Hypothyroid noob here!

Hi guys! I'm Ashley, 32, mom of 3 and 2 stepkids, from Arkansas. Just getting started and hoping to lose 43 lbs (lost 4 of that so far), and get my figure back. I'm tired of having a mom butt! Lol! I want to say I'll exercise, but I'll pretty much a couch potato, besides the usual chasing my 11 month old around and running errands all over town. Right now I'm taking it slow... Less eating, watching what I eat, and that's about it. I now have diabetes, as well as other health issues (including hypothyroidism), so I'm just tired of this lifestyle and who I've become. Feel free to add me if you'd like!


  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    Hello, Ashley! Welcome to MFP and the thyroid board. Sorry to hear about your health issues but you're on the path to a healthier lifestyle. I too have hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed last summer. I had a nasty bout of thyroiditis about 15 years ago, which weakened my thyroid and now it's giving out. I hope you've found a good doctor and that you're being helped by meds. I've found the people on this forum to be very helpful. I'll send you a friend request.
  • AtomicCupcake1
    AtomicCupcake1 Posts: 65 Member
    Sounds good! And thank you for the warm welcome! :smile: I recently started seeing a new doctor, and he's amazing and in top of every issue. He's got me on a t3 and a t4, which is what I needed for so long, but no other doctor would listen. I'm not 110% sure, but I think mine is autoimmune (Hashimoto's). I've been on medication and was diagnosed since 2007.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Welcome aboard! Finding a good doctor is one of the most challenging issues associated with thyroid disorders, so you're well on your way. I'm a strong proponent of Kaizen - small changes, so continue to take it slow and don't do anything dramatic. Dramatic changes never hold long term and people end up discouraged and defeated. Make small changes and small goals, celebrate victories and set the bar a bit higher each time.