs & protein at every meal to help me stay full. But besides that, if it fits in my calorie goal, I will eat it.
  • linneamccain
    linneamccain Posts: 5 Member
    I'm doing 1200. I'm not really checking the carb/protein ratio, but keeping to whole foods (some people call it clean eating). So I'm not eating anything that's commercially processed and no white flour or white rice. I do boot camp 3x/week and am training for the Disney Princess Glass Slipper Challenge so run (really - it's more of a brisk walk) 3-4 days/week. The calories was based on the recommendation of my GP and also my registered dietitian because despite the low calories, I'm only losing 1-2 pounds/week. Seems I have a slow metabolism, but I'm also almost 50 so....
  • hh353
    hh353 Posts: 37 Member
    I do 1200 cal wk - I workout 3x a week - 30 min cardio then 1 hour of weight lifting. I loose 3 lbs a week doing this - I also have a cheat day to shake up my metabolism on Fridays. Some people may frown on the cheat day - but it keeps me on track knowing Friday I can stray! I don't go crazy - I just may have ice cream, cake etc. And not the whole gallon! Lol